TOPIC: Pentagon Witness List
Pentagon Witness List 06 Sep 2012 21:01 #2456
Pentagon Witness List...no more numbers games.
z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/index.php?showtopic=1863 Thanks to Stefan and Harry. It's too large to post all of the information here. Do what you will with the list and feel free to ask questions. Onesliceshort |
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:06 #2460
I've attempted to place all alleged witnesses in the area of the Pentagon on 9/11 under the one roof.
The legwork and background investigation was done by CIT. I've broken the list down alphabetically, with a summation at the end of each individual list. There then follows a breakdown of the overall alleged witness pool. 1. Witness A Breakdown 2. Witness B Breakdown 3. Witness C Breakdown 4. Witness D Breakdown 5. Witness E-F Breakdown 6. Witness G-H Breakdown 7. Witness I-J Breakdown 8. Witness K-L Breakdown 9. Witness M-N Breakdown 10. Witness O-P Breakdown 11. Witness R Breakdown 12. Witness S Breakdown 13. Witness T-Z Breakdown General Breakdown: 1. Overall Numbers 2. 41? 3. Contradictions 4. Media Disinfo, Misinfo, Embellishment and Bias 5. Physical Reaction 6. Connections and Control |
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:07 #2461
Witness A breakdown
Abshire, Marc Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Air Force Lt. Col. Marc Abshire, 40, a speechwriter for Air Force Secretary James Roche, was working on several speeches this morning when he felt the blast of the explosion at the Pentagon. His office is on the D ring, near the eighth corridor, he said. "It shot me back in my chair. There was a huge blast. I could feel the air shock wave of it," Abshire said. "I didn't know exactly what it was." Inside the Pentagon. Not a witness to the alleged impact. Aman, George Source: Center for Military History "I thought it was going to hit this building here (Edit: ANC buildings). So I was just looking out here and I see this airplane coming down here and I thought it was coming, going to hit this building. And I said good God Almighty. So I'm just petrified. I'm looking. The plane flies right over the parking lot here... When I seen he was kind of turning and gliding when he came across here, across the parking lot..." http://www.thepentacon.com/neit419 Source: CIT interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs845qG6hv0 AMAN: ...I heard this loud (inaud) noise, man, I'm looking up in the air, and I see this plane just coming right at us. And I thought holy mackrell, they're going to smash right into the -- into our building! [...] AMAN: It was -- went, you know, right over -- over the, the parking lot. RANKE: The parking lot of what? AMAN: The parking lot right there by the -- by the, uh, maintenance complex. RANKE: Oh okay, of Arlington Cemetery in front of the maintenance buildings, the parking lot. AMAN: Yeah. RANKE: So you're saying it was directly over the top of that? AMAN: Yeah. Yeah. RANKE: Now, let me ask you: Did you see it approach before that? Like, did you see it approach perhaps before the Navy Annex? AMAN: Oh yeah. Well, right at about the Navy Annex is when I, you know, the noise was getting so loud, you know? And I was lookin. And right -- It came right over the top of the Navy Annex. RANKE: Right over the top of it? AMAN: Yeah. Directly right over it, you know? It came in and made it -- his approach that way. Like I say, I thought it was going to smash into our building right there. RANKE: Okay, so it looked like it was headed towards the maintenance buildings there then. AMAN: Right, right. [...] AMAN: ...by the time I seen it, you know, I -- I focused in on it coming in. I said Holy Christ, it's gonna hit us. And, then it went right over the parking lot. And then, Blammo, into the... RANKE: Okay, well let me ask you this. You know where the Citgo gas staiton is, right? AMAN: Yeah. RANKE: Did it look like it was to the north or the south of the Citgo gas station. AMAN: It was right in between -- in between the Citgo gas station and -- and the, the maintenance complex. RANKE: Okay, so the north of the gas station. AMAN: Right over the parking lot there. Overhead of area with NOC witnessed flightpaths and Aman's POV: http://i511.photobucket.com/albums/s360/Li...ness-Overhe.jpg Anderson, Steve Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html "I witnessed the jet hit the Pentagon on September 11. From my office on the 19th floor of the USA TODAY building in Arlington, Va., I have a view of Arlington Cemetery, Crystal City, the Pentagon, National Airport and the Potomac River. ... Shortly after watching the second tragedy, I heard jet engines pass our building, which, being so close to the airport is very common. But I thought the airport was closed. I figured it was a plane coming in for landing. A few moments later, as I was looking down at my desk, the plane caught my eye. It didn't register at first. I thought to myself that I couldn't believe the pilot was flying so low. Then it dawned on me what was about to happen. I watched in horror as the plane flew at treetop level, banked slightly to the left, drug it's wing along the ground and slammed into the west wall of the Pentagon exploding into a giant orange fireball. Then black smoke. Then white smoke. http://www.jmu.edu/alumni/tragedy%5Frespon...5Fmessages.html This appeared on the internet almost a month after the event. My question is why such a graphic account from the Director of Communications of USA TODAY did not make it into any of the Gannett publications? Discussed here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/index.php?s...dpost&p=2254603 And here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/LooseChangeForums...c/806333/1/#new - " I watched in horror as the plane flew at treetop level, banked slightly to the left, drug it's wing along the ground and slammed into the west wall of the Pentagon" First off, he allegedly saw these details, particularly the "left" bank he described and the wing "drug...along the ground" from here? http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/3769/gannetview.png Secondly, barring the fact that the lawn wasn't marked, at what point in the official time of 0.4 seconds it allegedly took to cross the lawn did he garner these details? http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/lyt...tanimxox1rt.gif Claims to have witnessed alleged impact but the claims by the Arlington Fire Station of the fire alarm being set off in his building before the explosion needs to be resolved. And "heard jet engines pass our building"? This was allegedly during the national groundstop at all airports. Finally, his account appeared online weeks after the event on a university website yet this media executive for USA Today wasn't quoted once by his own publication in the days afterwards? Why? Anderson, Ted Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Lt. Col. Ted Anderson : "We ran to the end of our building, turned left and saw nothing but huge, billowing black smoke, and a brilliant, brilliant explosion of fire." (...) One of the Pentagon's two fire trucks was parked only 50 feet from the crash site, and it was "totally engulfed in flames," Anderson says. Arrived after the event. Not a witness to the alleged impact. Anlauf, Deb & Jeff Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html "Watching from floor 14 window of her hotel room in the Sheraton Hotel" "Suddenly I saw this plane right outside my window. You felt like you could touch it; it was that close. It was just incredible. Then it shot straight across from where we are.." This is a shot (zoomed in) from the 14th floor: http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u422/c...ba62d8af3d3.jpg Analauf is a possible "over the Navy Annex" witness. What needs to be confirmed is which point or at what angle the plane traversed this building. All ANC witnesses (among many more) confirm that the plane flew over this point. Interestingly, the following statement points to her not actually describing the plane hit the building, but seeing the fireball: "It was just this huge fireball that crashed into the wall (of the Pentagon)." Slip of the tongue or an idea of what she actually saw? What needs to be remembered is that assumptions should never be made from media quotes (which I've been guilty of) as we don't know where she was in the room when she first saw the aircraft. At the window? Here? http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u422/c...da85056c84f.jpg Needs to be interviewed. Jeff Analauf allegedly felt the blast from within the Sheraton Hotel. http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Jeff didn't feel the impact of the plane crash as directly as his wife. He was attending an environmental meeting on the second floor of the hotel when the plane struck the Pentagon. About five seconds before the crash, Jeff said he heard the sound of "tin being dropped," likely as construction workers building an addition to the hotel saw the plane and dropped their building materials. "Then, about 5 seconds later, the whole hotel shook," Jeff recalled. "I could feel it moving. We said 'Oh, my gosh, what's going on?' " Jeff saw nothing. Lt. Col. Stuart Artman Source:Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html "Walking near the Washington Monument" http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/b465/K...on/monument.jpg In relation to the Pentagon: http://cdn4.wn.com/ph/img/94/5c/da1fc61945...1c17-grande.jpg "I saw the plane that hit the Pentagon. It went behind some trees." The Ledger (Lakeland, FL) (Lexis-Nexis - Joy Murphy) Source: Jeff Hill interview ARTMAN: Well, I saw the plane -- or A plane -- and if you just look around the sky you see planes all the time, so divert my attention to something else. And then it was only a mere-- few min-- seconds later if you will that I saw the smoke plume if you will coming from the Pentagon. Cause you can't see the Pentagon directly from the Washington monument. (...) ARTMAN: Yeah, I-- I didn't see any other plane. And you know when something like that happens, you never can anticipate what's gonna happen next. So you see a plane, you're at the monument looking at the monument and your attention is focused somewhere else, and then, in a matter of seconds later, you see a smoke plume, and then the world shuts down. So, what-- what could it be? Did I actually see it hit? No. Cause you CAN'T. Not from that vantage point. Stated that he didn't, nor was in any position to see the alleged impact. Breakdown A: 7 alleged witnesses - inside Pentagon during event - 1 - not there - 1 = 5 - could not physically see Pentagon - 1 - Jeff Anlauf - could not physically see Pentagon and stated so - 1 - Artman = 3 alleged impact witnesses allegedly in a position to see - George Aman - NOC, over the Navy Annex - Steve Anderson - 2 km away - Deb Analauf - possible over the Navy Annex, vague on what she actually saw at moment of alleged impact. Breakdown B: 7 alleged witnesses 6 of which are media sourced. 1 of which is a CMH interview. 1 of which was interviewed by CIT. - Aman 1 of which was contacted by Jeff Hill. - Artman Breakdown C: 1 of which was possibly describing the East of Potomac/Washington flightpath that contradicts the official "loop" - Steve Anderson 1 of which is confirmed NOC - Aman 1 of which is a confirmed over the Navy Annex witness. - Aman 1 of which may be describing the "over the Navy Annex" flightpath - Analauf 2 of which described "ducking/diving/physical reaction to the blast" - Anlauf, Deb and Jeff ("the whole hotel shook") Breakdown D: Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government: Those who work for or have connections to the media - Steve Anderson Those who are connected to the military - Stuart Artman (Lt. Col) |
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:09 #2462
Witness B breakdown
Banton, Ralph Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html On a house porch a little more than a mile away from the Pentagon. "It sounded like it was jetting instead of slowing down." Doesn't mention seeing, nor was in any position to see the alleged impact. Battle, David Source: Media Standing outside the Pentagon just about to enter. (OSS - south or north entrance - parking lot?) "It was coming down head first," he said. "And when the impact hit, the cars and everything were just shaking." Albuquerque Tribune Online Describes concussion of blast. Does not mention and could not physically see alleged impact area. Bauer, Gary Source: Media http://www.newamericancentury.org/ http://z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/index.php?s...dpost&p=2265775 Driving into Washington DC (I395 exit lane) "I was in a massive traffic jam, hadn’t moved more than a hundred yards in twenty minutes...I was going past the Pentagon, really inching a yard or so every couple of minutes. I had just passed the closest place the Pentagon is to the exit on 395 . . when all of a sudden I heard the roar of a jet engine..it wasn’t until a few seconds later that we realized the jet was coming up behind us on that major highway. And it veered to the right into the Pentagon. The blast literally rocked all of our cars 1. He is a PNAC signatory. 2. Look at his alleged POV and remember that he claims to have been in heavy traffic and the roofline of the Pentagon is just about visible from his alleged POV. 3. He claims to have seen the aircraft "veer[ed] to the right" http://www.serendipity.li/wot/pentagon/spe...gonapproach.jpg Beans, Michael Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html "You heard this huge concussion, then the room filled with this real bright light, just like everything was encompassed within this bright light," said Beans. "As soon as I hit the floor, all the lights went out, there was a small fire starting to burn Inside the building. Did not witness alleged impact. Bease, Maurice "They saw" Source: Media http://www.standard.net/stories/2012/05/02...hought-died-911 An officer entered and told the Marines to stand by for a threat briefing. Bease asked if he could step outside for some air. He was standing on the east side of the Pentagon when he heard a buzzing sound. [OSS: East of the Pentagon is on the opposite side of the alleged impact zone] http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/4553/imagevr.jpg "It was like a jet doing a flyover," he says. "I took a quick look, and I noticed a white aircraft coming in fast toward the ground, and it looked like it was coming directly toward us. It disappeared on the other side of the building, and I heard and felt a large crash. I looked up and I could see the orange fireball coming from the roof of the Pentagon, followed by the black smoke." He was on the other side of the building. Could not physically see the alleged impact. His exact POV needs to be ascertained. Begala, Paul Source: Media Paul Begala, a Democratic consultant, said he witnessed an explosion near the Pentagon. "It was a huge fireball, a huge, orange fireball," he said in an interview on his mobile phone. He said another witness told him a helicopter exploded. AP, Washington, 9/12/2001 11:45:33 PM http://www.guardian.co.uk/wtccrash/story/0...50486%2C00.html Obviously not a witness to the alleged impact. Bell, Mickey Source : Second hand media account http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Mickey Bell : The jet came in from the south and banked left as it entered the building, narrowly missing the Singleton Electric trailer and the on-site foreman, Mickey Bell. Bell had just left the trailer when he heard a loud noise. The next thing he recalled was picking himself off the floor, where he had been thrown by the blast. Bell, who had been less than 100 feet from the initial impact of the plane, was nearly struck by one of the plane's wings as it sped by him. In shock, he got into his truck, which had been parked in the trailer compound, and sped away. Bell has never been directly quoted. This is a second hand media snippet touting the official narrative. Later in the same quote He ended up back at Singleton's headquarters in Gaithersburg two hours later, according to President Singleton, not remembering much...Bell had no idea what had happened..." Benedetto, Richard Source : Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html "Then the plane flew right over my head. I said to myself, boy, that plane is going awfully fast. That plane is going to crash .... The noise was like an artillery shell, not an explosion like a bomb...The plane went down and for a split second it was out of my line of vision because there was a bridge there and a hill. ... I didn't actually see the impact... The Hartford Courant (Lexis-Nexis) On record as stating that he didn't see the alleged impact Additional info: Richard Benedetto is an adjunct professor of Journalism. He is a retired White House correspondent and columnist for USA Today and political columnist for Gannett News Service. He began teaching at AU in 2006. He reported on local, state and national government and politics for nearly 40 years and continues to write political commentary for publications such as Politico. Benedetto is a founding member of USA Today , joining in 1982. He wrote the national newspaper’s first Page One cover story. Benedetto covered the White House during the administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. He has covered every national political convention since 1972 and every presidential campaign since 1984. http://www.american.edu/soc/faculty/benedett.cfm Biggert, Judy Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Members of Congress have been shuttled to the site to inspect the damage. Rep. Judy Biggert (R-Ill.) made the trip on Thursday. She saw remnants of the airplane. 'There was a seat from a plane, there was part of the tail and then there was a part of green metal, I could not tell what it was, a part of the outside of the plane,' she said. 'It smelled like it was still burning.' Not a witness to the aircraft. Didn't arrive at the scene until 13th September. Birdwell Brian Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Birdwell walked out to the men's room in corridor 4, a move that saved his life. He had just taken three or four steps out of the bathroom when the building was rocked. "Bomb!" the Gulf War vet immediately thought as he was knocked down. When he stood up, he realized he was on fire. "Jesus, I'm coming to see you" Not only is it a second hand account, but Birdwell was inside the building and did not see the flight of the aircraft. Boger, Sean Source: Media In the heliport in front of the Pentagon http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/lyt...portcircled.jpg Sean Boger, Air Traffic Controller and Pentagon tower chief - "I just looked up and I saw the big nose and the wings of the aircraft coming right at us and I just watched it hit the building." "It exploded. I fell to the ground and covered my head. I could actually hear the metal going through the building." The crew, Boger and Spc. Jacqueline Kidd, air traffic controller and training supervisor, prepared for President George W. Bush to arrive from Florida around 12:30 p.m. http://www.dcmilitary.com/army/pentagram/6...ws/12049-1.html Source: Center for Military History http://www.thepentacon.com/neit299 Source: CIT interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo1udtPUR1Q Or http://www.thepentacon.com/SeanBogerATC.htm "It would be on my right or the gas station's left. If I'm looking out my window ....Because I'm looking toward the gas station...it would be on my right hand side." "As he was coming towards me it just seemed like he was tilting the aircraft to his right" He said that he does not believe it was level or that low. He claims it was on a descent and that it was between the 2nd and 3rd floor (which is equal to his height in the heliport tower) rather than beneath his point of view on the first floor as depicted in the ASCE report and required by the physical damage. http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu311/b...anBogersPOV.jpg http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu311/b.../thirdfloor.jpg Boger is adamant that the aircraft hit the building but the NOC flightpath that he described, which is not open to obfuscation (alleged "parallax issues" or "perspective") contradicts this. He is alleged to have originally stated that he "fell to the ground and covered [his] head". At what point in the alleged 0.4 seconds to cross the lawn? Or the 0.2 seconds it would take to fully penetrate the facade? I have a major problem with the scenario where somebody could physically stand at a large heliport window and watch a large aircraft hurtling towards their position. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/lyt...tanimxox1rt.gif Bouchoux, Donald Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html "At 9:40 a.m. I was driving down Washington Boulevard (Route 27) along the side of the Pentagon when the aircraft crossed about 200 yards in front of me and impacted the side of the building. There was an enormous fireball, followed about two seconds later by debris raining down. The car moved about a foot to the right when the shock wave hit. I had what must have been an emergency oxygen bottle from the airplane go flying down across the front of my Explorer and then a second piece of jagged metal come down on the right side of the car." http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu311/b...ck_spacei-1.jpg I have given Bouchoux the benefit of the doubt and placed him at the point shown but he may very well have been further back. Needs confirmation but the "200 yards" distance ahead of him leans more towards NOC. Strangely he describes his car as having "moved about a foot to the right when the shock wave hit", while those driving North on the lanes closer to the explosion described no such thing (that's why I placed him in direct line with the alleged impact zone). He was allegedly in a position to witness the alleged impact but his POV needs to be further investigated - Jeff Hill phoned him and didn't ask any details whatsoever other than whether he witnessed an "impact" or not. Bowman, John Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html John Bowman, a retired Marine lieutenant colonel and a contractor, was in his office in Corridor Two near the main entrance to the south parking lot. "Everything was calm,' Bowman said. "Most people knew it was a bomb. Everyone evacuated smartly. We have a good sprinkling of military people who have been shot at." http://www.dcmilitary.com/army/pentagram/6...ws/10380-1.html Was inside the building and not a witness to alleged impact. Even described a "bomb". Brennan, Donald Source : Library of Congress interview Pentagon Police Officer Main cafeteria area http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/S?amme...nnan,+donald+)) Says he heard of plane approaching by earpiece and then got a second call to say "a plane has hit the building...but I didn't know which side" Donald Brennan was discussed in this thread: http://z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/ar/t808.htm http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu311/b...dringsblast.jpg He was in the cafeteria area on the other side of the building in the inner rings. He is not a witness to the flight of the aircraft. Bradley, Pam Source: Unverified e mail to BBC http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html "I work in Washington DC area, and was on my way to work, in my car, sitting on a bridge, and saw the plane hit the Pentagon. I am in a complete state of shock." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/talking_point/1540586.stm She was either on 14th St Bridge or Arlington Memorial Bridge headed into DC. Either way she was driving "towards DC and away from the Pentagon. http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/1437/arlingtonbridges.png No way could she physically witness an "impact". If "she" exists. Braman Chris Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Staff Sgt. Chris Braman : The lawn was littered with twisted pieces of aluminum. He saw one chunk painted with the letter "A" another with a "C". It didn't occur to Braman what the letters signified until a man in the crowd stooped to pick up one of the smaller metal shards. He examined it for a moment, then announced: "This was a jet."' Second hand media account. Not a witness to the flight of the aircraft. The "debris" has never been officially identified. Bright, Mark Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Defense Protective Service officers were the first on the scene of the terrorist attack. One, Mark Bright, actually saw the plane hit the building. He had been manning the guard booth at the Mall Entrance to the building. "I saw the plane at the Navy Annex area," he said. "I knew it was going to strike the building because it was very, very low -- at the height of the street lights. It knocked a couple down." The plane would have been seconds from impact -- the annex is only a few hundred yards from the Pentagon. He said he heard the plane "power-up" just before it struck the Pentagon. "As soon as it struck the building I just called in an attack, because I knew it couldn't be accidental," Bright said. He jumped into his police cruiser and headed to the area. http://www.dcmilitary.com/marines/henderso...ws/10797-1.html What Mark Bright is actually quoted as saying has been highlighted. Doesn't say that he directly saw the lightpoles or the building being struck. Further investigation is needed to ascertain exactly what he saw and what he could physically see. For example, the "guard booth at the Mall Entrance to the building". Is this it (where the gatecam is located or the one behind it)? Or somewhere else? http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/5698/gatecam.jpg The reason I ask is because the Mall area is to the North of the Pentagon http://rabbitsden.files.wordpress.com/2011...avy_command.gif Could he physically see the lightpoles? http://img686.imageshack.us/img686/8676/5f...elightpoles.jpg His testimony needs to be expanded upon. Brooks, Chad Source: LOC/CIT interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elKov_UZDQE NOC witness. His stated POV: http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u422/c...f46888a41b5.jpg He was parked in this area (in carpark area below US Air Force Memorial seen in background) http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u422/c...d5eb99fccb9.jpg The view from stretch of road that runs below carpark: http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u422/c...25a0b7717ff.jpg Not an unobstructed view. Brown, Ervin Source: unknown (not linked to at following site) http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html At the Pentagon, employees had heard about or seen footage of the World Trade Centre attack when they felt their own building shake. Ervin Brown, who works at the Pentagon, said he saw pieces of what appeared to be small aircraft on the ground, and the part of the building by the heliport had collapsed. Second hand account of somebody who didn't witness the flight of the aircraft. Brown, Rich Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Pentagon staff raced along a wooden pathway opposite the Pentagon building, all heading towards bridges that would take them across the Potomac River. Grown men ran at full pace. Rich Brown was sitting at his desk and "there was just a huge sound that shook the building for a second or two". "I don't know what's happened. I assume it's a co-ordinated terrorist attack." http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/08/23/1030052968648.html Inside building. He didn't know what had happened. He did not see an alleged impact. Bryceland, Frank Source: Media "WTC7 lies" http://history.amedd.army.mil/memoirs/sold.../responding.pdf "About 9:30 or so — I don't know the exact time, maybe quarter to 10 — we were still in the conference room, and we heard and felt the loud explosion of the plane hitting the Pentagon, and it reminded me of an earthquake. Around 2:00 or 3:00, after helping the fire department, they decided that we could be better utilized on the front side. We got all the litters and stretchers and so on, and we moved over to the front side. From 2:30 to about 6, again we helped by doing whatever we could to support people already there, the emergency workers and so on. But none of us were allowed back in the building. They had already organized and got whatever folks they could out of the fire earlier that day. We could not see the plane. The only thing that we saw was a piece of the front skin with the “C” from American Airlines by the little heliport control tower. There was a fire truck there that was burnt on one side, and a car, and a tree, all burnt. But, still, you could not see the plane." Is not a witness to the flightpath of the plane. Even shows incredulity that a plane "crashed" there. Burgess, Lisa Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Lisa Burgess, a reporter for the Army newspaper Stars and Stripes, said she was walking in a corridor near the blast site and was thrown to the ground by the force of the blast. [URL=http://www.neurosis.org..]http://www.neurosis.org..[/URL]. Inside the building. Did not see flightpath or alleged impact. Breakdown A: 22 alleged witnesses - inside Pentagon during event - 9 - not there - 1 = 12 - could not physically see Pentagon - 3 - Banton - Begala - Bradley - stated that they didn't/couldn't see alleged impact - 1 - Benedetto = 8 - second hand account - 1 - Bell (not quoted once) = 7 - allegedly in the area, could not see alleged impact zone - 3 - Battle - Bauer - Bease - vague testimony - 1 - Mark Bright ( vague as to whether he actually saw the alleged impact) = 3 alleged impact witnesses allegedly in a position to see - Boger (NOC, over the Navy Annex) - Bouchoux (exact POV not known) - Brooks (NOC) Breakdown B: There are 22 alleged witnesses 19 of which are media sourced 1 of which is also CMH based and verified by CIT - Boger 1 of which is also LOC based and verified by CIT - Brooks 1 of which was called by Jeff Hill - Bouchoux (fly by non descript phonecall) 1 is an unverified e mail 2 are confirmed NOC and over the Navy Annex witnesses - Boger - Brooks 2 described a sharp right bank - Boger - Bauer 5 of which described "ducking/diving/physical reaction to the blast" - Battle ("everything was shaking") - Bauer (blast "rocked all of our cars") - Bease ("felt a large crash") - Boger ("I fell to the ground and covered my head") - Bouchoux ("the car moved about a foot to the right") 1 of which would have had the aircraft in view for 1 second (OCT speed and flightpath): "the aircraft crossed about 200 yards in front of me" (Rt27) - Bouchoux 1 questioned the alleged site of an airplane crash "We could not see the plane. The only thing that we saw was a piece of the front skin with the “C” from American Airlines by the little heliport control tower. There was a fire truck there that was burnt on one side, and a car, and a tree, all burnt. But, still, you could not see the plane." - Bryceland Breakdown C: 1 of which whose account of actually witnessing the alleged impact is second hand (media) "One, Mark Bright, actually saw the plane hit the building." - Bright Breakdown D: Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government 2 work for or are connected to the media - Benedetto (Founding member of USA Today) - Burgess (Stars and Stripes) 1 is a PNAC signatory - Bauer 1 is connected to the military - Bouchoux (Retired Naval Officer) 1 was Pentagon Tower Chief - Boger 2 were DPS (Pentagon police) - Bright - Brooks 1 was a Pentagon office worker - Battle |
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:10 #2463
Witnesses C breakdown
Campo, Omar SGYDK http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html Source: Media This guy's account was butchered in translation here: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1fa23_pe...mar-campos_news This translation was further twisted by media reports: Omar Campo, a Salvadorean, was cutting the grass on the other side of the road when the plane flew over his head. "It was a passenger plane. I think an American Airways plane," Mr Campo said. "I was cutting the grass and it came in screaming over my head. I felt the impact. The whole ground shook and the whole area was full of fire. I could never imagine I would see anything like that here." First of all he was planting "small trees" at the "building beside the Pentagon here.." where it flew over his head "just above the treetops" and "on the other side of the road". Going by those descriptions can you tell where he was? Hint: there are no buildings "beside the Pentagon" on the official path within the Pentagon basin. http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu311/b...GroupsMap-3.jpg He is also quoted as a "small plane" witness when in actual fact he said that the plane appeared smaller "like a United Airlines plane", not a small passenger jet as some have claimed. A Spanish speaking poster at the CIT forum (I speak Spanish myself) pointed out the mistakes in translation here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/index.php?s...dpost&p=2241757 He is not a witness to the alleged impact and his testimony points more to the NOC flightpath. More detailed breakdown from above link: His only testimony is in this live video clip Campos interview. The guy who translated for the interviewer changed the context and content of what he said and saw. “sabes que yo estaba trabjando en el edificio que tenemos aqui al costado" I was working in the building that we have over here to the side. When asked what he saw Campos said the plane came in over him low, "so low it moved the trees.." “yo lo via que me pasaba aqui por encima, tu sabes que venia muy bajo y movia hasta los arboles, hasta segun venia tan de bajo”. He repeats the fact that it was low twice. The translator, on the other hand, changed that to say it came in “very fast down, it moved then go straight to the building”. The translator didn’t even mention it was low, which is what Campos emphasized. Campos didn’t say anything about the speed of the plane, and DID NOT say it “moved straight to the building”. The translator made that up. Also related to the color of the plane, Gordon Peterson (the interviewer) mentioned American Airlines (nothing leading there) and the translator passed that on in his question to Omar. Campos ignored them and responded that it was like one of the planes here from United ("algo asi como los de la United"), which was translated as "a United States Plane" by the translator. Omar was clearly talking about United Airlines, not "United States Plane". Omar wasn’t mixing English and Spanish like the “translator”. Had he meant a “United States Plane” he would have used “de los estados unidos” or “estado unidinese”. In effect Omar was confirming Sgt Brooke’s perception of the plane as being one from United Airlines. So where in this picture is a building "to the side of the Pentagon"and trees? It certainly isn't on the south path. So he isn't an alleged impact witness or an 'AA' witness according to this testimony Candelario, Joseph Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html ...a first year student in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program watched from the River by Fort McNair. "I noticed a large aircraft flying low towards the White House. This aircraft then made a sharp turn and flew towards the Pentagon and seconds later crashed into it." Actually contradicts the official "loop" which doesn't cross the Potomac River discussed in the following thread: http://z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/index.php?showtopic=98&st=0 The official "loop": http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/lyt...flight_path.jpg At what point in the above image does the aircraft "fly towards the White House" then make a "sharp turn...towards the Pentagon" View from White House to Pentagon: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/imagegaller...y/phpcCVt6w.jpg He was allegedly in Fort McNair: http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/6915/fortmcnair.png on the other side of the Potomac River. He can't physically see the alleged impact zone, but he certainly contradicts the official flight path that loops to the west of the Potomac River without crossing. Carroll, Susan Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html "I was standing on the platform high above the [Washington Reagan] airport awaiting a Metro subway train to my office in the heart of the district, on Constitution Avenue, admiring the lovely blue skies when I saw the plane hit and the fireball and explosion at the Pentagon." Discussed here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/index.php?s...dpost&p=1581666 Her alleged POV: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e207/Mer...ndrodriguez.jpg http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e207/Mer...aragemetrol.jpg Maybe she saw the aircraft, but she could not physically see the alleged impact. How could she? Additional info (media connections) http://www.sewallbelmont.org/womenwecelebr...j-carroll-ph-d/ Carter, Donald Source: CIT interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBT-f2Px1wA A: Me and Darrell were discussing something, um, a project over at section we were supposed to be going in for that day. And, um--- So at the time, you know, all of a sudden, we seen a plane as far as over here, over the Naval Annex? Coming from over... So, actually, you know, we spotted him then he--- The plane actually veered off, sort of like he swerved off, and then he caught... you know, got... got on track. And then he hit the Pentagon. [...] Q: Would you say it was more on, on the north side of the Navy Annex over here? Or the south side on the far other end? A: It was more like, sort of like he was centered. [...] A: We started runnin'. And then, at that time, you know, when we was runnin', I looked... I sorta kinda looked back, you know, seen the explosion. As it exploded, you know, felt the heat. Felt the heat of the explosion. [...] Q: So--- I mean--- Some people say that it was far on the other side of the Citgo. A: No. Q: What do you have to say about that? A: Well, they must didn't see it. Cause I"m, I'm standin'--- As a matter fact, I was standing right here, discussing, you know, like I was telling you. The flightpath he drew: http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/lyt.../carterpath.jpg Additional info: He contradicts the official C130 flightpath: http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/lyt...pproachgif1.gif Official C130 flightpath vs witnessed flightpath: http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/lyt...0comparison.jpg Carter is not a witness to the alleged impact. Though he saw the explosion as he looked back he did not describe seeing the aircraft strike the building. He describes the NOC flightpath and completely contradicts the official C130 flightpath Chaconas, Steve CIT interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5D2K19Y-aI Discussed here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/index.php?showtopic=98 He describes seeing the aircraft crossing the Potomac River from Washington Touched on here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/index.php?showtopic=168 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V106NvMdQY Chauncey, Don Source: Media "Arabesque" and 911Myths http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjKDNxNtk2o Discussed here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/index.php?s...dpost&p=2103686 Don: Well myself and another coworker who sits beside me, both of us were actually on the phone looking out the window when it happened and we both dropped the phone, and we picked it back up, and said we got to go, it looks like somebody…there’s been a plane crash at either the airport or the Pentagon. His POV: http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/a1fa9ddef1.jpg Very strange testimony on reading the breakdown of his account by researcher "22205" at the link above. Did not witness alleged impact. Cissell, James Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html As former Cincinnatian James R. Cissell sat in traffic on a Virginia interstate by the Pentagon Tuesday morning, he saw the blur of a commercial jet and wondered why it was flying so low. ''Right about the time it was crossing over the highway, it kind of dawned on me what was happening,'' said Cissell, son of Hamilton County Clerk of Courts Jim Cissell. In the next blink of an eye, he realized he had a front-row seat to history, as the plane plowed into the Pentagon, sending a fireball exploding into the air and scattering debris - including a tire rim suspected of belonging to the airplane - past his car. (...) In the next seconds dozens of things flashed through his mind. ''I thought, "This isn't really happening. That is a big plane." Then I saw the faces of some of the passengers on board,'' Cissell said. While he remembers seeing the crash, Cissell remembers none of the sounds. ''It came in in a perfectly straight line,'' he said. ''It didn't slow down. I want to say it accelerated. It just shot straight in.'' http://www.cincypost.com/attack/cissel091201.html Cissell refutes this media embellishment of his testimony: "The Cincinnati Post article, which you refer, angered me greatly after reading it. It is almost completely fiction based loosely on an interview I did with a Cincinnati Post reporter Kimball Perry who called me in response to an on air phone report that I did for Channel 12 in Cincinnati." Cissell relates what he actually told the reporter. "The reporter took extreme creative license not only with the title but also with the story as a whole. Why he felt the need to sensationalize anything that happened on September 11 is beyond me. My words to the reporter were, "I was about four cars back from where the plane crossed over the highway. That it happened so quickly I didn't even see what airline it was from. However, I was so close to the plane when it went past that had it been sitting on a runway, I could have seen the faces of passengers peering out." also "Looking at the trajectories in the diagrams they have online seems off to me. I remember the plane coming in more directly at the side of the building than at an angle," said Cissell. http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2...ht77.htm (dead) Further investigation needed as he places himself "four cars back" (alleged approx placement Penny Elgas gave) from where the aircraft crossed Route 27 and "coming in more directly at the side of the building than at an angle" http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu311/b...GroupsMap-3.jpg If the aircraft passed just in front of his car, it would have arrived from behind at an almost 45 degree angle. http://www.serendipity.li/wot/pentagon/spe...gonapproach.jpg He was allegedly in a position to witness the alleged impact but he doesn't describe the official directional damage path at all. Additional info: A former photojournalist who, for the last three years, has worked for the Freedom Forum Museum in Arlington, Va., Cissell was listening to his car radio and the news of the planes slamming into the World Trade Center while sitting in traffic. ''I was thinking, 'If anything happens to the Pentagon right now, I don't have my (photo) gear with me,' '' he said today. http://www.freedomforum.org/templates/docu...ocumentID=18012 Connections to USA Today and Gannett through the "Freedom Forum Museum" founded by USA TODAY and former chairman and chief executive officer, Gannett Co, ALLEN H. NEUHARTH. Clem, Dennis (Pentagon Chief Information Officer/Deputy Director of Defence Intelligence Agency) Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html South Parking Lot "There was a commercial airliner that said American Airliners over the side of it flying at just above treetop height at full speed headed for the Pentagon." There is no view of the west face of the Pentagon bar from the first few lanes. http://truthandshadows.files.wordpress.com.../pentagon-2.jpg Ignoring the fact that he's a Pentagon CIO, it needs to be confirmed exactly where he allegedly was. Either way he makes no mention of witnessing any alleged impact. Cleveland, Allen Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html "I was just pulling in on the subway station at national airport, I just happened to look over, actually my back was facing in the direction of the Pentagon, I looked to the right from the train, as we were coming into the station and I notice a jet flying in real low, about a mid-size passenger jet flying in, I know it was silver, that's the only thing I know, as it was coming in, I just realized that there was no landing strip on that side of the subway system, so I just happened to look and thought maybe it was just my mistake because the subway system kind of curves around a little bit, and the next thing I know there was a huge explosion there and everybody on the subway, one mouthed profanity, everybody on the subway turned around and looked and everyone went into total hysterics, women were crying, and people were just absolutely in disbelief." discussed here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/index.php?s...dpost&p=1581666 His alleged POV: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e207/Mer...ndrodriguez.jpg Did not state that he saw, nor could he physically see the alleged impact. Clodfelter, George Source: Media "They Saw" His story is of rescue work. He makes no mention of the aircraft anywhere. Not a witness to the flight of the aircraft. Close, Bernadette Source: Media http://history.amedd.army.mil/memoirs/sold.../responding.pdf "I was on the last day of my AT [annual training]. I found myself in front of a computer typing up forms and putting them into a database. One of my techs came up and said, “Doesn't your husband work in the Pentagon?” I said, “No, but he goes there sometimes. Why?” And Specialist Chadwick goes, “Well, they just blew up the Pentagon.” And I was like, “You're kidding me?” [...] But we did go right up by the helipad almost (OSS: late afternoon). You could see pieces of the airplane sitting there, and it looked like some cushions or some pieces. – [...] About 8:00, they told us we could go home, that the AFIP [Armed Forces Institute of Pathology] was there, and the FBI was there. It seemed like it was kind of a political issue as to who had responsibility for which area, and that if the AFIP was coming in, then they didn't need us because they had their own group, and the FBI was still in charge, though, so we were just kind of sitting here going what's going on?" Didn't arrive until the afternoon. Did not see aircraft nor alleged impact. Cohen, Terry Source: Media NBC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM02irUiHf4 "we heard the boom" Not a witness to the aircraft. Cook, Scott Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html We didn't know what kind of plane had hit the Pentagon, or where it had hit. Later, [we were told that] it was a 757 out of Dulles, which had come up the river in back of our building, turned sharply over the Capitol, ran past the White House and the Washington Monument, up the river to Rosslyn, then dropped to treetop level and ran down Washington Boulevard to the Pentagon(...) As we watched the black plume gather strength, less than a minute after the explosion, we saw an odd sight that no one else has yet commented on. Directly in back of the plume, which would place it almost due west from our office, a four-engine propeller plane, which Ray later said resembled a C-130, started a steep decent towards the Pentagon. Didn't witness alleged impact. Additional info: Scott Cook's alleged POV http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/lyt...20movie/173.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/lyt...ottcookspov.jpg A zoomed in shot from his office: http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk43/SP...t_Cook_view.jpg His own comments accompanying this zoomed image at his now defunct website: The Pentagon from my office at exactly 9:38AM, September 11, 2002, one year after the attack. The plane hit the far side of the building, about where the crane arm sticks up in this picture. I had just scanned the sky and the scene one more time, and turned to Ray. We were talking about the need for a swift response to this attack (we were already talking about bin Laden) when Ray leapt to one side, his face instantly animated beyond anything I had ever seen. "They just hit the Pentagon!" I turned. Rising up from the right center of the Pentagon’s mass was a gigantic spherical orange mass, the flames oddly bright and vivid in the clear direct sunlight. I stepped to the window, and instinctively put my hand to the glass. Verle and Ray were quickly on either side of me. A few seconds after the explosion, the glass rattled and a dull boom shook the room. http://www.scottpcook.com/clothmonkey/91101.htm His description of the C130 contradicts witness testimony, videotape footage and the OCT RADES data: http://z3.invisionfree.com/CIT/index.php?showtopic=503 Again, not an alleged impact witness. Correa, Victor Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html LTC Victor Correa work at the Pentagon. (...) LTC Victor Correa's office, what was the Army's Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, now the Army G-1, was in the path of the Boeing 757 that crashed into the Pentagon on a sunny fall morning. He was walking over to talk to a co-worker in the next cubicle when he was knocked down by the impact[...]"We thought it was some kind of explosion. That somehow someone got in here and planted bombs because we saw these holes." Inside the building. Did not witness the alleged impact. Cox, Richard (Arlington po) Source: Media "They Saw" Three blocks further along, at the intersection of Columbia Pike with South Wayne Street, Police Motorcycle Officer Richard Cox observed the airliner flying so close to the ground that the polished underside of its fuselage reflected the images of the buildings it passed on its flight; then he heard an explosion. He is alleged to have seen the aircraft well before the Navy Annex with no view of the Pentagon basin. He doesn't contradict the NOC flightpath. Additional info: "The White Plane" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b22FtxlnzEA "Dr Corley" Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html "It was striking to me how little of the building was involved in the fire," said Dr. Corley, who has reviewed the Pentagon report. The fire, he said, "didn't spread and and trap other people in the building. "While 125 Pentagon workers and 59 passengers and crew members on the plane died, few if any of the workers who died were from outside the immediate impact zone." http://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/05/nyregion/05TOWE.html Wasn't there. Did not see alleged impact. Creed, Dan Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html He and two colleagues from Oracle software were stopped in a car near the Naval Annex, next to the Pentagon, when they saw the plane dive down and level off. "It was no more than 30 feet off the ground, and it was screaming. It was just screaming. It was nothing more than a guided missile at that point," Creed said. "I can still see the plane. I can still see it right now. It's just the most frightening thing in the world, going full speed, going full throttle, its wheels up," Creed recalls. Does not mention witnessing alleged impact (his POV isn't established) nor does he contradict NOC. Needs further investigation. Carpark? http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e207/Mercury2/DSC_0411.jpg Cruz-Cortes Source: Media http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=1191.0 Army Sgt. Roxane Cruz-Cortes, top, and Marine Cpl. Michael Vera, right, were both inside the Pentagon when the plane hit, and both stayed inside to rescue wounded co-workers. Marine Cpl. Michael Vera never heard the explosion caused by Flight 77. Inside the building. Did not see the plane. Breakdown A: There are 18 alleged witnesses - Inside the Pentagon at time of event - 2 - not there - 3 = 13 - could not physically see Pentagon - 6 - Candelario - Carroll - Chaconas - Chauncey - Cleveland - Cox = 7 - stated that they did not see alleged impact - 2 - Cook - Carter = 5 - inferred that they didn't see alleged impact ("felt/heard") - 2 - Campo - Cohen (inside a trailer) = 3 - vague description and/or doesn't mention actually seeing alleged impact - 1 - Creed = 2 - could not physically see alleged impact zone and whose POV isn't known - 1 - Clem = 1 alleged impact witness in a position to see - Cissell (possible NOC) Breakdown B: There are 18 alleged witnesses 16 of which are media sourced 2 of which have media connections - Cissell - Carroll 2 of which were interviewed by CIT - Carter - Chaconas 1 of which is a confirmed NOC and over the Navy Annex witness - Carter 1 contradicts the C130 RADES data - Carter 2 of which are possible NOC witnesses - Cissell - Campo 2 contradict the official "loop" to the west of the Potomac River/Washington Watch video presentation linked to: - Chaconas "I noticed a large aircraft flying low towards the White House. This aircraft then made a sharp turn and flew towards the Pentagon" - Candelario 1 second hand contradiction of official "loop" (that is multiple corroborated): "Later, [we were told that] it was a 757 out of Dulles, which had come up the river in back of our building, turned sharply over the Capitol, ran past the White House and the Washington Monument, up the river to Rosslyn, then dropped to treetop level and ran down Washington Boulevard to the Pentagon" - Cook 2 of which described "ducking/diving/physical reaction to the blast" "we were outside in a little construction trailer...the building shook, the ceiling tiles fell out of the ceiling" - Cohen "the glass rattled and a dull boom shook the room" - Cook Breakdown C: 1 of which is media misinfo addressed by the witness himself "as the plane plowed into the Pentagon, sending a fireball exploding into the air and scattering debris - including a tire rim suspected of belonging to the airplane - past his car." The witness response to the article: "The Cincinnati Post article, which you refer, angered me greatly after reading it. It is almost completely fiction based loosely on an interview I did with a Cincinnati Post reporter Kimball Perry who called me in response to an on air phone report that I did for Channel 12 in Cincinnati" - Cissell 1 of which was proven media mis/disinfo due to a total misrepresentation of his Spanish account "very fast down, it moved then go straight to the building” (sic) - totally false - Campo 1 of which (who couldn't see the Pentagon) is a second hand account. "Police Motorcycle Officer Richard Cox observed the airliner flying so close to the ground that the polished underside of its fuselage reflected the images of the buildings it passed on its flight; then he heard an explosion" - Cox Breakdown D: Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government 1 of which was the Chief Information Officer/Deputy Director of Defence Intelligence Agency - Clem 2 of which are connected to the media - Carroll (media commentator) - Cissell (photojournalist working for institution founded by USAToday chief) 1 of which is government connected - Scott Cook (FAIR) |
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:11 #2464
Witness D breakdown
"Damoose" Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Damoose said the worst part was leaving the Pentagon and walking along Fort Meyer Drive, a bike trail, "you could see pieces of the plane." Inside the building. Not a witness to the flightpath of the plane. "Dave" Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Near the Lincoln Memorial Dave heard two booms, which sounded like the artillery salutes on the Mall on the Fourth of July, he said. It was likely the noise from a secondary blast at the Pentagon. http://www.gridlockmag.com/911/ Alleged second hand anonymous testimony with no physical view of aircraft nor alleged impact. Day, Wayne T. Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html For one employee with Wedge One's mechanical subcontractor John J. Kirlin Inc., Rockville MD, "lucky" is an understatement. "We had one guy who was standing, looking out the window and saw the plane when it was coming in. He was in front of one of the blast-resistant windows," says Kirlin President Wayne T. Day, who believes the window structure saved the man's life. Was he even there?? Not a witness to the flight of the aircraft. DeChiaro, Steve Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Instead of following the streams of people away from the Pentagon, Steve DeChiaro ran toward the smoke. As he reached the west side of the building he saw a light post bent in half. "But when I looked at the site, my brain could not resolve the fact that it was a plane because it only seemed like a small hole in the building," he said. "No tail. No wings. No nothing." Arrived on the scene after the incident. He is not a witness to the alleged impact. Incredulous testimony that there had been an alleged impact. Defina, Michael Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html "The only way you could tell that an aircraft was inside was that we saw pieces of the nose gear. The devastation was horrific. It was obvious that some of the victims we found had no time to react. The distance the firefighters had to travel down corridors to reach the fires was a problem. With only a good 25 minutes of air in their SCBA bottles, to save air they left off their face pieces as they walked and took in a lot of smoke," Captain Defina said. Captain Defina was the shift commander [of an aircraft rescue firefighters crew.] http://www.nfpa.org/NFPAJournal/OnlineExcl...ve_11.01.01.asp Defina was at the Reagan National Airport allegedly tackling a car fire when the explosion occured. Image that Defina took of the smoke plume just after explosion: http://www.nfpa.org/assets/images/journal/PENT01.jpg Not a witness to the flight of the aircraft nor the alleged impact. Dent, Kim SGYDK http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html "looking out of the window of an office in the Navy Annex" "We saw the shadow of a plane. We heard the engine. We all said, That plane is flying kind of close." Saw "the shadow of a plane"...that's it. Did not see aircraft or alleged impact. Needs further investigation. Where exactly was her office and where did she allegedly see the shadow? Dihle, Erik Source: Center for Military History http://www.thepentacon.com/neit426.mp3 Some people were yelling that a bomb hit the Pentagon and that a jet kept on going. Erik Dihle isn't a witness to the aircraft as he was in his office when it happened. The jet that "kept on going" was not seen by Dihle himself and although it's second hand testimony, it stands out like a sore thumb. He told this to CMH interviewers shortly after 9/11 so it was fresh in his mind. Source: CIT interview http://www.thepentacon.com/ErikDihle.WMA Incredibly he claims not to remember making that statement. But it is on record. He is yet another ANC witness who contradicts the C130 RADES data ERIK DIHLE (explaining where the second plane came from): "I would say somewhere between west by northwest." CRAIG RANKE : "Sure, but definitely not from the south?" ERIK DIHLE : "Oh no... not from the south. No way. Nope. We--- unless somebody telling you [inaud] that's something I didn't-- didn't witness. This plane definitely came from the.. absolutely positively it came from the west or northwest." C130 RADES flightpath vs witnessed flightpath: http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/lyt...0comparison.jpg DiPaula, Michael Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html Michael DiPaula 41, project coordinator Pentagon Renovation Team - He left a meeting in the Pentagon just minutes before the crash, looking for an electrician who didn't show, in a construction trailer less than 75 feet away. "Suddenly, an airplane roared into view, nearly shearing the roof off the trailer before slamming into the E ring. 'It sounded like a missile,' DiPaula recalls . . . Buried in debris and covered with airplane fuel, he was briefly listed by authorities as missing, but eventually crawled from the flaming debris and the shroud of black smoke unscathed. http://www.sunspot.net/search/bal-archive-1990.htmlstory (killtown) DiPaula was inside a construction trailer when the explosion occured. The quoted segment "Suddenly, an airplane roared into view, nearly shearing the roof off the trailer before slamming into the E ring" were the words of the journalist yet placed in quotations. Seen here: http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2002-09-0...d-zero-cyclists Screencap: http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u422/c...tu/879569b1.jpg Mike Dobbs Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html Standing on one of the upper levels of the outer ring of the Pentagon looking out the window "I was looking out the window and saw it come right over the Navy annex at a slow angle. It looked to me to be on a zero-to-zero course. It seemed to be almost coming in in slow motion. I didn't actually feel it hit, but I saw it and then we all started running." Did not see alleged impact. Donley, Daryl SGYDK http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html Source: Media "I could see the windows. I saw the entire plane and then saw it fly right into the Pentagon." CNN News (Lexis-Nexis - Transcript #090803CN.V46) 06:45mins into this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24Ow1nnJTws "I saw the plane from tip to tip..I remember seeing the back of both engines" Source: Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/locvideo/911photo/ "Hi, umm, before I show the images I’ll just briefly say, umm, as Carol has just mentioned, that I was in front of the Pentagon, stopped in the worse commuter traffic I’d ever experienced, before or since, and then heard a very loud plane, it got progressively louder, and it got so loud I ducked in my…(laughter)…is anyone out there? (laughs)... I, I ducked in my car it got so loud, and I turned to my right and the plane was next to me, umm, at an angle at just above ground level, and I later realized it had knocked down lampposts next to me, and saw it fly into the Pentagon" Source: Jeff Hill "I looked out my passenger window and the plane was next to me and level about 100ft or so away and I followed it and saw it fly into the Pentagon. I was right in front of the Pentagon. I was as close as you can get to the Pentagon without being on the grounds." The official directional damage path: Lightpole path http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/9192/of...hlightpoles.jpg ASCE "tilt" across the lawn in accordance with the generator damage: http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/lyt...dation/138b.jpg Aircraft according to the official story: As it should have been seen as it crossed Route 27 just before the lawn: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/1777/imagetal.jpg As it should have been seen crossing the lawn (although the alleged "tilt" isn't shown): http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/4514/imageqmi.jpg As above: http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/3115/imagengt.jpg As above: http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/3954/imageuyj.jpg As it should have appeared from the area that Donley places himself on the motorway: http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/2263/imagegsw.jpg Could he have physically seen "the back of both engines" from there? The official speed of the aircraft (540-580 mph) and as claimed by the ASCE Report, would have been in his view as he described it for 0.5 seconds! http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/7587/ascespeed.jpg An idea of this speed can be seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdQYX70_vUk Path along which he needed to be to describe "the back of both engines" http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/9741/imageai.jpg So, where was Donley given the snippets of information that he described? He claimed that he could see the entire length of the aircraft ("tip to tip"), the "windows" and the "back of the engines" from "as close as you can get to the Pentagon without being on the grounds", "in front of the Pentagon". Within a 0.5 second timeframe (according to the official speed) Look at the directional damage path and work that one out: http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/3894/allgroupsmap3.jpg Donley seems to be trying to fit what he saw with the official version. But he contradicts the speed , he is on record as having "ducked" in his car, not to have seen lightpoles being "struck" (or Lloyd's cab with a 30ft pole protruding from the windscreen) nor did he claim to see the approach. He would have seen a blur, then there was the matter of a massive explosion felt up to 3km away and an alleged 200ft diameter fireball (half the length from the facade to Route 27) Needs further investigation. Dougherty, Jill Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...esses/bart.html It took your breath away, data analyst Jill Dougherty said of the vibration. It went right through you. "I didn't hear anything. I just felt it." http://www.delawareonline.com/newsjournal/...12001EXTRA2.pdf Inside Pentagon. Not a witness to the flightpath nor the alleged impact. Dubill, Bob Source: Media http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evide...sses/sgydk.html He was passing the building the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, when he saw a jetliner fly over the roadway. It filled his field of vision. The jet was 40-feet off the ground speeding toward the Pentagon. “The wheels were up and I knew that this plane was not heading for National Airport,” he said. “This plane was going to slam into the Pentagon. I steeled myself for the explosion.” Well? Did he see the alleged impact or not? Even the journalist description of him "passing the building" when he allegedly saw it "fill[ed] his field of vision" are mutually incompatible. He did not witness and seems to be deducing an impact according to this alleged testimony. He may have (allegedly) been on this stretch of road which runs in front of the Pentagon up to the overhead sign (where lightpole 1 is sited to the left). There is no clear view of the alleged impact zone: http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/3968/view3dq3.jpg http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x180/T-...route27lie9.jpg Especially in heavy traffic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jrSUHbMhJo Until he is interviewed in detail, it's dishonest to claim that he's an "impact witness" based on this media snippet. Dyson, John Source: Media FOX, 17:29. John Dyson. “I was working in an area …between the two rings where a large ten foot diameter hole burst through, and there was the nose gear on the deck.” (at the C-ring) Nose gear at the "exit hole". Okay. This was actually claimed at the Massaoui trial. Not a witness to the flightpath. He was inside the Pentagon (allegedly). Breakdown A: There are 13 alleged witnesses. - inside the Pentagon at time of event - 3 - not there - 3 = 7 - anonymous - 1 = 6 - could not physically see Pentagon - 1 - DiPaula = 5 - stated that they didn't see alleged impact - 2 - Dihle - Dobbs = 3 - vague testimony and/or doesn't mention actually seeing alleged impact - 2 - Dubill - Dent (saw "shadow") = 1 = 1 alleged impact witness - Daryl Donley Breakdown B: There are 13 alleged witnesses. 12 of which are media sourced 1 of which was contacted by Jeff Hill - Donley 1 of which was interviewed by the CMH and by CIT - Dihle 1 of which contradicts the official C130 flightpath - Dihle 1 of which is a possible "over the Navy Annex" witness 1 of which is media mis/disinfo - DiPaula 1 of which questioned the alleged impact scene. "when I looked at the site, my brain could not resolve the fact that it was a plane because it only seemed like a small hole in the building," he said. "No tail. No wings. No nothing." - DeChiaro 1 of which described "ducking/diving/physical reaction to the blast" - Donley ("it got so loud I ducked") 1 of which would have had the aircraft in view (at OCT speed) for 0.5 seconds - Donley 1 of which is on record as claiming to have heard "people" describe "a bomb hit the Pentagon and a jet kept going" - Dihle Breakdown C: 1 of which (who arrived after the event) the media adds a second hand account about seeing a lightpole "bent in half" - DeChiaro 1 of which was attributed to having directly quoted as seeing the aircraft approach when he was actually inside a trailer and saw nothing - DiPaula 1 of which was attributed to having seen the aircraft "40 ft off the ground" by the reporter - Dubill Breakdown D: Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government Military - 1 - Dobbs (Marine Corps officer) Media - 2 - Donley (Gannett) - Dubill (Executive Editor USA Today) |
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