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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:18 #2471

Witness R breakdown

Ragland, Clyde

Source: Media
Naval officer Clyde Ragland, who works near the Pentagon, was stuck in his office because the streets outside were clogged with traffic. He and his co-workers were watching television reports of the disaster in New York when "we gazed out our own windows and, to our horror and disbelief, saw huge billows of black smoke rising from the northeast, in the direction of D.C. and the river . . . and the Pentagon."

Not a witness to the aircraft.

Rains, Lon

Source: Media
Eyewitness: The Pentagon By Lon Rains Editor, Space News - In light traffic the drive up Interstate 395 from Springfield to downtown Washington takes no more than 20 minutes. But that morning, like many others, the traffic slowed to a crawl just in front of the Pentagon. With the Pentagon to the left of my van at about 10 o'clock on the dial of a clock, I glanced at my watch to see if I was going to be late for my appointment. At that moment I heard a very loud, quick whooshing sound that began behind me and stopped suddenly in front of me and to my left. In fractions of a second I heard the impact and an explosion. The next thing I saw was the fireball. I was convinced it was a missile. It came in so fast it sounded nothing like an airplane. Friends and colleagues have asked me if I felt a shock wave and I honestly do not know. I felt something, but I don't know if it was a shock wave or the fact that I jumped so hard I strained against the seat belt and shoulder harness and was thrown back into my seat."

Didn't see aircraft or alleged impact.

Additional info:

Lon Rains
Director, Strategic Communications
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems

Lon L. Rains is the director of Communications for Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, a premier provider of manned and unmanned aircraft, space systems, missile systems and advanced technologies critical to our nation’s security.

In this position, he is responsible for the overall strategic leadership of the Communications process organization, including employee communications, executive communications, marketing communications, media relations, and the sector’s IMAGE center, which develops animation, simulation and integrated media products.

Previously, Rains was the editor of Space News since 1993 and was responsible for all the news and editorial coverage in the weekly newspaper, the Web site and the Washington Aerospace Briefing newsletter. He joined the original staff of Space News in October 1989 as the Advanced Technology and Soviet Space Program reporter and was promoted to Senior Editor in 1991.

Prior to Space News, Rains wrote for the Journal newspapers, a chain of dailies serving the Washington, D.C. suburbs. He has written for The Washington Post, The Baltimore Evening Sun and Discover magazine. He has also appeared on a number of national television programs, including CNN Prime News, ABC World News Tonight, NBC Nightly News and C-Span’s Washington Journal as an expert on various space topics.

Rains has worked as a journalist since 1982 and has won reporting awards for editorial writing, spot news and public service journalism. He is the 2003 recipient of the National Space Club-Huntsville’s Media Award. He is a member of the Board of Advisors of International Space University. He graduated from the University of Maryland with a bachelor’s degree in government and politics.

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a global defense and technology company whose 120,000 employees provide innovative systems, products, and solutions in information and services, electronics, aerospace and shipbuilding to government and commercial customers worldwide.

Ramey, Wanda

Source: Media/CIT

"I saw the wing of the plane clip the light post, and it made the plane slant. Then the engine revved up and crashed into the west side of the building," she said. "It happened so fast. One second I saw the plane and next it was gone." Recalling those moments again, Ramey said it appeared the building sucked the plane up inside. "A few seconds later, I heard a loud boom and I saw a huge fireball and lots of smoke," she said

Discussed here:

That she claims to have seen a lightpole being struck is demonstrably physically implausible and when interviewed by CIT, she claimed not to be "sure of anything any more"

Claims to have witnessed the alleged impact but was describing an event within her line of view that was allegedly over in less than half a second (OCT) from inside a security booth (behind the word "cam")


Source: Medical journal
When she thinks of that day, Ramos also recalls another burn patient whom she treated just after getting Maj. Leibner into the ambulance. "I turned around and a burn patient was coming out," she said. 


It took some time before Ramos, Maj. Leibner and others were able to talk openly of their experiences that day. "We went to several debriefings," Ramos said.

Wasn't there. Not a witness to aircraft nor alleged impact.

Rasmusen, Floyd

Source: Media
Floyd Rasmusen, a senior management analyst at the Pentagon, was inside. "All of a sudden all of my telephones cut off," he said. "I heard an explosion. All of a sudden I saw all of this flaming debris come flying toward me." He got his staff out of the building.

Inside the Pentagon. Not a witness.

Regnery, Alfred

Source: Media
Alfred S. Regnery, saw (...) a jetliner ... not more than a couple of hundred yards above the ground

Here's the rest of the ommited quote
Although airplanes regularly fly over the Pentagon on their way to Reagan National Airport, just a mile or two south, this plane was too low and going too fast. As I watched it disappear behind bridges and concrete barriers I knew it was about to crash.

Stated that he couldn't physically see the alleged impact.

He was Barbara Olson's publisher.

An individual who is on the board of directors of various conservative "think tanks" with connections to the PNAC.
"Mr. Regnery serves on the boards of directors of several corporations and non-profit organizations, including The Washington Bach Consort (President), Institute for International Studies, The Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, The Phillips Foundation, and American Foreign Policy Council.

Discussed here:

Renzi, Rick

Source: Media
Rick Renzi a law student - ''The plane came in at an incredibly steep angle with incredibly high speed,''... was driving by the Pentagon at the time of the crash about 9:40 a.m. The impact created a huge yellow and orange fireball, he added. Renzi, who was interviewed at the scene by FBI agents, said he stopped his car to watch and saw another plane following and turn off after the first craft's impact.

Claims that the blast was so severe that "it kept all of us on the bridge down underneath our cars" (ducked);
Political “watchdog” groups claim he ranks as one of the most corrupt congressmen.  In 2004, the Federal Election Commission (“FEC”) concluded an audit of Rep. Renzi’s campaign committee, Rick Renzi for Congress (“RRFC”), and found that the committee had illegally  financed much of the Congressman’s 2002 election campaign. The FEC found that, based on the documentation submitted by RRFC, $369,090 of the loans were made using impermissible corporate funds.

In 2003, Rep. Renzi sponsored legislation (signed into law in November 2003) that dealt hundreds of millions of dollars to his father’s business while, according to environmentalists, devastating the  San Pedro River.

Renzi has called for deployment of military technology all along the nearly 2000 mile southern border of Arizona … The total cost for monitoring the whole border: $500 million. 

Also, he has been a recipient of political contributions from Abramoff, and the tribes that hired him.  All within one term.

Further reading:

His father gained multi million dollar contracts through the middle east wars that emanated from 9/11.

My own breakdown:


Riskus, Steve

Source: Website/Italian research blog


Discussed here:

He describes what can only be the NOC entrance point on to Route 27 although he does insist that he witnessed an alleged impact.

He himself marked the spot on the road where he claimed to be when the aircraft passed in front of him (in the link above)

Robbins, James S

Source: Media

Senior Fellow in National Security Affairs at the American Foreign Policy Council and an NRO contributor.
James S Robbins a national security analyst & 'nationalreviewonline' contributor: "I was standing, looking out my large office window, which faces west and from six stories up has a commanding view of the Potomac and the Virginia heights. The Pentagon is about a mile and half distant in the center of the tableau. I was looking directly at it when the aircraft struck. The sight of the 757 diving in at an unrecoverable angle is frozen in my memory, but at the time I did not immediately comprehend what I 
was witnessing. There was a silvery flash, an explosion, and a dark, mushroom shaped cloud rose over the building. I froze, gaping for a second until the sound of the detonation, a sharp pop at that distance, shook me out of it. "

Another government linked "window witness" allegedly 2km away. He released this story almost a year after the event.

He says he was six floors up when he saw the plane in "an unrecoverable angle". Hardly backs the official story of straight descent into a low and level trajectory does it?

He was allegedly viewing from the back of the Pentagon, across the river in Washington. He had no view of the point of the explosion. He saw a "silvery light" and smoke.

Here is the POV of another alleged witness in Washington, Scott Cook, around the same area as this guy but from a much higher perspective (12 stories):

What could Robbins have possibly seen from a much lower POV?

Incredible luck that all of these witnesses who happened to be miles away looking out of their windows at obscure points in the distance to catch the plane's approach for the seconds that it may have been visible.
Anything after that is more likely pure deduction and speculation garnered from news reports afterwards.
Seeing smoke rise from the Pentagon does not make you an "impact witness".

His alleged view needs to be established. And the fact that he pulls strings within the propaganda machine for the people who've worked so hard to lie about 9/11, his testimony is extremely suspect.

Roberts, Roosevelt

Source: Library of Congress interview/CIT

Not mentioned on any media quotemine sites.

Library of Congress (heavily edited with multiple audio gaps)
...the plane hit the building.   It all came at the same time.  Watchin’ the TV.  It was like-- it was almost timed for preciseness.  So, uh, as I hung up the phone and I ran to the center of the dock and I looked up, and I saw another plane flying around the South Parking Lot.

CIT interview:

ROBERTS: ..upon impact I stepped out the little, uh, booth that I was in, and the distance between that booth and the edge of that dock is about maybe, I don't know like -- 7 steps from there.

Talking about the aircraft he saw in south parking which he also described in his LOC interview. Not the C130 which arrived 3 minutes later at a much higher altitude.
Roosevelt Roberts: It seemed like [incomprehensible], by the time I got the dock it was already in the parking lot in lane one, and it was so large, you couldn't miss from seeing it.

Craig Ranke: Right, but from what direction did it seem like it came from?

Roosevelt Roberts: It seemed like that it came from uh... it... hold on a second... it seem like it came from uh... south west.. look, the same way it came in or appeared that it came in, almost right where that first plane had uhm... fell into the Pentagon right there, it.. it.. the.. it looked like it came from that direction

Discussed here:

Could not physically see alleged impact site and describes a "second plane" in South Parking after the "explosion". Can only be describing a flyover.

Roberts, Willis

Source: Media
Lt. Willis Roberts : "We're having a lot of trouble in there. It's about 3,000 degrees inside. The walls, the water and the metal are hot," said Lt. Willis Roberts, U.S. Army Rescue.

Arrived after the event. Not a witness.

Rodriguez, Meseidy

Source: Media
Meseidy Rodriguez confirms "it was a mid size plane". His brother-in-law also saw a jetliner flying low over the tree tops near Seminary Rd. in Springfield, VA. and soon afterwards a military plane was seen flying right behind it.
I saw the plane but I saw it as it was about to hit. I didn't see it coming in, because he just caught my attention. He yelled, and I looked up and ... I just saw very little of it. All I could tell it was a mid-sized plane, then it was gone, then there was just all this smoke... It went straight for the Pentagon.
Washington Post

Did not and could not physically witness alleged impact.

Rodriguez is a she:

Rosati, Arthur

Source: Media
Arthur Rosati, another security officer and an army reservist, was in a meeting when the plane hit. "I ran down the hallway and there was smoke everywhere. You could smell the jet fuel, it was unbearable"

Inside building. Not a witness.

Roser, John F.

Source: Media

"You could see where the plane had gone in. It sheared off some of the light poles and those were on the ground. There were some plane parts around." - Soldiers to the Rescue/Responding in the Pentagon

Wasn't there. Did not witness aircraft nor alleged impact.

Roy, Russell

Center for Military History

CIT interviewed Roy:

Discussed here:

Russell is not a north side witness or a witness to the Pentagon attack jet at all. He was inside the bay at the time of the explosion and unlike the other bays the opening to this particular one faces the opposite direction of the plane approach. Russell didn't come out of the bay until after the explosion and only saw the "2nd plane" or the C-130 piloted by Lt. Col Steve O'Brien. It seemed low to him but this makes sense without having seen the Pentagon attack jet to compare it to which was much lower at the time.

But Russell's account of the C-130 is extremely important because the direction he saw the plane coming from corroborates all of the other ANC witnesses who saw the C-130 but also 100% contradicts the alleged radar data released by 84 RADES in 2007.

Furthermore since he was facing the opposite direction he would not have seen or been so alarmed by the C-130 banking around and turning away if it happened way up by the Navy Annex as shown in the data. Therefore Roy's placement of the bank further east is also contradictory to the data.

(Edit: RADES data vs Russell Roy description: )

Royster, Joseph

Source: Media

"I was on the street driving, and then the plane went over the top of my car, just over the treetops ... It was a big aircraft just on its course."

Vague media snippet. Doesn't mention alleged impact.

Ryan, Darb

Source: Media

in his office at the Navy Annex

Having learned that New York had been attacked, he was on the telephone recommending the evacuation of the Pentagon "when out of the corner of my eye I saw the airplane" a split second before it struck.

More "journalistic license" where the reporter added his own 2 cents. 

What he is allegedly quoted as saying has been highlighted. Ryan allegedly caught sight of the aircraft. That's it.

Not a witness to the alleged impact.

Additional info (ommitted from the above snippet):
Ryan was overheard reporting some of the initial damage assessment, which included spaces belonging to the chief of naval operations (CNO), the Navy's tactical command center on the D-ring, an operations cell and a Navy intelligence command center. These included up to four special, highly classified, electronically secure areas. Many of the enlisted sailors involved were communications technicians with cryptology training who are key personnel in intelligence gathering and analysis. Some personnel were known to be trapped alive in the wreckage.

Ryan, James

Source: Media

He tilted his wings, this way and in this way (Ryan mimics). He kinda did like that. At that point the plane was slow, so that happened concurrently with the engines going down. And then straighten up in sort of suddenly and hit full gas. (Ryan mimics). It was just so loud.

From that same interview and not included at the Hoffman "Bart" quotemine (but included in the SGYDK site)
Question: And you saw it hit the Pentagon? 
          RJ: No at that point it went down because I was approaching a hill.
And at that point it went straight down over the hill and a moment later I heard this terrific boom!, a very deep boom! sound, and then immediately I saw all the orange and yellow sort of ball of fire and then thick black smoke go up in to the air. . . .

Not a witness to the alleged impact.

Interestingly, he also had this to say:
"I live a couple of miles from the Pentagon and my car wasn't starting so I was looking for a garage, a mechanic to fix my car. This place was on Columbia Pike. So I went to Columbia Pike. And so I left there and then that's when I saw what I saw; I saw the plane, was on my way home.


Well I heard [making a buzzing sound that drops in pitch] and so I looked up. And when I looked up . . . on my left . . . I see an American Airlines plane, silver plane, I could see "AA" on the tail. I noticed the landing gear was up. And the airport's over here . . . the planes are landing this way, typically [pointing in the opposite direction]. And so he's going in the wrong direction.

First off, one witness interviewed by CIT was a garage owner called Ed Paik who owned a garage on Columbia Pike. Discussed here:

So, he's making his way home from this garage (Ed Paik's?) on Columbia Pike which runs a straight path towards the Navy Annex

And curves down past the Navy Annex

Here's the official path vs witnessed path:

From what position could James Ryan physically view the "official path" to his "left" on Columbia Pike?

(He claimed that he couldn't see the alleged impact because he was "approaching a hill" so he had to be walking towards the Navy Annex)

He couldn't. And the fact that he claims to have seen it "go straight down over the hill" suggests that he saw the aircraft in it's "final seconds" before reaching the Pentagon.

Here's the hill that he's referring to:

Ed Paik overhead with path he drew (he also indicated where his garage is with a circle):

Ed Paik outside his garage pointing to the direction where he saw the aircraft take:

See also Terry Morin:

And Albert Hemphill

Well worth further investigation

Breakdown A:

There are 18 alleged witnesses

- inside Pentagon during event 

- 2

- not there 

- 4

= 12

- stated that they did not see alleged impact

- 3

- Regnery
- Roy
- Ryan (James)

= 9

- inferred that they did not see alleged impact 

- 3

- Rains
- Roberts
- Rodriguez

= 6

- vague testimonies

- 2

- Royster (totally non-descriptive)
- Ryan, Darb (media embellishment on details)

= 4

- alleged window witness in Washington

 - 1

- Robbins

= 3 alleged impact witnesses

- Ramey
- Renzi
- Riskus

Breakdown B:

14 of which are media sourced.

3 of which were interviewed by CIT.

- Roy
- Ramey
- Roberts

1 of which appeared in a medical journal.

1 of which was a Library of Congress interview.

- Roberts

1 of which was a Center for Military History interview.

- Roy

1 of which appeared on the person's own website.

- Riskus

1 of which was contacted by researchers.

- Riskus

1 of which is a confirmed NOC witness.

- Riskus

1 who is possibly an NOC/over Navy Annex  witness.

- Ryan (James)

1 who contradicts the C130 official flightpath (RADES)

- Roy

1 who described seeing a "second the south parking lot" after the explosion.

- Roberts

1 of which would have had the aircraft in sight for less than half a second (OCT speed across the lawn)

- Ramey

1 of which would have had the aircraft in sight for a second (OCT speed across Route 27 to facade)

- Riskus

1 of which (allegedly) describes a delay between the alleged impact and the explosion/fireball.

- Ramey

1 of which describes the aircraft "bouncing up" before reaching the building

- Ramey

1 who allegedly witnessed the event from an office in Washington.

- Robbins

2 of which it's claimed described ducking/diving/physical reaction to the blast:

- Renzi (Claims that the blast was so severe that "it kept all of us on the bridge down underneath our cars")

- Rains ("I jumped so hard I strained against the seat belt and shoulder harness and was thrown back into my seat")

Breakdown C:

2 of which whose testimony is interjected with the reporter's words when describing the event/alleged impact

- Ramey

"Ramey said it appeared the building sucked the plane up inside"

- Darb Ryan (note which section isn't directly quoted)

"when out of the corner of my eye I saw the airplane" a split second before it struck.

Breakdown D:

Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government

Media (and highly placed governmental body positions)

- 3

- Rains (Director of Communications for Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems)

- Regnery (Right Wing Publisher and American Foreign Policy Council

- Robbins (Senior Fellow in National Security Affairs at the American Foreign Policy Council and National Review Online Editor)


- 1

- Darb Ryan (Vice Admiral Chief of Naval personnel)


- 2

- Ramey (DPS - Pentagon Police)
- Roberts (DPS - Pentagon Police)
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:18 #2472

Witness S breakdown

Sayer, John

Source: Media
Lt. Commander John Sayer, a Navy reservist, was riding on a bus when he heard a thud. "It sounded like a very loud clap," he said. "At first I thought an airplane had hit in front of the Pentagon, but when I got closer I saw that it had struck the Pentagon."

Not there. Not a witness to the aircraft or alleged impact.

 Schickler, Rob

Source: Media
"A plane flew over my house," (one mile away from the Pentagon). 

"It was loud, but not unusual because the [Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport] is by my house, on the other side of the Pentagon. Occasionally planes that miss the landing fly over my house. A few seconds later, there was this sonic boom," he said. 

He heard and felt an/the aircraft flying over his house. The only built up area that the aircraft is witnessed to have flown over immediately before entering the basin was laid out in this CIT video:

Not a witness to the alleged impact. Heard the aircraft.

Scott, Don

Source: Media
Don Scott, a Prince William County school bus driver living in Woodbridge, was driving eastward past the Pentagon on his way to an appointment at Walter Reed Army Medical Center: "I had just passed the Pentagon and was near the Macy's store in Crystal City when I noticed a plane making a sharp turn from north of the Pentagon. I had to look back at the road and then back to the plane as it sort of leveled off. I looked back at the road, and when I turned to look again, I felt and heard a terrible explosion. I looked back and saw flames shooting up and smoke starting to climb into the sky." 
Washington Post, 9/16/01(Lexis Nexis) 

Not a witness to the alleged impact.

As a matter of interest, his description of the aircraft as making "a sharp turn from north of the Pentagon" contradicts the official path.

Macy's, Pentagon City:

The view north towards the Pentagon from the stretch of road that runs past Maceys

At what point, from this vantage point, would Don Scott have seen the aircraft anywhere to the north of the Pentagon let alone in a "sharp bank" in accordance with the official "loop" and path? Remember that he was driving away from the building towards Washington and that the Google streetview image is taken from 1 meter above the vehicle.

He's describing the East of Potomac/Washington Center flightpath described by many others.

Seibert, Tom

Source: Media
Tom Seibert : "We heard what sounded like a missile, then we heard a loud boom," said Tom Seibert, 33, a network engineer at the Pentagon. "We were sitting there and watching this thing from New York, and I said, you know, the next best target would be us. And five minutes later, boom."

Inside the building. Did not witness aircraft nor alleged impact.

Sepulveda, Noel

I tried to dissect his online media quotes here:

On trying to break down his story, and a perfect example of why online media snippets and unconfirmed reports are next to useless, I based the entire scenario on media claims that he was "150 feet" from the explosion and that he was thrown "100ft" by the blast. Pure media disinfo.

There's a lot of background information there and a lot of contradictions but basically, after he was contacted, it was found that he described allegedly being in South Parking at the underpass:

And seeing the aircraft approach from the Henderson Hall area:

And was allegedly knocked unconscious by the blast.

This is the media snippet mentioned earlier:
and he was standing only 150 feet from the point of impact and for a brief moment he could see the body of the plane sticking out from the side of the building, followed by an explosion; and the blast of the impact was so tremendous, that from his vantage point, it threw him backward over 100 feet slamming into a light pole causing him internal injuries;

All lies apart from where he described "the plane sticking out from the side of the building". Does that make any sense given that the aircraft was allegedly travelling 800fps and that it would have fully penetrated in 0.2 seconds?

Unless there's some sort of cognitive dissonance at play.

I do have a serious problem with this person's testimony on multiple fronts. If he was indeed at the bridge (shown in the earlier image), I don't know how he could physically describe any of what he said from that vantage point.
He was the only person (AFAIK) who described seeing the wheels of the aircraft. He described events on Route 27 that he couldn't possibly see. And internal scenes of the Pentagon that are bizarre.

My 2cents?

One very real possibility is that he didn't see anything until the aircraft was around the Route 27 area, startled and fell, knocking himself out. Then filled the details in later having allegedly been on site for days afterwards.

Alternatively, if we take him at his word, he's describing the NOC flightpath.

Shaeffer, Kevin

Source: Media
Lieutenant Kevin Shaeffer, U.S. Navy (Retired) : "At exactly 0943, the entire command center exploded in a gigantic orange fireball, and I felt myself being slammed to the deck by a massive and thunderous shock wave. It felt to me as if the blast started at the outer wall, blowing me forward toward Commander Dunn's desk."

Inside the building. Did not witness the aircraft nor alleged impact.

Sheuerman, Philip

Source: University website
Philip Sheuerman, exiting the freeway, turning into the parking lot, of the Pentagon. saw "... a passenger plane ..."

Sheuerman, who had just heard about the attacks on the World Trade Center minutes before, realized that “it was perfectly obvious what (the plane) was going to do.” 

He saw the plane slam into the Pentagon.

Sheuerman is alleged to have said that he saw the plane. The reporter adds the "he saw the impact" line.

A more detailed first hand account is needed.

Sinclair, Wayne

Source: Media
"You couldn't see anything," he says. Some people were thrown to the floor. Sinclair could feel his face, ears, and arms burning. But he couldn't see them because the smoke was so thick. People screamed for help. Chaos reigned.

Inside the building. Not a witness to aircraft or alleged impact.

Sinclair, William

Source: Media
Sinclair, 54, was sitting at his desk on the first floor of the Pentagon that morning when he felt a giant "gush of air, then everything went dark."

Inside the building. Not a witness to aircraft or alleged impact.

Singleton, Jack

Source: Media
"Where the plane came in was really at the construction entrance," says Jack Singleton, president of Singleton Electric Co. Inc., Gaithersburg MD, the Wedge One electrical subcontractor. "The plane's left wing actually came in near the ground and the right wing was tilted up in the air. That right wing went directly over our trailer, so if that wing had not tilted up, it would have hit the trailer. My foreman, Mickey Bell, had just walked out of the trailer and was walking toward the construction entrance."

Jack Singleton saw none of this. He's repeating almost word for word what was attributed to the mysterious alleged account of Mickey Bell who allegedly walked out of a trailer beside the alleged impact zone and didn't see anything. He was knocked to the ground by the blast according to Singleton himself. Bell's story is completely second hand. The guy has never been directly quoted in any capacity.

Not a witness to aircraft or alleged impact.


Source: oown blog/website

An online account that has never been verified. She doesn't say exactly where she was or where she saw the plane.
"Then it was gone."  "A massive hole in the side of the Pentagon " 
"I heard myself believe it, if only for a minute. "Buildings don't eat planes. That plane, it just vanished. There should have been parts on the ground. It should have rained parts on my car. The airplane didn't crash. Where are the parts?" "I want to see footage of the crash. I want to make it make sense. I want to know why there's this gap in my memory, this gap that makes it seem as though the plane simply became invisible and banked up at the very last minute, but I don't think that's going to happen."

Any lingering doubts this alleged witness may have had were quashed by an onslaught of repeated media reports churning out the official story.

'Skarlet' is anything but an "impact witness" according to her own words.

Needs further investigation.

Slater, Mike

Source: Media (military)
Mike Slater, a former Marine, was inside the Pentagon, 500 yards from the jet's impact.

Inside the building. Did not witness aircraft nor alleged impact.

Smiley, Elizabeth

Source: Media

Walking home from work at the FAA building, decided to walk the one mile home from her metro stop at the Pentagon

"I saw the plane not more than 200 feet over my head."

That's it. 

As a matter of interest, the walk from the Pentagon metro stop to (presumably) the Arlington area:

Smith, Dennis

Source: Media
in the Pentagon's center courtyard

Dennis Smith, a building inspector and former Marine, was smoking a cigarette in the center courtyard when he heard the roar of engines and looked up in time to see the tail of a plane seconds before it exploded into the building.

Government Executive Magazine

Second hand testimony. Could not physically see the alleged impact zone.

Even if this second hand testimony were to be accepted at face value, it raises serious questions.

First of all, we have to see the centre courtyard from the inside to
have an idea of his perspective.
In the following video at 00:53 , 01:24, 02:05 and 03:01 in the following video gives us an idea:

The height of the structure (remember from a raised platform) can be gauged from this image:

The walls are over 70 feet tall.
There are trees all over this court as we can see from this aerial shot taken less than a week before the event:

...further obstructing any possible view.

It's claimed that he caught the sight of the plane's tail "seconds before it exploded into the building".

The only possible chance he may have had to see it was when it was flying over the Navy Annex.
But even this would have been quite an achievement as we can see from the view of the Pentagon from the Sheraton Hotel at roughly the same height that many witnesses claim it flew over:

Or this aerial image which shows the lower floors of the courtyard

Even given the extra height of the tail it would still be impossible.

From the edge of the Navy Annex we can see the view of the centre court is non-existent.

Even if another 100ft were added to altitude the top floor or two may come into view.
In fact the altitude necessary to catch a glimpse of the tail would be a couple of hundred feet lower than this image:

He could not physically see the tail of the plane from the Navy Annex onwards. The only way he could have seen it is if he saw it as it passed over or by the Pentagon. Not speculation. Just stating a fact.

Smith, Marine Maj. Stephanie

Source: Media
At the Pentagon, Marine Maj. Stephanie Smith helped one victim, who was suffering from smoke inhalation and a leg injury.The injured "were covered with smoke and their uniforms were covered with smoke," Smith said. People were bloodied and soaked with water from the sprinkler system, she said."You felt it more than you heard it," she said of the blast.

Inside the building. Did not witness aircraft nor alleged impact.

Snaman, Steve

Source: Website discussion board

"We saw the plane hit the Pentagon."

At the "whatreallyhappened" site, the rest of the original report is included:
Steve Snaman, manager of the datacom division for Walker Seals, watched in horror from Fort McNair (across the river) as the jetliner came in low at full throttle, banked left and smashed into the wall of the Pentagon.

The above is total embellishment added by the reporter.

He saw the event from Fort McNair?

"We saw the plane hit the Pentagon," Snaman said. "My first reaction was to get on the Nextel to reach my men, but I couldn’t get a signal. They were in Wedge One." 

Walker Seals has several government contracts at the Pentagon. This particular crew was working for Lockheed Martin on installing and maintaining access control systems for the security of the Pentagon."

Fort McNair is three miles away from the Pentagon on the far side of the alleged impact. 

The reporter claims that he witnessed the official low level approach. Even the alleged "left wing tilt" as it crossed the

There is no view from ground level at Fort McNair. The whole area is lined with trees both on the grounds and across the FIRST estuary of the Potomac river to the west of the fort (there is a second one lined with trees too):

Snaman appears to be another coincidental "window witness" who had connections to the Pentagon renovation team who were employed by Lockheed Martin. He had no view of the west wing of the Pentagon.

It's physically impossible that he's an alleged impact witness.

Snavel, Dewey

Source: Media (military)
SGT Dewey Snavely was driving along Arlington's Quaker Lane when the radio blasted the morning's first harrowing reports, then warned that a third plane was heading his way. Minutes later, jet engines rumbled overhead. "The guy I was with looked up and said: 'What the hell is that plane doing?' Then we heard an explosion and the truck rocked back and forth." Snavely, a member of the Engr. Co. on transition leave, knew deep in his gut that the Pentagon was under attack.

Not a witness to the alleged impact. 

Quaker Lane (Pentagon is to the top right of the image)

Something's not right. And I'd also like to hear about the alleged reports of a "third plane" approaching before the explosion.

Snow, Kate

Source: Media
CNN congressional correspondent

"I did see, myself a plane, about half hour ago, circling over the Capitol, now whether that may have been..." CNN Live (Audio)

Wasn't there.

Sorenson, Kristopher Leigh

Source: Media (military)

Excerpts from an interview with Specialist Kristopher Leigh Sorensen, who was a Medical Laboratory Technician at DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic.

"I remember looking down the corridor, and you could see where part of the plane had busted through the wall, and the firefighters wouldn’t let us in."

Soldiers to the Rescue/Responding in the Pentagon [HTML]

Wasn't there. Did not witness aircraft nor alleged impact.

Snyder, Robert

Source: Media
Over in his office at 1D-525 on the first floor of D Ring, Robert Snyder, an Army lieutenant colonel, had been surfing the Web to check on the World Trade Center horror. He heard a crack and boom, and then, instantly, he saw flame and felt engulfed. The lights went out and his digital watch stopped. It read 00:00:00. He hit the floor, having been taught in military training that staying low was the best way to avoid smoke. The only light came from a series of small fires burning around the room.

Inside the building. Not a witness to aircraft nor alleged impact.

St Clair, Stanley

Source: Media
Stanley St Clair was stumbling along the road away from the vast building, covered in dust. He had been working on renovations on the first floor of the section which was struck by the plane. "It shook the whole building and hurt our ears. Papers and furniture and debris just went flying through the hallway and I thought it was a bomb or something. Then someone started shouting get out, get out.",550486,00.html

Inside the building. Not a witness to the aircraft or alleged impact.

Stafford, Darrell

Source: CIT/CMH

Center for Military History

Interviewed by CIT

Flightpath that he drew:

Description of flightpath:
Q: Hold on a second. I got a little model airplane.Lemme get that. Hold on. [Craig get's plane- resumes interview] Here, here's the plane. Kinda demonstrate how you saw it coming after it came off the Navy Annex. You said you saw it banking.

A: Yeah , it came over the Navy Annex. It was flat. It was just like it was on top of the roof. Landing on the roof. And just like it barely made it over the roof. And then, when it got beyond that point, and we started to scatter, it started to bank to the right, still coming forward. And that's when I, myself, and Donald Carter, decided, hey, let's get away from it. And, by then, it banked and it was kinda over the cemetery and probably crossed over Columbia Pike more on this side, then. And when it banked like that, we ran toward it and ran up the hill and right there, where that little machine is, that stop sign is, on this corner. We ran in that direction, and we passed it right there, and it was so huge. See the little red cart? The Cushman or truck stored right there? That fork right there? And you see the stop sign right there, on the right.


A: We ran in the direction of it. It was so big, the wingspan was probably from that little Cushman or that black truck is, over to that parking lot somewhere. It was a good sized plane. And when it did that, we ran beneath it. When it boomed, we were at that sign right there, and we just kinda ducked to the ground.

He and his workmate Donald Carter describe the same events. NOC.
And neither of them saw the alleged impact. They had run towards it as it descended over the ANC parking lot and "ducked to the ground" when the aircraft "boomed".

Not a witness to the alleged impact but does describe the NOC flightpath.

Additional info:

His description of the flightpath of the C130 (coming from the norhwest):

Official C130 path vs multiple witnessed path:

Stancil, Michael

Source: Media
Michael Stancil said he was watching CNN coverage of the World Trade Center attacks in the Pentagon basement when he heard a vibrating sound like a motor. Suddenly, a big gust of air blasted through the room, paper started to fly and smoke began to pour in.

Inside the building. Not a witness to the aircraft or alleged impact.

Stanley, GT

Source: Media

Capt. G.T. Stanley of the Defense Protective Service was on Route 27 getting off at Columbia Pike near Wedge One of the Pentagon when he saw a jetliner flying low toward the building.

"I knew it was wrong," Stanley said. "That plane was screaming. The engines were so loud. I had a gut feeling that it was going to hit. I followed the plane down with my eyes. I saw it hit the building." 

Seconds later he was at the crash site, helping victims. Stanley, of Beltsville, can still recall the putrid smell of the burning jet fuel, see the terror on the victims' faces, smell the charred flesh.

His alleged position on the road is a second hand description.

There are 2 turn off points from Route 27 to Columbia Pike in front of the Pentagon.

Of the two points 'x' and 'y' on the following satellite pic, 'x' is a southbound road which leads fromRoute 27 to Columbia Pike. 

Point 'y' which is a ringroad that leads to the underpass under the Route 27 bridge towards Columbia Pike.

What does not correlate with point 'y' is his assertion 
that "[he] followed it down with [his] eyes" and the fact that he places himself directly under the path of the official route of the plane. And that the aircraft would have approached from behind his POV.

Even if he's placed further up the road, does his description tally with the official path and his testimony?

No. Unless it was more to the north.

Point 'x' is around the same area Steve Riskus places the aircraft entry point on to Route 27

His exact POV needs to be established.


Source: Media/CIT

Stars & Stripes September 12, 2001

Levi Stephens, 23, a courier for the Armed Forces Information Service, spoke of the crash:

"I was driving away from the Pentagon in the South Pentagon lot when I hear this huge rumble, the ground started shaking … I saw this [plane] come flying over the Navy Annex. It flew over the van and I looked back and I saw this huge explosion, black smoke everywhere."

CIT phoned and e-mailed this witness and revealed that the plane did not fly over his van and that he was "misquoted".

Contacted by CIT and discussed here:

He's an NOC witness. He was in south parking facing away from the alleged impact zone.

Marked "A":

Storage Tech. Employees

"They Saw"

Anonymous, unconfirmed media report.

Storti, Steve

Source: Media/CIT/Jeff Hill


Steve Storti had no view after the aircraft had reached the Navy Annex, the Citgo or the lightpole area. It's a physical impossibility shown here:

Storti's POV (aerial):

He briefly appeared on internet forums. At Jeff Hill's forum. A strange story unfolded, detailed here:

In his posts (linked to in the thread above) he is quoted as saying:
"When it began to turn around the Pentagon Parking lot, I saw one wing up and one wing drop, I did not see it hit any poles.
Everything but the tail had dropped from my view at that point"

He admitted he didn't (because he physically couldn't) see the lightpoles.

"I did not see the exact point of impact"

and this beaut:
"I can tell you unequivocally, in the back of the jet, there were individuals moving around back there"

Complete nonsense.

Storti is quoted as saying:
"The plane began to fly over the Citgo station. If its the same station we're talking about. There were several garages and gas stations on the right side of the navy annex but there was a citgo station in the hollow between the navy annex and the pentagon. As the plane passed over the citgo, or the cloverleaf looking mess it banked sharply to the right."

He also agrees with Citgo NOC witnesses Lagasse and Brooks (and Turcios)
"He (Lagasse) is correct! At that point it was north of the Navy Annex but it did not come in North of the Navy Annex. The path he drew was consistent with mine except he didnt see the plane fly in. He didnt see it because of the height of the overpass. Route 395 is at least 30 to 40 feet high behind the citgo station. By the time he saw it, it was , from his perspective, on the North side of the annex. However. this is based in his perspective. What they didn't see is how it flew in! Both of the officers mirror my perspective, however they did not see the fly in path. Look at a topographical map of this area. That station is in a hollow, its tucled in to an area below the Navy Annex and 395. Also, please take into account the officers perspective may have been skewed by the fact that they were under the Citgo overhang which covered the pumps.."

Remember that this guy is allegedly watching from distance and claims to be able to tell exactly what point the aircraft flew over the Navy Annex while those that were watching within the Pentagon basin, facing the Navy Annex and actually watching from within the building itself are wrong.

What he can't explain is how three people at the Citgo Gas Station itself and five people to the north at the ANC buildings corroborate in seeing the aircraft NOC.

And one of the officers he mentioned was not "under the Citgo overhang". Chad Brooks was just behind the gas station. Here he is standing at his original POV pointing to where he saw the aircraft:

Steve Storti is a proven unreliable witness who exaggerated what he could physically see.

Stuart, Chris

"They Saw"
Lance Cpl. Chris Stuart, a 21-year-old Marine on the President’s color guard, was working at the building when the plane crashed into it.
  His fiancé Amanda Hyden said. “I tried getting through to him but all the phone lines at his barracks were busy. Eventually, later that night I got word that he’d been drilling outdoors and actually saw the impact right before his eyes.”

This is an alleged third hand account of this person's girlfriend who allegedly heard from somebody that this had happened to her boyfriend...

"Drilling outdoors"? Where? On the lawn? Alone?
Or was he drilling in between the cars in the parking lots that were full that morning?

Another ambiguous third hand media snippet.

Sucherman, Joel

Source: Media/CIT
"I heard a sonic boom and then the impact, the explosion. ... There were light poles down. There was what appeared to be the outside covering of the jet strewn about. ... Within about two minutes there were firetucks on the scene. Within a minute another plane started veering up and to the side. At that point it wasn't clear if that plane was trying to manouver out of the air space or if that plane was coming round for another hit." (Audio)

Interesting that his first account is a description of hearing the explosion with no visual details.

His CIT interview is contained here:
"I saw it coming across my windshield but then the passenger side of the vehicle I had had a clear view of the pentagon. I would say the Pentagon is at 2 o’clock from me, in my car. So I’m seeing it come across the windshield and then I’m looking out the passenger side window and that’s where I see the collision with the pentagon. There were no trees at that point in the way at all. I did see it impact.”

He allegedly had a "clear view of the pentagon...looking out the "passenger side window" (quite a change from his first interviews in the days after 9/11)

He also says that "there were no trees at that point in the way at all".

If he's telling the truth, that would narrow his POV down considerably. He was allegedly driving North (the lanes closest to the Pentagon), beyond the trees and could see the Pentagon through his passenger window to the right (that is, almost level with the building), seeing as how he's watching from the driver seat. Now place him on the road according to his own words:


and a joint interview with him and Vin Naranyan can be found here where Naranyan makes the same sort of claims:

Both deny seeing lightpoles being "struck" or Lloyd's cab. They both place themselves alongside the building. Sucherman's testimony needs to be viewed in conjunction with Naranyan's. 

This is very important.

Naranyan places himself at an "exit sign" and claims that the aircraft flew over his car. And that there were no trees obstructing his view.

Sucherman claims that the aircraft flew in front of his car so he puts himself behind Naranyan's stated position. He also claims that no trees obstructed his view.

And the best idea of the view:

Comparing their testimonies and taking them to be true, Sucherman had no view. They both can't be right.

Sustern, Greta Van

Source: Media

"They Saw"
Greta van Susteren, CNN legal analyst and anchor of "The Point,"
was on the roof of a parking structure at National Airport, with her husband.:
"We saw a plane near the Pentagon and then heard this 'boom' "

Another media hack who happened to be in the right place at the right time.

More on her and her family:
"Van Susteren married tort lawyer John P. Coale in 1988.[8] Coale, a self-described "ambulance chaser", became known as "Bhopal Coale" for his solicitation of clients among victims of the Bhopal disaster. He has served as an adviser for Sarah Palin.
Van Susteren and her husband are members of the Church of Scientology."

Check out the unsanitized bio too:

Either way, she simply describes an aircraft "near the Pentagon" and that she allegedly "heard the boom". Not a witness to the alleged impact.

Sutherland, Jim

Source: Media
Jim Sutherland, a mortgage broker, was on his way to the Pentagon when he saw ... a white 737 twin-engine plane with multicolored trim fly 50 feet over I-395 in a straight line, striking the side of the Pentagon..

This is a second hand media report and Jim Sutherland is not quoted once.

Breakdown A:

There are 32 alleged witnesses.

- inside Pentagon during event 

- 10

- not there 

- 3

= 19

- stated that they did not see alleged impact 

- 2

- Stafford
- Stuart

= 17

- could not see the Pentagon 

- 5

- Schickler
- Don Scott
- Snaman
- Snavel
- Van Sustern

= 12

- Anonymous

- 1

- "Storage Tech employees"

= 11

- second hand 

- 2

- Chris Stuart (third hand)
- Sutherland

= 9

- vague

- 2

- Sheuerman
- Smiley (totally non-descript)

= 7

- in area, could not/inferred could not see the alleged impact zone 

- 2

- Stephens
- Smith

= 5

- online account (anon until contacted) 

- 1 ("skarlet")

= 4 alleged impact witnesses

- Sepulveda
- Stanley
- Storti
- Sucherman

1 of which has been exposed as fabricating incidents and exaggerating his POV.

- Storti

1 of which described bizarre scenarios that make no sense whatsoever of the internal damage 

- Sepulveda

Breakdown B:

32 alleged witnesses

28 of which are media sourced.

1 of which is a CMH interview.

- Stafford

3 of which were interviewed by CIT.

- Stafford
- Sepulveda
- Storti

2 of which were called by Jeff Hill.

- Storti
- Sepulveda

1 of which appeared on a university website.

1 of which appeared on the person's own blog/website.

- "Skarlet"

1 of which appeared on a website discussion board.

- Snaman

1 of which it's claimed that he saw the aircraft "tail" from within a 77ft tall enclosed area in the Pentagon court just before the explosion.

- Smith (second hand)

3 of which are confirmed NOC witnesses.

- Stafford
- Sepulveda
- Stephens

3 of which are over the Navy Annex witnesses

- Stafford
- Sepulveda
- Stephens

1 of which contradicts the official RADES C130 flightpath.

- Stafford

1 of which describes the East of Potomac/Washington flightpath that contradicts the official "loop"

- Scott

1 of which is describing the NOC entry point on to Route 27.

- Sucherman

2 of which describes a sharp right bank

- Stafford
- Storti

1 of which (online) questioned the entire scenario

"I want to see footage of the crash. I want to make it make sense. I want to know why there's this gap in my memory, this gap that makes it seem as though the plane simply became invisible and banked up at the very last minute, but I don't think that's going to happen."

- "Skarlet"

3 of which it's claimed described ducking/diving/physical reaction to the blast:

- Sepulveda ("Sepulveda said he doesn't remember passing out, but medical professionals told him he had to have lost consciousness, at least briefly."They said with the wallop I received, there's no way that I wouldn't have at least lost consciousness for a brief moment," he said.)

- Scott ("felt and heard a terrible explosion")

- Snavel ("the truck rocked back and forth")

Breakdown C:

2 of which are complete media disinfo pieces which only came to light when the person was contacted

"the blast of the impact was so tremendous, that from his vantage point, it threw him backward over 100 feet slamming into a light pole causing him internal injuries"

- Sepulveda

" It flew over the van and I looked back and I saw this huge explosion, black smoke everywhere."

- Stephens

Complete or partial second/third hand accounts

"He saw the plane slam into the Pentagon"

- Sheuerman

"The plane's left wing actually came in near the ground and the right wing was tilted up in the air. That right wing went directly over our trailer, so if that wing had not tilted up, it would have hit the trailer. My foreman, Mickey Bell, had just walked out of the trailer and was walking toward the construction entrance"

Mickey Bell has not been quoted once in the 11 years since the event and the above is based on a statement attributed to him by a person who wasn't there.

- Singleton

"Dennis Smith, a building inspector and former Marine, was smoking a cigarette in the center courtyard when he heard the roar of engines and looked up in time to see the tail of a plane seconds before it exploded into the building."

- Smith

"Steve Snaman, manager of the datacom division for Walker Seals, watched in horror from Fort McNair (across the river) as the jetliner came in low at full throttle, banked left and smashed into the wall of the Pentagon"

- Snaman

"Seconds later he was at the crash site, helping victims. Stanley, of Beltsville, can still recall the putrid smell of the burning jet fuel, see the terror on the victims' faces, smell the charred flesh. "

- Stanley

Breakdown D:

Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government

- Government

- Smiley (works in terrorist intelligence for the Federal Aviation Administration)

- 1

- Stanley (DPS - Pentagon Police)


- 2

- Sucherman (USA Today)
- Van Sustern (CNN Legal Analyst and Anchor)



- Sheuerman (Associate General Counsel for the U.S. Air Force)
- Sepulveda (Navy Master Sergeant)
- Smith (Military Contractor/Ex Marine)
- Snaman (Military Contractor for Lockheed Martin)
- Snavel (Army Sergeant)
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:19 #2473

Witnesses T-Z

Tamillow, Michael

Source: Media
FBI evidence teams combing the area of impact along the building's perimeter found parts of the fuselage from the Boeing 757, said Michael Tamillow, a battalion chief and search and rescue expert for the Fairfax County, Virginia, Fire Department. No large pieces apparently survived.

First responder. Not a witness to aircraft or alleged impact.

Taylor, Shari

Source: Media (military)

Pentagon parking lot

"I work in a different location, not in the Pentagon. I got there around 8 o'clock, my normal time, came in and checked my email and noticed here was an email asking me to come over to the Pentagon as soon as possible. So I got in my car, rushed over there, found a parking space, and as soon as I got out of my car, I looked over my shoulder and you can hear the plane coming in, it was just so loud. Normally you don't see planes on that side of the Pentagon, and that was my first thought. I thought, 'What is he doing on that side of the Pentagon, it's so strange.' And then you could just see him descend and just keep descending lower and lower, until he was almost on top of Route 27 that runs alongside the Pentagon. And then he just slammed into the Pentagon, you just knew he was going to hit the Pentagon, I mean there was no way he could not have hit it."

The alleged impact zone cannot be seen from whatever Pentagon parking lot.
The "you just knew he was going to hit the Pentagon, I mean there was no way he could not have hit it" statement reinforces this fact. 

The Pentagon parking lots cover a very wide area:

Even the Navy Annex can clearly be seen from the far north end of North Parking at the top of the above image:

Even South Parking (beside the I395 motorway) stretches well beyond the length of the Pentagon.

Her exact position needs to be established. 

Either way, for her to make that statement shows that she had no view. Anything else is assumption.

Additional info:

Shari Taylor is also an employee of the DIA.
The Defense Intelligence Agency is a Department of Defense combat support agency and important member of the United States Intelligence Community. With over 16,500 military and civilian employees worldwide, DIA is a major producer and manager of foreign military intelligence. We provide military intelligence to war-fighters, defense policymakers and force planners, in the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, in support of U.S. military planning and operations and weapon systems acquisition.

Terronez, Tony

Source: Online counseling site
"Around 9:40 a.m. I reached the heliport area (beside the Pentagon). So I got about 100 yards or so past the heliport and then all of the sudden I heard this loud screeching sound that just came out of nowhere and it intensified. This huge WHOOSH! And something made me look in my rearview mirror and by the time I looked up I saw the side of the Pentagon explode


"I put the car in park - it is amazing how instinct takes over because I will never know how it is I kept my foot on the brake when I ducked at the same time."


Cars were going over the median on Route 27 because there wasn't any traffic coming southbound toward the Pentagon. People were hopping over it any way they could, on the grass, anything. It was a little scary at that point. Pulling away from the Pentagon there was tons of stuff on the ground, big pieces of metal, concrete, everything. We got up to a certain point and there was this huge piece of something - I mean it was big, it looked like a piece of an engine or something - in the road. And there was somebody, definitely a security guard or maybe a military person, with his car in front of it making sure no one touched it.

Did not see the alleged impact.

Theall, David

Source: Media
Carl Mahnken and his colleague in the Army public relations office, David Theall, had been in a first-floor studio only a few dozen feet from where the plane hit. A computer monitor had blown back and hit Theall in the head, but he was conscious and he led the way out for his buddy

Inside the building. Not a witness to aircraft or alleged impact.

Thompson, Carla

Source: Online counseling site
"I glanced up just at the point where the plane was going into the building," said Carla Thompson, who works in an Arlington, Va., office building about 1,000 yards from the crash. "I saw an indentation in the building and then it was just blown-up up--red, everything red," she said. "Everybody was just starting to go crazy. I was petrified."

Her alleged POV (and testimony) needs to be established.

Even the reporter's description of her being "1000 yards away" in an "Arlington, Va. Office building" doesn't make sense. 

Alleged and unconfirmed witness "Steve Patterson" was said to be watching from an apartment in Crystal City which is to the south of the Pentagon. The reporter claimed that he was "150 yards" away (I chose the closest apartment as there's no further information nor proof of this guy's existence):

"1000 yards"? With a view of an alleged "indentation"? Having just "glanced up"? " Look at that overhead image and pinpoint the POV...

An idea of what "1000 yards" distance actually is:

And the "indentation"?

Yes, the alleged testimony has been taken literally but that's all there is to work with. And it makes no sense. And shows why media quote snippets are useless.

Thompson, Philip

Source: Media (military)
"I was sitting in heavy traffic in the I-395 HOV lanes about 9:45 a.m., directly across from the Navy Annex. I could see the roof of the Pentagon and, in the distance, the Washington Monument. I heard the scream of a jet engine and, turning to look, saw my driver's side window filled with the fuselage of the doomed airliner. It was flying only a couple of hundred feet off the ground - I could see the passenger windows glide by. The plane looked as if it were coming in for a landing - cruising at a shallow angle, wings level, very steady. But, strangely, the landing gear was up and the flaps weren't down. I knew what was about to happen, but my brain couldn't quite process the information. Like the other commuters on the road, I was stunned into disbelief. The fireball that erupted upon impact blossomed skyward, and the blast hit us in a wave. I don't remember hearing a sound.

According to his description he was on the next lane over from this one:

The roof of the Pentagon is visible but we have to remember that he was caught in "heavy traffic" and that he described a "blastwave".

Thurman, John

Source: Media
Thurman also was blown backward. (...) But it was a plane passing beneath him, smashing through pilons and shaking the building's 60-year-old structure. "I saw flames coming over the walls, and then retreat back. And immediately the room was filled with smoke and the like," Thurman said. (...) Thurman was trying to orient himself in a darkened room

Inside the building. Not a witness to the aircraft or the alleged impact.

Ticknor, Henry

Source: Media
Henry Ticknor, intern minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Virginia, was driving to church that Tuesday morning when American Airlines Flight 77 came in fast and low over his car and struck the Pentagon. "There was a puff of white smoke and then a huge billowing black cloud," he said.

Incredible (well, not really) that this blatant lie is still posted at Hoffman's site.

Ticknor refuted the claims made that were used both by government loyalists to point to the alleged trail of white smoke seen in the gatecam stills (that nobody saw) and by those (at the time) who believed that a missile caused the damage.
"Recently I went on-line and did a search on my name. Not too many surprises, lots of sermons, a couple of newspaper items about my days with the Fairfax County Public Schools, a few references to my name in the Winchester Star. But the most interesting was a 9-11 conspiracy theory site that quoted me as an eyewitness to the attack on the Pentagon. Comments, attributed to me, but printed without my knowledge or permission were used to support the notion that it may not have been a plane that struck the Pentagon, but rather a missile. The web page says, "This is the only witness statement that seems to have caught the white smoke which would agree with a missile being fired. Henry Ticknor, intern minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Virginia was driving to church that Tuesday morning when American Airlines flight 77 came in fast and low over his car and truck the Pentagon. "There was a puff of white smoke and then a billowing black cloud." 

Where did that come from? No idea, unless it was lifted from a UU World Magazine article for which I was interviewed at some length as an eyewitness. [You see on the morning of September 11, I was driving down Rt. 50 on my way to work at the Arlington UU Church when I saw a plane dive below the tree line and an immediate explosion. I did tell the World Magazine about the smoke; I never said the plane came in fast and low over my car, as I was five miles from the point of impact. Where is my right to privacy?" 

Henry Ticknor

Wasn't there.

Timmerman, Tim

Source: Media

Discussed here:

He had no view beyond the Navy Annex and would have had a fraction of a second to witness what he described if he had been fixated on the spot where it allegedly emerged at ground level (according to the OCT).

Tinyk, Michael

Source: Media

at work on the 10th floor of the U.S. Trademark Office in Crystal City

The plane took "a flight path straight up 395,"

Craig Ranke went to film this guy's POV:

You tell me just exactly what he saw in that relatively small gap. And how he could tell above what the plane was flying.

Not a witness to the alleged impact.

Trapasso, Thomas J.

Source: Media

on the deck of his house about 1 mile away from the Pentagon and just west of I-395

"The engines were just screaming, and the wheels were up," Trapasso said. "It disappeared over the trees, and I heard a boom. I knew something awful had happened--that an airplane had crashed somewhere in Washington, D.C."

Obviously couldn't physically see alleged impact zone.

Additional info:
Thomas D. Trapasso, a political appointee in the Clinton Administration who is now looking for work, was making telephone calls from his deck in Arlington Village...

Turcios, Robert

Source: CIT

CIT interview:

Craig: Okay, let's see where you say you saw it coming down. We're on the south side of the Citgo Station. Robert says he saw it come down over here (cam pointed North to tree) on the north side. Is that right Robert?

Turcios: That's correct...It was to my..uh..I saw it right over that tree there next to the corner of the canopy..

Craig: Next to the corner of the canopy, so it came in between those two trees?

Turcios: Yes. That's what I recollect.

Craig: Okay.


Turcios: It was kinda was kind of a silver grey..but it was so quick, maybe two seconds when I just stooped down here and then I tried to follow it. Then I saw it lift up a little bit (makes lifting motion) to get the side of the bridge here.

Craig: The side of the bridge..

Turcios: Yes. Where you see the "Do Not Enter" sign. It seemed to go that way

Craig: we're talking about..the uh.."Do Not Enter" sign..oh..I see..(focuses)..okay..right it flew up to go over that?

Turcios: Yes

Craig: Okay. And..

Turcios: My view know..I could not totally see when it hit the Pentagon. All I saw was the..uh...straight to it and uh..then the big explosion and a fireball and lots of smoke..

Craig: Okay, so you didn't actually see it hit the Pentagon?

Turcios: No, the view was kinda obstructed..the steel..I could only see the fireball.

Craig: Did you see it hit any lightpoles?

Turcios: No..I may have missed that. I just saw it pick up..

Craig: You saw it pick up to miss that?

Turcios: Yeah

Turcios is clearly describing the NOC flightpath. In fact, throughout the start of his interview, the official path, bridge and lightpoles are behind him while he points out what he saw in the opposite direction. He claims to have been standing on the side of the gas station where the aircraft had to fly to line up with the directional damage from the lightpoles through to C Ring!

He is not a witness to the alleged impact and is on record as saying so.

Here's the path that he drew:

The "lift up" that he gestured:

Additional info:

An incredible turn of events including a smear campaign against this witness , the "coincidental" release of the Citgo footage, proven manipulation of evidence and formerly respected "researchers" turned logic on its head:

His testimony was actually reinforced by one of those "researchers" (Russell Pickering - discussed above)

Russell Pickering "questionnaire":

One of three witnesses at the Citgo gas station area who hammers a nail into the coffin of the OCT.

Turner, Ron

Source: Government media
Ron Turner, the Navy's deputy chief information officer, was standing solemnly at a funeral at Arlington National Cemetery when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon Tuesday morning. He had only to turn to watch the disaster unfold. "There was a huge fireball," he said, "followed by the [usual] black cloud of a fuel burn." Turner, a helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War, said the explosion was just the same as explosions of jet fighters and helicopters during his tour of duty in 1971. "It reminded me of being back in Vietnam," he said, "watching Tan Son Nhut Air Base burn."

Allegedly saw fireball from Arlington Cemetery. Did not see the plane nor the alleged impact.

Van Leunen, Tom

Source: Media
''It wasn't like a rumble, it was just - boom,'' said Tom Van Leunen of the Navy Public Affairs Office. ''It was shocking. ... It immediately put you on your heels, in fact in my case, actually, it kind of knocked me down.'' 

Inside the Pentagon. Not a witness.

Vaughan, Clyde (Brig. Gen)

Source: Media

Brig. Gen. Clyde Vaughn of the U.S. Army, director of military support, told reporters he was in his car on nearby Interstate 395 when the plane hit the Pentagon on Tuesday morning. Vaughn said "I was scanning the air" as he was sitting in his car. "There wasn't anything in the air, except for one airplane, and it looked like it was loitering over Georgetown, in a high, left-hand bank," he said. "That may have been the plane. I have never seen one on that (flight) pattern." Georgetown is a sector of the District of Columbia jammed with shops and restaurants - it is one of the city's most vital tourist draws. Commercial aircraft that are either approaching or departing from nearby Ronald Reagan National Airport do not fly over Georgetown, and rather trace their flight route over the nearby Potomac River, which separates the district from South Arlington, Virginia, location of the Pentagon. A few minutes later, Vaughn witnessed the craft's impact.

Really? The Pentagon is bottom right of the following image:

Here's the official loop.

A few minutes later, Vaughn witnessed the craft's impact.

Second hand media account. Vaughn isn't directly quoted.

Velasquez, Jose
Jose Velasquez : "It was like an earthquake" , "By the time I got outside all I could see was a giant cloud of smoke, first white then black, coming from the Pentagon," he said. Velasquez says the gas station's security cameras are close enough to the Pentagon to have recorded the moment of impact. "I've never seen what the pictures looked like," he said. "The FBI was here within minutes and took the film."

Citgo Gas Station owner. Did not witness plane.

Vera, Michael
Army Sgt. Roxane Cruz-Cortes, top, and Marine Cpl. Michael Vera, right, were both inside the Pentagon when the plane hit, and both stayed inside to rescue wounded co-workers.

Marine Cpl. Michael Vera never heard the explosion caused by Flight 77."

Inside the building. Did not see the plane.

Wallace, Alan

Source: Media/Jeff Hill

Discussed here:
So many people think Mark and I watched the plane hit the building.  We did NOT.  We only saw it approach for an instant.  I would estimate not longer than half a second.

Did not witness alleged impact.

Wallace, Terry

Source: Media
Terry C. Wallace - Southern Arizona Seismic Observatory

I looked pretty hard -- and to be honest I can't find any conclusively above the noise (sic). I calculated an expected magnitude assuming that the impact was on the wall, not vertical (like UA flight), and got a magnitude of .8 The noise at all the stations (closest is 60 km aways) is above this.

He wasn't there.

Walter, Mike

Source: Media

Discussed here:

And here:

And here:

His story has continually morphed but on the morning of 9/11 he was interviewed and claimed that he couldn't physically see the alleged impact because of "trees"

The trees can be seen here (Walter claims to have been slightly further back):

The next day and in the years that followed he described the NOC flightpath, from a "right bank" to placing the aircraft well beyond the lightpoles (outlined in the links above)

Could not physically see the alleged impact, and is on record as saying so. The fact that he added the "wings folded back" description shows how reporters will embellish (being polite here).

Washington, Rodney

Source: Media

stuck in stand-still traffic a few hundred yards from the Pentagon

"It was extremely loud, as you can imagine, a plane that size, it was deafening," Washington said. The plane was flying low and rapidly descended, Washington said, knocking over light poles before hitting the ground on a helicopter pad just in front of the Pentagon and essentially bouncing into it. It "landed there and the momentum took it into the Pentagon," Washington said. "There was a very, very brief delay and then it exploded." Washington speculated that it could have been worse: "If it had kept altitude a little bit higher it probably would have landed in the middle of the Pentagon, in that court."

The lightpoles claim is made by the reporter.

Again, because of lack of detail in this media snippet, this guy's alleged POV has to be approximated.

If he was "stuck in stand-still traffic", he had to be in the lanes closest to the Pentagon (Northbound). For him to have had a view of the helipad and alleged impact zone, he had to be within the section of motorway (Route 27) where the aircraft is claimed to have crossed (blue line)

Read his testimony and see if you can place him on the road.

He also makes the claim that if "it had kept altitude a little bit higher it probably would have landed in the middle of the Pentagon, in that court"

Needs to be verified.

Wheelhouse, Keith

Source: Media/CIT/Jeff Hill

Discussed here:

He had no view. There were people with a better unobstructed view positioned underneath the flightpath of the aircraft and they are summarily dismissed, yet this guy who constantly contradicts himself and is shown not to have had a view of what he claims to have seen is defended.

No comparison whatsoever. Couldn't physically see the alleged impact zone nor the OCT low and level trajectory.

Winslow, Dave

Source: Media
Dave Winslow : AP reporter Dave Winslow also saw the crash. He said, "I saw the tail of a large airliner ... It ploughed right into the Pentagon.",550486,00.html

Another shocking piece of outdated disinfo on this site.

He was allegedly in an apartment block here:

River House Apartments:

His original statement was butchered from this:
David Winslow, a reporter with AP's Broadcast News Center in Washington, was sitting in his tenth-floor apartment, looking out at the capital, when he saw a jumbo tail go by him. "I heard this enormous sound of turbulence. . .As I turned to my right, I saw a jumbo tail go by me along Route 395. It was like the rear end of the fuselage was riding on 395. I just saw the tail go whoosh right past me. In a split second, you heard this boom. A combination of a crack and a thud. It rattled my windows. I thought they were going to blow out. Then came an enormous fireball."

Jeff Hill phoned this guy and he insisted that it would be better to ask for his statement through his office. Hill badgered him on whether he witnessed the "impact" as he was attempting to hang up. How bizarre would this question have seemed to Winslow? 

He saw the aircraft. He heard the "boom". And saw the "fireball". Of course he saw what pointed to an  "impact". What Hill should have asked is whether he saw the aircraft actually strike the building and for him to describe it. 

Apart from Winslow actually saying that he only "heard" the explosion, a clue can be drawn from the last visual description  he gives of seeing "the tail go whoosh right past [him]". Then describing the "boom". Something blocking his view?

And the claim that he saw the aircraft over the I395 "as [he] turned to [his] right" (look at the image above). Was he sitting facing away from the Pentagon? Had to be.

His exact POV needs to be established. And a more detailed interview required.

Wright, Don

Source: Media
Wright, Don
Don Wright from the 12th floor, 1600 Wilson Boulevard, in Rosslyn: " .. I watched this looked like a commuter plane, two engined ... come down from the south real low ... " (Real Audio) 

Another "window witness"

First, it wasn't a "commuter plane" which Wright claims with certainty.
Second, the plane did not arrive "from the south". Neither on the official path nor the NOC path. It arrived from the west.

Here is Wright's alleged line of sight from Roslyn to the Pentagon. Looking south.

He claims that the aircraft "went below some trees" before "crossing I-395".

Here's the view from a hi-rise building behind the USA Today buildings where Wright claimed he was (higher than the "12th floor" he claimed to be on)

How could he mistake the trajectory as being from the "south"? If he had such a panoramic view how could the aircraft disappear "below the trees"?

The interviewer, Peter Jennings (in the video above), asked him if the aircraft flew along the river (that runs behind the Pentagon) or over land and he repeated mechanically "from the south" rather than instinctively using landmarks to describe directions. It sounds scripted to me. Or he's repeating what he's heard.

Don Wright neither confirms the official path nor the NOC path. He was very confident but very wrong.

Wyatt, Ian
Ian Wyatt glanced into the sky just as a commercial airplane roared by about 100 yards off the ground. "I was so scared I thought it was coming after me and just ducked for cover," said Wyatt, a 1999 graduate of Mary Washington College who was walking to his federal job when terrorists struck at the heart of the nation's defense yesterday morning. "It was going so fast and it was so low," he said, standing on Army-Navy Drive. "The only intelligent thought that came into my head was, 'Oh my God, they hit the Pentagon.' I could then hear cars squealing all around and people were just stunned." After the plane struck the west side of the famed five-sided building, thick black smoke billowed from a huge crater as fire raged within.

He doesn't mention physicalliy seeing the alleged impact. And he couldn't physically see it from anywhere along Army Navy Drive.

Army Navy Drive runs around the perimeter of Crystal City to the south of the Pentagon.

What I can't figure out is how the aircraft would have appeared to fly by Wyatt "100 yards off the ground", why he felt that it was coming for him and why he felt he had to "duck" if he was on this stretch of road.

Here are the streetviews of the only possible area where his testimony makes any sense (for bearings, in front of the Navy Annex is a metallic sculpture erected post 2001 that can be seen in the streetview images):

And the most likely spot where he conceivably was:

Or further up this road beyond the Sheraton Hotel and Navy Annex:

There is no view of the Pentagon. Wyatt could not physically witness the alleged impact from his stated position.

Yates, John

Source: Media
John Yates worked in 2E471, a warren of cubicles. At 50, he was an Army security manager who handed out keys and employee badges. (...) He had been sitting on a table watching TV. When he stood up, the Pentagon shuddered. A big ball of fire knocked him to the floor. Black smoke flooded the room. Searing heat scorched him. Upended file cabinets blocked him.

Inside the building. Not a witness to the aircraft nor alleged impact.

Yeingst William

Source: Media
Just prior to the impact there were three firemen on the helipad at the Pentagon. The president was supposed to land at the helipad two hours after the impact, and so they had just pulled the foam truck out of the firehouse and were standing there when they looked up and saw the plane coming over the Navy Annex building.

He is the Smithsonian Museum curator (where Penny Elgas left the supposed "aircraft debris")

He is recounting the story of Alan Wallace, the firefighter at the heliport.
"they looked up and saw the plane coming over the Navy Annex building."

Second hand account told by somebody who wasn't there. Not a witness.

 Zakheim, Madelyn

Source: Media/CIT

Discussed here:

Not a witness to the alleged impact. 

Breakdown A:

There are 28 alleged witnesses.

- inside Pentagon during event 

- 5

- not there 

- 4

= 19

- stated that they did not see alleged impact

- 3

- Turcios
- Wallace (Alan)
- Walter

= 16

inferred that they did not see alleged impact 

- 2

- Terronez
- Velasquez

= 14

- couldn't physically see Pentagon from stated position 

- 5

- Tinyk
- Trapasso
- Turner
- Wheelhouse
- Zakhem

= 9

- vague (second hand testimony regarding alleged impact)

- 1

- Vaughan

= 8

- in area, could not see alleged impact area 

- 3

- Taylor
- Thompson
- Wyatt

= 5

- 5 alleged impact witnesses 

- Carla Thompson
- Timmerman
- Washington
- Winslow
- Wright

3 of which were claimed to be watching through a window 1-2 km away.

- Timmerman
- Carla Thompson
- Winslow

1 of which made exaggerated claims on his POV and whose view of the aircraft's alleged crossing of the lawn would have been in view for a fraction of a second

- Timmerman

1 of which insisted that it was a commuter jet and that it arrived from the south.

- Wright

Breakdown B:

28 alleged witnesses

25 of which are media sourced.

2 of which appeared on online counseling sites.

1 which appeared on a religious site

4 of which have been contacted by Jeff Hill.

- Winslow
- Wheelhouse
- Trapasso
- Wallace

3 of which have been interviewed by CIT.

- Turcios
- Wheelhouse
- Trapasso

1 of which is confirmed NOC.

- Turcios

1 of which describes the aircraft "lift up" as it reached Route 27.

- Turcios

1 of which describes the flightpath East of Potomac/Washington, contradicting the official "loop".

- Vaughan

1 of which describes a right bank.

- Walter

1 of which claims that there was a brief delay before the explosion.

- Washington

1 of which whose story has morphed over the years even though he's on record as saying that he couldn't physically see the alleged impact

- Walter

1 of which claims to have seen the C130 "tailing" the aircraft contradicting all other witnesses and video footage

- Wheelhouse

6 of which it's claimed described ducking/diving/physical reaction to the blast:

Terronez ("- it is amazing how instinct takes over because I will never know how it is I kept my foot on the brake when I ducked at the same time.")

Philip Thompson ("the blast hit us in a wave")

Velasquez ("it was like an earthquake")

Zakhem ("I fell to the ground...I was crying and scared")

Winslow ("it rattled my windows. I thought they were going to blow out")

Alan Wallace ("dove underneath a van")

Breakdown C:

1 of which whose testimony was spliced and manipulated by the media

- Winslow

1 whose placement by the media makes her alleged testimony impossible

- Carla Thompson

1 who publically stated that comments attributed to him, putting him in prime position to witness the alleged impact were completely false

- Ticknor

1 of which whose testimony was embellished by the media

"The plane was flying low and rapidly descended, Washington said, knocking over light poles before hitting the ground on a helicopter pad just in front of the Pentagon and essentially bouncing into it."

- Washington

1 whose alleged testimony concerning the alleged impact was added by the reporter

"A few minutes later, Vaughan witnessed the craft's impact"

- Vaughan

Breakdown D:

Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government


- 6

- Taylor (Defence Intelligence Agency)
- Thompson (ex Marine)
- Turner (Deputy Chief Information Officer US Navy)
- Vaughan (US Army Brigadier General)
- Wallace (Hospital Corps/VietNam veteran)
- Wheelhouse (US Army)


- 3

- Walter (USA Today)
- Winslow (AP Reporter)
- Wright (USA Today)


- 1

- Trapasso (Political Appointee to the Clinton Administration)
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:20 #2474

Overall Numbers

239 alleged witnesses

48 of which were inside the Pentagon during the event

35 of which arrived after the event or weren't there at all

Total of people listed on various sites who neither witnessed the aircraft, it's flightpath nor alleged impact:

= 83

239 - 83

= 156

31 of which could not physically see Pentagon at all

156 - 31

= 125

20 of which are on record as saying that they didn't/couldn't see alleged impact:

125 - 20

= 105

7 of which are anonymous:

105 - 7 (1 of which is "Skarlet")

= 98

7 of which are completely second/third hand accounts:

98 - 7

= 91

9 of which inferred that they didn't/couldn't see, are totally void of detail regarding or described "feeling/hearing" the alleged impact or seeing "fireball/smoke":

91 - 9

= 82

20 of which are void of detail on, don't mention or the media is guilty of embellishing/falsifying details of, alleged impact "testimonies" (6 of which are completely irrelevant phrases that the media has built its own story around):

82 - 20

= 62

21 of which were allegedly within view of the Pentagon, but not the alleged impact area, whose POVs aren't known or alleged witnesses who have never had their alleged testimony verified independently:

62 - 21

= 41 alleged impact accounts.
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:21 #2475


1. George Aman

- POV - ANC buildings - confirmed

- NOC/Over Navy Annex - confirmed

2. Steve Anderson

- Alleged POV - 2km away in Roslyn - unconfirmed

- Possible EOP/Washington flightpath witness

- Describes details that he couldn't possibly have seen from his alleged vantage point.

- that his account didn't appear in any media capacity, particularly in the organization of which he is an executive (USA Today), makes no sense. 

3. Deb Anlauf

- Alleged POV - Sheraton Hotel - unconfirmed

- Possible Over Navy Annex witness

- lacks vital details (see breakdown of her account)

- quoted as having seen "fireball that crashed into the wall (of the Pentagon)."

  4. Sean Boger

- POV - Heliport tower - confirmed

- NOC/Over Navy Annex - confirmed

- questioned altitude shown in gatecam footage - confirmed

- claimed in his initial account that he withessed alleged impact but that he "fell to the ground and covered [his] head" after the event, which is hard to believe given his vantage point.

5. Donald Bouchoux

- Alleged POV - Route 27 

- exact position unknown

- according to his media account, he would have had aircraft in sight for just over 1 second at the official speed.

6. Chadwick Brooks

- POV - Citgo gas station - confirmed

- NOC - confirmed

7. James Cissell

- Alleged POV - Route 27 

- exact position unknown

- point at which he allegedly saw aircraft not known

- questions official trajectory

- confirmed media disinfo regarding his account

8. Daryl Donley

- POV - Route 27 (Northbound) "as close to the Pentagon lawn as you can get without actually being on it" - confirmed

- Claims to have "ducked" as aircraft flew over

- on official trajectory and at official speed, would have had less than 0.4 seconds to witness alleged impact (if he immediately looked up after having ducked)

- gives very detailed (and contradictory) account for this alleged 0.4 second period

9. Ken Ford

- Alleged POV - (min) 2 km away in Washington 

- unconfirmed (to the point of anonymous) media snippet.

10. Bobby Eberle

- Alleged POV - Route 27 

- exact position unknown

- disgraced politician and GOPUSA Republican propagandist founder

- contradictory description which morphed the more he told it

- claimed that he was in a convertible yet described nothing of the blast

- claimed that a lorry in the next lane blocked the view of his "friend". But not his..

11. Aziz El Hallan

- Alleged POV - Route 27 

- exact alleged position unknown

- Appeared on Fox News with alleged aircraft debris (in effect removing evidence from a crime scene/alleged crash site)

- Photographic evidence (which was luckily uploaded before being removed by a military website) counters his claims that he was on Route 27 for "20 minutes" after the event. He was actually filmed at the Navy Annex on foot within 5-6 minutes of the explosion.

12. Penny Elgas

- POV - Route 27 - "four cars" back from where aircraft crossed Route 27- confirmed

- NOC - confirmed

- account is subject to disinfo (pointed out by her) regarding her alleged description of the lightpole and "debris" scenario.

13.  Steven Gerard

Alleged POV - Justice Department, Washington - unconfirmed

- claimed to only see "fireball" in initial account.

14. Albert Hemphill

- POV - Navy Annex - confirmed

- NOC/Over Navy Annex - confirmed

- claims that he "felt the shockwave of the blast impact... knocking [him] against the desk"

15. Lesley Kelly

- Alleged POV - "Washington" - unconfirmed

- unverified account based on a posting on an internet site.

- no view of alleged impact zone.

16. William Lagasse

- POV - Citgo Gas Station - confirmed

- NOC - confirmed and reaffirmed in a follow up exchange in the face of the implications.

- could not physically see the aircraft on the official path

17. Terrance Kean

-Alleged POV - hi-rise building "nearby" - unconfirmed

- contradictory description

- unconfirmed to the point of anonymous account

18. Peter Kopf

- Alleged POV - Route 27 - exact location unknown

- point at which he allegedly saw aircraft unknown

- initial account the day after 9/11, he described seeing a "huge fireball" and no other details.

- now claims to have seen alleged impact itself 11 years after the event. Remember that he works for USA Today and that the lack of detail in his initial account points to him seeing nothing but the fireball.

19. Lincoln Liebner

- POV - Southwest corner of South Parking lot

- gestured the NOC flightpath on a televised interview

- initial (second hand) story was that the aircraft "struck a helicopter" on the helipad and has not mentioned this since

- the view of the alleged impact zone from the southwest corner of the building was blocked by trees almost as tall as the building on 9/11

20. David Marra

- Alleged POV - Route 27 - unconfirmed exact location

- unverified media snippet intertwined with alleged quotes attributed to him.

- doesn't actually mention alleged impact:

"Then he caught an edge of his wing on the ground." (which didn't happen), followed by the reporter add-on that the aircraft "cartwheeled into the building" (which it didn't)

21. Stephen McGraw

- POV - Route 27 - "in left hand lane" of three lanes in heavy traffic

- "right in front of the Pentagon...right in front of the lawn there" - confirmed

- " I did not hear anything at all until the plane was just right above our cars" - confirmed

- He claims that he was beside the lawn. And that there were two lanes of heavy traffic between him and the lawn. 

- Claims that he wasn't aware of the aircraft until it passed over his car. At the official speed on the official trajectory, he would have had less than half a second to witness the event (through the two lanes of traffic)

22. William Middleton

- POV - Arlington Cemetery - confirmed

- NOC/Over Navy Annex witness - confirmed

- video footage taken from his exact POV show a very limited view of the alleged impact area.

- could not physically see the aircraft on the official path

- describes East of Potomac/Washington flightpath that contradicts the official "loop"

23. James Mosley

- Alleged POV - "four stories up on a scaffold, washing the windows of the Navy Annex building" - unconfirmed media snippet.

- what's incredulous is that this alleged witness was never pursued for more details by the media given his alleged POV. 

24. Vin Naraynan

- POV - Route 27 

- "I pulled alongside the Pentagon...the jet roared over my head... "

- "Actually, that huge fireball exploded right toward me. I was on the road right next to where the American Airlines jet hit Pentagon wall."

- "the closer it got, the more it looked like it was going to hit my car"

- "No, there were no trees in my way, actually there were no trees there."

- He also claimed that he was before an exit sign but that there were no trees blocking his view (which can't be) and was adamant that no lightpoles were struck (nor mentioned Lloyd's cab)

- Another alleged witness who claims that the aircraft flew over his car. According to the official speed he would have had 0.5 seconds to witness the alleged impact.

- goes into (contradictory) detail given this alleged 0.5 second timeframe

25. Frank Probst

- Alleged POV - "sidewalk alongside Route 27" on Pentagon lawn

- claims that the aircraft flew over the Navy Annex

- claims that he "hit the ground" as the aircraft flew over him

- at the official speed, he had 0.4 seconds while diving to the ground to see the alleged impact

26. Scott Perry

- Alleged POV - Navy Annex 

- unconfirmed media snippet.

27. Christine Peterson

- Ambiguous media quote on several fronts but on the face of it, she places herself in front of the Pentagon helipad (the official path would be behind her)

- "Where did the plane go? For some reason I expected it to bounce off the Pentagon wall in pieces. But there was no plane visible, only huge billows of smoke and torrents of fire."

Her statement on the alleged impact is also open to interpretation as she simply states that "the plane crashed" but questions the scenario and gives no details whatsoever on it. The fireball, blast or the what would have been surreal and terrifying sight of a large aircraft allegedly making contact with the facade. None of it mentioned.

- She thought the aircraft was going to hit her car and that her car "shook" as it "flew over". 

28. Mary Ann Owens

- Alleged POV - Route 27 - exact location unknown

- claims that she "ducked" as the aircraft flew over her car

- at the official speed she would have had 0.5 seconds to witness the alleged impact.

29. James Robbins

- Alleged POV - Washington 

-  "The Pentagon is about a mile and half distant...6 stories up"

- posted his story online one year after 9/11

- government propagandist who despite being NRO contributing editor, held off on telling this story for a year? Not even on the right wing website of which he is editor? Waiting to see where the chips lay James?

30. Wanda Ramey

- POV - Pentagon Security Checkpoint north of the gate camera

- at official speed, she would have had 0.4 seconds to witness alleged impact

31. Rick Renzi

- Alleged POV - I395 Northbound

- corrupt politician whose family made millions off of the resultant wars of 9/11

32. Steve Riskus

- POV - Route 27 - confirmed

- NOC entrypoint on to Route 27 - confirmed

- at the official speed, he would have had the aircraft in sight for 1.3 seconds

33. Noel Sepulveda

- Alleged POV - South Parking lot underpass below Route 27 - confirmed

- NOC witness

- knocked unconscious

- contradictory (to the point of bizarre) testimony

34. GT Stanley

- Alleged POV - Route 27 exit to Columbia Pike - unconfirmed

- unverified media snippet lacking in details

- alleged position on road is second hand

35. Steve Storti

- POV - Crystal City apartment balcony - confirmed

- proven unreliable (and dishonest)

- like Timmerman, they both describe the aircraft around the Navy Annex area at altitude and somehow "knew" that it would allegedly emerge at ground level having passed through their mostly blocked field of vision.

- totally exaggerated view and testimony. Would have had a fraction of a second to see anything after the aircraft emerged through the myriad of buildings blocking his "view".

36. Joel Sucherman

- POV - Route 27 - confirmed

 "I’m looking out the passenger side window and that’s where I see the collision with the pentagon. There were no trees at that point in the way at all. I did see it impact.”

- He also claims that he saw the aircraft "coming across [his] windshield but then the passenger side of the vehicle I had had a clear view of the pentagon. I would say the Pentagon is at 2 o’clock from me, in my car."

— Naranyan places himself at an "exit sign" and claims that the aircraft flew over his car. And that there were no trees obstructing his view.

— Sucherman claims that the aircraft flew in front of his car so he puts himself behind Naranyan's stated position. He also claims that no trees obstructed his view.

And the best idea of the view:

- Like Vin Naranyan, they put themselves beyond the official path in their description of the alleged impact, yet pull themselves further up the road when describing their placement on the road. 

- Either way, he claims to have first seen the aircraft when it was crossing Route 27. At the official speed, he would have had it in sight for 1.3 seconds.

37. Carla Thompson

- Alleged POV - "an office in Arlington, about 1,000 yards from the Pentagon"

- unconfirmed alleged witness at an unknown location giving a contradictory description of events.

 38. Tim Timmerman

- POV - Crystal City apartment window - confirmed

- another totally exaggerated view and testimony (see Storti)

- would have had a fraction of a second to view event at official speed from alleged vantage point.

39. Rodney Washington 

- Alleged POV - Route 27 - unconfirmed media snippet (partially second hand)

- exact location unknown

- point at which he allegedly first saw the aircraft unknown

- journalist gives second hand account of what he allegedly described

40. Dave Winslow

- POV - Crystal City apartment - confirmed

- initial testimony was spliced and manipulated by the media (The Guardian)

- claimed to have "heard this boom" and to have seen ensuing fireball

- didn't mention seeing alleged impact 

- Jeff Hill phoned him and in a hurried phonecall was pestered as to whether he saw the alleged impact or not. He allegedly saw the aircraft, felt the explosion and saw the fireball. What else was he going to say?

41. Don Wright

- Alleged POV - Roslyn (2km away) - unconfirmed

- claims to have seen a "commuter plane" 

- also claimed that the aircraft flew in from the south (it arrived from the west) 

"Window witnesses"

The Official Scenario

The official speed:

Vantage points

View from Washington Marina area, 12 floors up:

(Note: the alleged witnesses compiled in this section were supposedly further north in Central Washington)

View from Roslyn (USA Today building), upper floors

Breakdown A:

11 alleged witnesses claimed to view the event from an office/apartment building 1 - 2 km away

- Robbins
- Ford
- Gerard
- Kelly
- Anderson
- Wright
- Kean
- Storti
- Thompson
- Timmerman
- Winslow

4 of which were allegedly  in Central Washington with no view of the alleged impact zone.

- Robbins ("6 floors" up)
- Ford (no details)
- Gerard (no details)
- Kelly (no details)

None of which have been independently interviewed to ascertain POVs

1 of which hasn't even been formally identified

- Ford

1 of which whose first description was of seeing the plane and then a "fireball" with more "details" grafted on afterwards.

- Gerard

1 of which published his story a year after the event and who is a Senior Fellow in National Security Affairs at the American Foreign Policy Council

- Robbins

2 of which were allegedly watching from USA Today buildings in Roslyn 2km away from the Pentagon

- Anderson
- Wright

USA Today buildings in foreground:

1 of which is possibly describing the East of Potomac/Washington flightpath that contradicts the official "loop".

- Anderson

1 whose story appeared on the internet a month after the event yet never made it into the newspaper he was an executive for

- Anderson

1 who gives details that he couldn't possibly have seen at the official speed and from 2km away.

- Anderson

1 who described seeing a "commuter plane" and claimed that it arrived from "the south" (and not the west)

- Wright

Breakdown B:

5 of which were allegedly viewing from an apartment/office window to the south

- Kean
- Storti
- Thompson
- Timmerman
- Winslow

2 of which are unverified, contradictory media accounts

- Kean
- Thompson

2 of which had extremely limited views of the trajectory of the aircraft and a fraction of a second to witness the alleged impact , yet were very detailed in their descriptions:

- Timmerman

- Storti


1 of which allegedly saw the aircraft fly by and described hearing the explosion and then seeing the fireball in his initial statements through Associated Press in 2001

- Winslow

1 of which whose testimony was purposely truncated by the media to paint him as an impact witness.

- Winslow

1 of which was proven deceitful when contacted

- Storti

Breakdown C:

6 of which who allegedly witnessed the event from an aerial perspective within the Pentagon basin:

- Aman
- Anlauf
- Boger
- Hemphill
- Mosley
- Perry

3 of which are confirmed NOC and over the Navy Annex witnesses (and were situated at three distinct opposing vantage points)

- Aman
- Boger
- Hemphill

2 of which are unconfirmed media snippets and void of detail

- Mosley
- Perry

1 of which falls short of describing the exact flightpath or giving any other details. And who is ambiguous regarding whether she actually saw the alleged impact or not in that she described a "fireball" crashing.

- Anlauf

Breakdown D

Route 27 witnesses

The Official Scenario

The importance of position:

The official speed:


16 alleged witnesses

- Bouchoux
- Cissell
- Donley
- Eberle
- Elgas
- El Hallan
- Kopf
- McGraw
- Marra
- Naranyan
- Owens
- Peterson
- Riskus
- Stanley
- Sucherman
- Washington

8 of which have been contacted

- Bouchoux
- Donley
- Elgas
- Kopf
- McGraw
- Naranyan
- Riskus
- Sucherman

2 of which are confirmed NOC

- Elgas
- Riskus

4 of which describe what can only be the NOC entrypoint (or at least contradict the official entry point) on to Route 27

- Sucherman
- McGraw
- Naranyan
- Peterson

2 of which give no indication of where they were on Route 27 when the event occurred

- Bouchoux
- Kopf

1 of which described seeing the "fireball" and the reaction of the people in his original media quote in 2001 and who gave no details whatsoever on the alleged impact itself (remembering that this guy is a journalist)

- Kopf

3 of which would have had 0.4 seconds at the official speed to witness the alleged impact according to their testimony

- Donley ("ducked")
- McGraw (allegedly unaware of aircraft until it flew over his car)
- Naranyan (aircraft allegedly flew over his car)

3 of which would have had 1.3 seconds at the official speed to witness the alleged impact according to their testimony

- Bouchoux (allegedly saw aircraft as it crossed Route 27)
- Riskus (allegedly saw aircraft as it crossed Route 27)
- Sucherman (allegedly saw aircraft as it crossed Route 27)

8 of which haven't been contacted

- Cissell
- Eberle
- El Hallan
- Marra
- Owens
- Peterson
- Stanley
- Washington

1 of which there is photographic evidence that his story is suspect

- El Hallan

1 unconfirmed media sourced snippet who doesn't actually mention seeing the alleged impact

- Marra

1 of which would have had 0.4 seconds at the official speed to witness the alleged impact according to their testimony

- Owens ("ducked")

1 of which is possibly describing the NOC entry point on to Route 27

- Peterson

1 of which is the GOPUSA founder involved in the Gannongate scandal and whose story is contradictory on several levels

- Eberle

1 of which publically questioned the official trajectory

- Cissell

Of the 16, 2 describe a physical reaction to their vehicles (1 as the aircraft  flew over, the other from the explosion)

- Peterson (turbulence)
- Bouchoux (blastwave)

Breakdown E:

Alleged witnesses within the surrounding area

8 alleged witnesses

- Brooks
- Lagasse
- Liebner
- Middleton
- Probst
- Ramey
- Renzi
- Sepulveda

4 of which are confirmed NOC witnesses

- Brooks
- Lagasse
- Middleton
- Sepulveda

1 of which had a very restricted view of the alleged impact zone

- Middleton

1 of which pointed out the NOC flightpath in a televised interview

- Liebner

2 of which could not physically see the official path

- Middleton
- Lagasse

2 of which would have had less than 0.5 seconds at the official speed to witness the alleged impact

- Ramey (vantage point restricted to the path across the lawn)
- Probst ("dove towards the ground" as the plane allegedly flew over him on the lawn itself)

1 of which was knocked unconscious

- Sepulveda

Breakdown F:


Those who work for or have connections to the media

— 9

- Steve Anderson (USA Today)
- Cissell (photojournalist working for institution founded by USAToday chief)
- Donley (Gannett connections)
- Kopf (Director of Information Technology, USA Today)
- Narayanan (USA Today)
- Owens (Gannett News Service)
- Sucherman (USA Today)
- Winslow (AP Reporter)
- Wright (USA Today)

Those who work for or have connections (in most cases highly connected) to the government

— 4

- Eberle (GOPUSA founder)
- Elgas (FDIC on Banking Committee)
- Renzi (corrupt politician with connections to ManTech Corporation)
- Robbins (Senior Fellow in National Security Affairs at the American Foreign Policy Council and National Review Online Editor)

Governmental positions:

— 2

- Ford ("State Department employee")
- Gerard (Justice Department)

Those who are connected to the military/security forces

— 12

- Bouchoux (Retired Naval Officer)
- Boger (Pentagon Tower Chief)
- Brooks (DPS - Pentagon Police)
- Bright (DPS - Pentagon Police)
- Hemphill (Missile Defence Agency Assistant Director for Agency Operations)
- Kelly (Retired Commander US Navy)
- Liebner (Executive Support Officer for Donald Rumsfeld)
- Lagasse (DPS - Pentagon Police)
- Probst (Military Contractor/Ex Army Lieutenant Colonel)
- Ramey (DPS - Pentagon Police)
- Stanley (DPS - Pentagon Police)
- Sepulveda (Navy Master Sergeant)


20 of the 41 have been contacted

12 of the 20 (in alleged prime positions) are either confirmed NOC witnesses/contradicted the official entry point on to Route 27 or are over the Navy Annex witnesses:

- Aman
- Boger
- Brooks
- Elgas
- Hemphill
- Lagasse
- McGraw
- Middleton
- Naranyan
- Riskus
- Sepulveda
- Sucherman

3 of the 20 weren't asked any details other than whether they saw the alleged impact or not

- Liebner
- Bouchoux
- Donley

1 of which pointed out the NOC flightpath in a TV documentary

- Liebner

2 of the 20 blatantly exaggerated their vantage points

- Timmerman
- Storti

2 of the 20 changed their initial stories to claiming (11 years later) that they saw the alleged impact

- Kopf
- Winslow

4 of the 20 only had up to a second to assimilate what was happening before the explosion

- McGraw
- Naranyan
- Riskus
- Sucherman

Those who were in a position to delineate the flghtpath corroborate. From opposing vantage points dotted around the Pentagon basin.

Those who were asked specifics relayed a recurring theme. Nobody described this scenario:

Read through whatever testimony of any confirmed witness and compare the above image to what they describe. 

Read through the testimony of any confirmed witness allegedly sat in traffic in the northbound lanes, 4-500 ft away from the facade, who supposedly had a fraction of a second to assimilate what was going on at the official speed:

Read through the alleged testimony of those quotemined media snippets taken from a controlled, selective pool of individuals and organizations, spoonfed to the public by a dubious, corporation owned media proven to be guilty of blatant manipulation, invention, censorship and embellishment to push the government OCT. This will be shown in the following posts.
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:22 #2476


17 of which are confirmed NOC witnesses

- Aman
- Boger
- Brooks
- Carter
- Elgas
- Hemphill
- Lagasse
- Leonard
- Middleton
- Morin
- Prather
- Paik
- Riskus
- Turcios
- Stafford
- Sepulveda
- Stephens

2 of which couldn't physically see the official path from their stated POVs

- Middleton (Video)

- Lagasse (Gif)

11 of which are confirmed over the Navy Annex witnesses

- Aman
- Boger
- Carter
- Hemphill
- Middleton
- Morin
- Prather
- Paik
- Stafford
- Sepulveda
- Stephens

6 contradict the C130 RADES data (confirmed)

- Carter
- Dihle
- O'Brien (C130 pilot)
- Prather
- Roy
- Stafford

12 of which described a right bank (many describe a sharp right bank)

- Aman ("When I seen he was kind of turning and gliding when he came across here, across the parking lot..")

- Boger ("As he was coming towards me it just seemed like he was tilting the aircraft to his right…almost like an angle")

- Bauer ("veered to the right")

- Carter ("coasted over the Navy Annex into a bank before gunning its engines..")

- Leonard ("It banked, you see it banked and because I was seeing it in slow motion it appeared as if it stopped over the Citgo gas station as it was making like almost a right angle turn)

- McCoy (“a commercial airliner in steep descent, banking sharply to its right before disappearing beyond the horizon..”)

- Middleton (Gif)

- Prather (Gif)

- Walter (Gif)

- Stafford (Gif)

- Storti ("As the plane passed over the citgo, or the cloverleaf looking mess it banked sharply to the right.")

- Scott, Don (“I noticed a plane making a sharp turn from north of the Pentagon")

1 who described seeing a "second the south parking lot" after the explosion.

- Roberts

1 of which is on record as claiming to have heard "people" describe "a bomb hit the Pentagon and a jet kept going"

- Dihle (Audio)

1 of which describes the aircraft "lift up" as it reached Route 27

- Turcios (Gif)

5 of which contradict the official speed

- Middleton ("When it came past me--- When it came by it was goin' about... I'd say about... had to have no more than about 10... yeah about 10 to 15 seconds before impact."

- Morin ("Well..350 knots, do the time calculus, that's how long it was. If it's seven or eight seconds.")

- Dobbs (".. we saw a plane coming toward us, for about 10 seconds ..It seemed to be almost coming in slow motion,")

- Hemphill ("estimate as between 250 to 300 knots")

- Elgas ("The plane seemed to be floating as if it were a paper glider and I watched in horror as it gently rocked and slowly glided straight into the Pentagon")

2 of which (allegedly) describe a delay between the alleged impact and the explosion/fireball.

- Ramey
- Washington

2 of which describe the aircraft "bouncing up" before reaching the building

- Ramey
- McGraw

2 of which claimed to smell "cordite/gunsmoke"

- Perkal
- Goldsmith

7 of which are witnesses to the East of Potomac/Washington flightpath contradicting the official "loop" (2 confirmed, 5 possible)

- Chaconas (confirmed)
- Middleton (confirmed)
- Vaughan (to be confirmed)
- Scott (Don) (to be confirmed)
- Steve Anderson (to be confirmed)
- Candelario (to be confirmed)
- Hurst (to be confirmed)

2 second hand accounts that contradicts of the official "loop" (that is multiple corroborated) in the days after the event:

"Later, [we were told that] it was a 757 out of Dulles, which had come up the river in back of our building, turned sharply over the Capitol, ran past the White House and the Washington Monument, up the river to Rosslyn, then dropped to treetop level and ran down Washington Boulevard to the Pentagon"

- Cook

"The plane had been seen making a lazy pattern in the no fly zone over the White House and US Cap. Why the plane did not hit incoming traffic coming down the river from the north to Reagan Nat'l. is beyond me . Strangely, no one at the Reagan Tower noticed the aircraft. Andrews AFB radar should have also picked up the aircraft I would think."

- Hovis

4 of which are possible NOC witnesses

- Cissell
- Campo
- Liebner
- Ryan (James)

4 of which may be describing the "over the Navy Annex" flightpath

- Anlauf
- Dobbs
- Munsey
- Probst

4 of which describe possible NOC vantage points on Route 27

- Naranyan
- McGraw
- Peterson
- Sucherman

6 questioned the alleged site of an airplane crash

"We could not see the plane. The only thing that we saw was a piece of the front skin with the “C” from American Airlines by the little heliport control tower. There was a fire truck there that was burnt on one side, and a car, and a tree, all burnt. But, still, you could not see the plane."

- Bryceland

"when I looked at the site, my brain could not resolve the fact that it was a plane because it only seemed like a small hole in the building," he said. "No tail. No wings. No nothing."

- DeChiaro

"There was just nothing left. It was incinerated. We couldn't see a tail or a wing or anything,"

- Jarvis

"I didn't see any evidence of the aircraft down there. (...) This pile here is all Pentagon metal. None of that is aircraft whatsoever."

- Terry Mitchell

“I was in awe that I saw no plane, nothing left from the plane."

- Powell

"I want to see footage of the crash. I want to make it make sense. I want to know why there's this gap in my memory, this gap that makes it seem as though the plane simply became invisible and banked up at the very last minute, but I don't think that's going to happen."

- "Skarlet" (to be confirmed)
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