"... sag ich doch: Kein Zeuge hat den "ganzen" Überflug gesehen, sprich ein Passagierflugzeug, wie es zum Pentagon flog, drüberflog und dann weiterflog."
Ich weiß auch nicht, ob es so viele Zeugen gibt, die den kompletten Pentagoncrash von AA77 beobachtet haben wollen, d.h. den Anflug , das Eindringen in die Fassade und die anschließende Explosion ,samt Details wie Flugzeugmarkierungen etc.
Man sollte mehrere Faktoren in Erwägung ziehen.
1. Ausschmücken der Zeugenaussagen durch die Medien:
As former Cincinnatian James R. Cissell sat in traffic on a Virginia interstate by the Pentagon Tuesday morning, he saw the blur of a commercial jet and wondered why it was flying so low. ''Right about the time it was crossing over the highway, it kind of dawned on me what was happening,'' said Cissell, son of Hamilton County Clerk of Courts Jim Cissell. In the next blink of an eye, he realized he had a front-row seat to history, as the plane plowed into the Pentagon, sending a fireball exploding into the air and scattering debris - including a tire rim suspected of belonging to the airplane - past his car. (...) In the next seconds dozens of things flashed through his mind. ''I thought, 'This isn't really happening. That is a big plane.' Then I saw the faces of some of the passengers on board,'' Cissell said. While he remembers seeing the crash, Cissell remembers none of the sounds. ''It came in in a perfectly straight line,'' he said. ''It didn't slow down. I want to say it accelerated. It just shot straight in.''
Und hier Cissels eigene Story:
Proof That 'Flight 77' Eyewitness Report Skewed
"The Cincinnati Post article, which you refer, angered me greatly after reading it. It is almost completely fiction based loosely on an interview I did with a Cincinnati Post reporter Kimball Perry who called me in response to an on air phone report that I did for Channel 12 in Cincinnati."
Cissell relates what he actually told the reporter.
"The reporter took extreme creative license not only with the title but also with the story as a whole. Why he felt the need to sensationalize anything that happened on September 11 is beyond me. My words to the reporter were, "I was about four cars back from where the plane crossed over the highway. That it happened so quickly I didn't even see what airline it was from. However, I was so close to the plane when it went past that had it been sitting on a runway, I could have seen the faces of passengers peering out."
2. Einige "Crash"- Zeugen sahen nur den Anflug, weil das Flugzeug dann aus der Sicht verschwand hörten dann nur eien Explosion bzw. sahen dann Feuer udn Rauch aufsteigen:
David Winslow soll den Crash beobachtet haben:
"AP reporter Dave Winslow also saw the crash. He said, "I saw the tail of a large airliner ... It ploughed right into the Pentagon."
Und hier eine etwas ausführlichere Version:
"... .As I turned to my right, I saw a jumbo tail go by me along Route 395. It was like the rear end of the fuselage was riding on 395. I just saw the tail go whoosh right past me. In a split second, you heard this boom... Then came an enormous fireball."
Winslow war also kein Augen-, sondern nur Ohrenzeuge des Crashs, falsl einer stattgefunden hat.
3. Andere scchmückten ihre Erlebnisse aus: Bsp:
Mike Walter, USA Today:
GUMBEL: Did you see it hit the Pentagon? Was the plane coming in horizontally or did it, in fact, go on its wing as--as it impacted the building?
Mr. WALTER: You know, the--the--the--there were trees there that kind of obstructed it, so I kind of--I saw it go in. I'm not sure if it turned at an angle. I've heard some people say that's what it did. All I know is it--it created a huge explosion and massive fireball and...
GUMBEL: Tell me, if you could, about the manner in which the--the plane struck the building. I ask that because, in the pictures we have seen, it appears to be a gash in the side of the Pentagon as if the plane went in vertically as opposed to horizontally. Can you tell me anything about that?
Mr. WALTER: Well, as I said, you know, there were trees obstructing my view, so I saw it as it went--and then the--then the trees, and then I saw the--the fireball and the smoke. Some people have said that the plane actually sent on its side and in that way. But I can't tell you, Bryant. I just know that what I saw was this massive fireball, a huge explosion and--and a--the thick column of smoke and then an absolute bedlam on those roads as people were trying to get away.
Seien Sicht auf die Einschlagszone war also von Bäumen blockiert, doch liefert er eine sehr freie version der Ereignisse:
Susan Carrol:
"I was standing on the platform high above the [Washington Reagan] airport awaiting a Metro subway train to my office in the heart of the district, on Constitution Avenue, admiring the lovely blue skies when I saw the plane hit and the fireball and explosion at the Pentagon."
Ich weiß nicht, ob man von dieser station den Crash beobachten konnte:
Mehr zu den Zeugenaussagen später.