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Kommentar zu Lehles Artikel(8): Video v. Jeff Hill 05 Mar 2012 20:08 #2375

  • stefanlebkon
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b]Lehle schrieb[/b]:
Außerdem gibt es viele Augenzeugen, die bestätigen, dass ein Passagierflugzeug in das Pentagon hineinflog und sich ausdrücklich von der Möglichkeit eines Überfluges distanzieren:


Manche dieser Zeugen können jedoch kaum Hinweise geben, ob das Flugzeug wirklich nördlicher anflog, denn ihr Aufenthaltsort befand sich zum Teil zu weit südlich.

Kommen zu wir zu den Interviews, die Jeff Hill mit einigen Pentagonzeugen, die zum Teil vorher von CIT interviewt wurden, führte und im von Lehle verlinkten Video alle zu Wort kommen.
Jeff Hill ist kein objektiver Interviewer, der gegenüber alternativen Theorien zum einschlag aufgeschlossen ist. er verfolgt eindeutig eine Agenda::
In seinem Interview mit Daryl Donley sagt Hill eindeutig, dass er Menschen, die glauben, dass kein Flugzeug ins Pentagon flog, zu diskreditieren (""just hoping to find a way to uh, like, discredit them 100%"). Nach 3 Minuten erwähnt Hill auch schon CIT- Mitglied Craig Ranke namentlich, er warnt donley fast schon vor Ranke ("going around saying that no plane hit the Pentagon... and that it flew over the Pentagon").


Jeff Hill verfolgt bewusst die Strategie des Brunnenvergiftens ("Poisoning the well").
Ein weiteres Beispiel liefert das interview mit Thomas Trapasso:

Hill: Did you ever uh get contacted by some guy named Craig Ranke? [...] He says he's part of the Citizens Investigation Team and he was uh looking into the Pentagon on 9/11


Nachdem Trapasso verneint, ergeht sich Hill in einem längeren Monolog über den Überflugzeugen Roosevelt Roberts. Trapasso kennt weder CIT noch Roberts´persönlich oder dessen Aussage, doch Hill versucht, per üble Nachrede den Zeugen Trapasso zu beeinflussen:

Hill: They're (CIT) making it sound like he said that the plane never hit the Pentagon and it flew over the Pentagon and anybody that saw it hit the Pentagon was deceived into believing that.


In einer Forumsdiskussion Anfang Mai 2010 zeigt auch Hills Voreingenommenheit gegenüber CIT:

Here are two people that could possibly help your story if you twist it enough


Craig Ranke (CIT) und Jeff Hill führten dann eine Debatte, die auch aufgezeichnet wurde.


Hier gibt Hill auch zu, dass er sich erst auf Hinweis von Ranke in der Diskussion im Forum der "Pilots for 9/11Truth" sich der Wichtigkeit der Frage der Flugbahn bewusst wurde:
I gotta admit that actual issue of which side of the gas station never really crossed my mind until you brought it to my attention again I realized ok this is an important factor.

Er gibt auch zu, dass es genügend Beweise für die NoC- Flugbahn gibt:



I think there's enough witness testimony to say that it was coming from the north like Sgt Lagasse said.

In den Interviews mit Zeugen die er nach der Debatte führte stellte er jedoch nach nur selten Fragen zur Flugbah oder zum Standort der Zeugen.. Auch befragte er die Zeugen nicht zu Widersprüchen zu früheren Aussagen. Hill scheint nur noch Statements zu "fischen", die die Version eines Flugzeugeinschlags zu stüzen scheinen. Das Interview mit lloyde England ist ein Paradebeispiel, ich habe hier schon über England geschrieben


Interessant ist auch, dass Jeff Hill bis 2009 ein No- Planer war, also glaubt, dass keine Flugzeuge ins WTC flogen und sämtliche Filmaufnahmen der WTC- Eisnchläge gefaket wurden.


In vielen Kreisen der "Wahrheitsbewegung" werden solche Theorien als Disinformation angesehen, als Versuch, die Wahrheitsbewegung in der Öffentlichkeit zu diskreditieren und diese zu spalten


Hill selbst hat diffamierende Äußerungen gegenüber Vertretern der Wahrheitsbewegung getätigt. er bezeichnet Richard Gage und andere als "korrupt" und "AE911Truth" als "Scheiße" ("crap"). Darüber hinaus bezweifelt er die Sprengung des WTCs.


Sein darauffolgender Podcast wurde auf 911blogger imemr noch verlinkt:


Seltsamerweise hat Jeff Hill aka Shure immer noch einen festen Platz bei 911blogger.

Last Edit: 06 Mar 2012 20:36 by stefanlebkon.
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Re: Kommentar zu Lehles Artikel(8): Video v. Jeff Hill 08 Mar 2012 15:48 #2376

  • stefanlebkon
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Kommen wir zu den aus diesem Kontext herausgerissenen Statement, die im Clip vorgeführt werden:

Thomas Trapasso

CIT filmten von seinem wohnsitz aus in ihrer "Präsentation "The White Plane". Das Pentagon ist nicht zu sehen. Hier ein vielsagender Auszug aus dem Interview mit Hill:

Hill: Did you see it go past the Navy Annex or anything?
Trapasso: Well no I can't see the Navy Annex there because it's a wooded area with trees.


Trapasso ist kein Einschlagszeuge.

Robert Leonard

Daryl Donley

Ab 5 min:

"Hi, umm, before I show the images I’ll just briefly say, umm, as Carol has just mentioned, that I was in front of the Pentagon, stopped in the worse commuter traffic I’d ever experienced, before or since, and then heard a very loud plane, it got progressively louder, and it got so loud I ducked in my…(laughter)…is anyone out there? (laughs)... I, I ducked in my car it got so loud, and I turned to my right and the plane was next to me, umm, at an angle, at just above ground level, and I later realized it had knocked down lampposts next to me, and saw it fly into the Pentagon."

Die offizielle Geschindigkeit betrug über 500mph, also 800 kmh, oder 200ms


Donley hätte das Fluzeug höchstens 1 Sekudne sehen können.

Mehr zu Donley hier:


Penny Elgas

Penny Elgas ist Zeugin für eien nördlichere Flugbahn. Im Interview mit Hill bestätigt sie, das Flugzeug über der CITGO- Tankstelle gesehen zu haben

...the next thing my mind picked up, it was ..already had moved enough to be over the grass, headed over the road that..to the left..and the next thing it's right in front of me above the cars..


Well, it was very low, I thought it was gonna hit the gas station..the wing just skimmed the roof of the gas station ..across the street, I thought it was actually gonna hit it..

Penny Elgas gab auch ursprünglich an, gesehen zu haben, wie das flugzeug laternpfosten umriss. Dies war jedoch nicht der Fall.

HILL: "And you said you saw it..you saw it hit one of the lightpoles?

ELGAS: No, I didn't see it hit. I heard on the news that it hit a lightpole. But that's how I ended up with a piece of the plane, is that it clipped the pole. The tail ---that was actually the tail that I turned into the Smithsonian. A piece of the tail.

HILL: And that kinda..the..what I was reading..it fell into your car?

ELGAS: Well, that's what they said, but that's not what happened.

HILL: You just picked it up, or..?

ELGAS: I picked it up.

Macht man sich in den USA nicht strafbar, wenn man Trümmer von einer Absturzstelle stiehlt? Ein User des "Above Top Secret Forums" wollte es genau wissen udn fragte beim Smithsonian Museum nach, woher das Trümmerteil stammte, das Penny Elgas zugeschrieben wird:
[b]I am unaware of any research undertaken by the Smithsonian to determine from what area of the plane the museum's fragment of flight 77 originated. We don't suggest that it was from the tail section although I guess that is possible. [/b]The provenance of the artifact is quite strong so there seems little doubt about what it is. We have spoken to American Airlines about the fragment but they did not ask to have it returned (they retain the majority of the flight 77 debris.) We have not contacted Boeing and there is no reason for the NTSB to be involved. The FBI handled the majority of the investigation of the crime scene.

The collecting curator for the fragment was Bill Yeingst who can be reached by e-mail at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . I doubt he has more information to pass along. The artifact is held by the Division of Military and Diplomacy. You can contact the Division through Cedric Yeh ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) or Jennifer Jones ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .)

I am a bit mystified by the your query unless you are trying revive the conspiracy theory that the plane was not Flight 77. If so the Smithsonian is not interested interested in participating in such a line of inquiry. The reason the piece was collected by the Smithsonian was because of its altar like preservation by Penny Elgas. It is an interesting example of public reaction to the events of September 11 and provides insight into the construction of public memory and commemoration.

Thank you for your interest in the National Collections.

Peter Liebhold
Chair, Division of Work and Industry
National Museum of American History
Washington, DC
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Penny Elgas sah das Flugzeug auch auf einer größeren Flughöhe als von der OVT gefordert:
In the nano-second that the plane was directly over the cars in front of my car, the plane seemed to be not more than 80 feet off the ground and about 4-5 car lengths in front of me. It was far enough in front of me that I saw the end of the wing closest to me and the underside of the other wing as that other wing rocked slightly toward the ground.
Dies ist zu hoch, um Laternenpfosten umzureißen. Auch gibt sie die Hohe des Einschlags mit 40. 50 Fuß an, was im Widerspruch zur offiziellen Version steht.

Mehr zu Elgas hier:


Albert Hemphill

Hemphill ist ein NoC- Zeuge.
CIT und Jeff Hill interviewten ihn beide.
CIT- Interview:

Craig Ranke: ... you were at the Navy Annex, right, at the 8th wing, with a view of the Pentagon, right?

Albert Hemphill: Yeah it was err wing 8 of the Navy Annex which is now gone .......

Craig Ranke: and so you were inside umm you said you mentioned it was Gary Ramos' office?

Albert Hemphill: yeah, well Gary and I actually shared an office at the time .....

Craig Ranke: now was this office located um perhaps in the centre of the Navy Annex or more towards the north side, the Arlington cemetery side, or the south side, that would be the Columbia Pike side?

Albert Hemphill: umm more towards the cemetery side .... if you look at the Navy Annex now and you look at Wing 7 if you look at the top most floor ..... OK if you look at the top floor at the very end on the cemetery side - that is Pat O'Riley's office, that's the general who runs the place now and if you count 1,2,3,4,5 ... about 8 windows, 9 windows over that would be the 8.1

Craig Ranke: so towards the centre but more towards the north side of the building?

Albert Hemphill: yeah pretty much.

Ranke: are you saying he was off to the side of the Navy Annex, or ...

Hemphill: yeah, he would have been over my right shoulder

Ranke: but you saw the fuselage appear, was it directly over the top of the Navy Annex or ...

Hemphill: right over the top

Ranke: when you saw it pass the gas station, which side of the gas station was it on, was it on the Arlington Cemetery or north side or else perhaps the south side, the other side?

Hemphill: you know it's hard to say, it looked like it went right over the top .....

Ranke: would you say, if you had to say it was leaning towards one side or the other of the gas station, perhaps a portion of the plane, did it look directly over the top or what do you think?

Hemphill: yeah, I'd say more towards the cemetery side

HEMPHILL: I was just gonna say they-- anybody who was out and about in that area right then in that area would have had a great vantage point if they were at the gas station.

RANKE: Precisely. There's zero room for- for perspective error, because they're sitting right there on the property. And they're just telling us hey, you know, what's-- where's this plane in relation to the gas station. And they all said it was on the north side. Obviously it was on-- if it was on the south side, um, it'd be pretty difficult for them to make that mistake, if not impossible, let alone all THREE of them to make that mistake.

HEMPHILL: Right. Right.


Hemphill ist ein NoC- Zeuge. Der Rumpf des Fluzgzeugs befand sich über dem Navy Annex, und passierte die CITGO_ Tankstelle auf der Nordseite "cemetery side"). Hemphill sagt auch dass das Flugzeug zu seienr Rechten ins blickfelf kam ("over my right shoulder").

Auch im späteren Interview mit Hill besteht er darauf dass das Flugzeug immer noch über die Tankstelle flog, was immer noch eine nördlichere Flugbahn ist:

Hemphill: Okay. I would put it uh slightly inb [word trails off] I, I would put it in between that uh more over the, the gas station uh I think the official flight, flight path looks pretty damn close to what I saw.

Jeff: So you would be more consistent with the uh official flight path (that Hill handed to him on a plate) rather than the so-called north of Citgo flight path that they’re uh trying to say?

Hemphill: Yeah. [unintelligible] That just. It didn’t. There’s just no way! It came, it looked like it went over the gas station!

Jeff: Yeah. Well. If you [unintelligible] From what I’m looking at the picture, if you’re looking at the gas station, that would be over to your left. And then if you look

Hemphill: No, the gas station would be to my right.

Jeff: It would be to your right?

Hemphill: Yep!

Jeff: Okay. Maybe just the way it looks in Google Earth, or something

Hill versuchte in diesem Interview auch wieder, einen Zeugen gegen CIT zu stimmen, indem er wieder Lügen verbreitet. Hill sagt, dass Craig Ranke sein Interview aufgzeichnet hätte und es schon iim Internet veröffentlicht hätte, um Hemphill als Lügner darzustellen.

"they'll say you changed your story. I heard you say it was on the north side because the call was recorded"

Dies ist eine Lüge Hills.

Ranke hat erst nachdem Hill sein eigenes aufgenomems Interview mit CIT- Diffamierungen veröffentlcihte ins Netz gestellt:


Hemphill ist ein Zeuge für eine nördlichere Flugbahn:

Vin Narayanan

Narayanan hat seine Beobachtung, die höchstens 1 Sekunde gedauert haben kann, gerne ausgeschmückt:

Vin Narayanan and Joel Sucherman: Joel: It was nearly parallel to the ground the way I saw it. But it did not come in at a steep angle.

Vin: The plane actually skidded off the ground before it hit the wall


Zu den USA- Today- Zeugen und ihrer Rolle bei der Propagierung eines Einschlags::
Punkt 2 meines posts:


Noel Sepulveda

Noel Sepulveda sagt im Interview mit Hill aus, dass Flugzeug über Henderson Hall her kam, auch in diesem Artikel wird er so zitiert:
Sepulveda walked back to his motorcycle and saw a commercial airliner coming from the direction of Henderson Hall, adjacent to the Pentagon and where the Marine Corps has its headquarters. He noticed the airplane wasn't following the Potomac River, the normal flight path to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.



Henderson Hall befindet auf der Nordseite des Navy Annex.

Wo befand sich Sepulveda?
On that Tuesday morning, Sepulveda -- who was the office's first sergeant as an additional duty -- went to nearby Washington's Bolling Air Force Base, just as he did every Tuesday morning, for a first sergeant's meeting.He needed to be back at the Pentagon to take a test at 9: 30 a.m., so he left the meeting early, revved up his motorcycle, and headed back to the Pentagon.

Heavy traffic delayed his arrival until about 9: 25 a.m. Since he was running late, he didn't have time to cruise the huge Pentagon parking lot looking for a parking space, so he asked a DoD police officer for permission to park closer to the building.The officer told him to park by a light pole in an open area near Route 27 that parallels the Pentagon.


Ein Zeuge, der in einem Gebäude in n Nähe der Henderson Hall, will das Flugzeug auch auf eienr ähnlichen Flugroute wahrgenommen haben:

At about 9:30 or so, I heard a plane fly over top of our clinic. I said man, that plane is awful low. And then I realized, oh, my God.
One of the little LPNs that works here, said, “Oh, my God, they hit the Pentagon.” We actually felt the explosion up here at Fort Myer in Rader Clinic. We could feel kind of the building shake.

I went out into the parking lot and saw the smoke up in the air down there, and I yelled at the medics to get the commander and get the ambulances. We needed to get down the hill to take care of patients. Colonel Rosen, Dr. Rafey, Major Meadows, and Dr. Nugent all came out, and we all went down through the back of Henderson Hall and out the back side gate, which is a straight shot down the hill then to the Pentagon.

Standort Rader Army Health Clinic, Fort Myer


Sepulveda neigt zu Ausschmückungen in seiner Aussage.

Er behauptet die Leichen der hijacker aus dem offenbar intakten Cockpit im Pentagon gezogen zu haben.


Nach dem Crash mit über 800 kmh kann das Cockpit wohl kaum intakt gebleiben sein! Und woran konnte man nach solch einem verheerenden Crash mit anschließendem Kerosininferno die Hijacker erkennen?

2 Elemente von Sepulvedas Aussage sind aber bemerkenswert:

1. Die nördlichere Flugroute.
2. Ein größere Flughöhe als von der offiziellen Version gefordert.
Upon arrival, he saw an entire side of the Pentagon obliterated. HE BELIEVES THAT IF THE AIRLINER HAD NOT HIT THE LIGHT POLES, IT WOULD HAVE SLAMMED INTO THE PENTAGON'S 9TH AND 10TH CORRIDOR A-RING, and the loss of life would have been greater.

Das klingt, als ob sich das flugzeug kurz vor der Explosion sich eben nicht auf Bodenhöhe befand, wie von der OVT gefordert.

Ob seien Wahrnehmung des einschlags so stimmt, ist nicht leicht zu beantworten, da Sepulveda durch die Explosion gegen Laternenpfosten geschleudert wurde und das Bewusstsein verlor.

[quote]Sepulveda said the sweltering heat felt like it was engulfing his body."Then, suddenly, it felt like somebody grabbed me, put their hands on his chest, picked me up and threw me back against the light pole I was standing by," he said.

"The back of my head, my back, and all that hit the pole," he said."Small pieces of shrapnel from the airplane hit my motorcycle."... "I had a knot on the back of my head and everything else," Sepulveda noted."Apparently I had what's called a subdural hematoma, which is pooling of blood in the head," he explained."It wasn't something that happened quickly.They told me I had probably had a pinched vein, and just a little bit of blood was dripping out at a time.That was about a month later when I went to the flight surgeon's office and he discovered that I'd had a subdural hematoma."

Sepulveda said he doesn't remember passing out, but medical professionals told him he had to have lost consciousness, at least briefly."They said with the wallop I received, there's no way that I wouldn't have at least lost consciousness for a brief moment," he said

Steve Storti

Storti ist keinEeinschlagszeuge.

Donald Bouchoux
At 9:40 a.m. I was driving down Washington Boulevard (Route 27) along the side of the Pentagon when the aircraft crossed about 200 yards in front of me and impacted the side of the building. There was an enormous fireball, followed about two seconds later by debris raining down. The car moved about a foot to the right when the shock wave hit. I had what must have been an emergency oxygen bottle from the airplane go flying down across the front of my Explorer and then a second piece of jagged metal come down on the right side of the car."


Hier seine eigene Positionsangabe:


Das Flugzeug soll knapp 200 Meter vor im die Straße überflogen haben. Das macht ihn einerseits zu einem Noc_ Zeugen, macht aber andererseits seine Behauptung, dass sein Auto von einem Trümmerteil beschädigt wurde, unglaubwürdig.

Mehr zu Bochoux hier:


Stephen McGraw

Er nahm den Snflug des Flugzeugs nicht wahr, er bemerkte das Flugzeug erst, als es sich über seinem Wagen befand.
Das Flugzeug war zu diesem Zeitpunkt 500 mph, also 800 kmh oder 220ms schnell.


McGraw kann das Flugzeug höchstens 1 Sekunde gesehen haben. Er befand sich nach eigenen Angaben auf rt. 27, die an der Einschlagsseite vorbeiführt.

"The traffic was very slow moving, and at one point just about at a standstill," said McGraw, a Catholic priest at St. Anthony Parish in Falls Church.
"I was in the left hand lane with my windows closed. I did not hear anything at all until the plane was just right above our cars."
McGraw estimates that the plane passed about 20 feet over his car, as he waited in the left hand lane of the road, on the side closest to the Pentagon."

Stephen McGraw sah nach eigenem Eingeständnis doch nicht, wie das Flugzeug Laternenpfosten umriss. Er will aber klar und deutlich den Einschlag in die Fassade wahrgenommen haben, obwohl er gelichzeitig zugibt, eineis Details im Nachhinein von anderen Zeugen erfahren zu haben,

siehe Interview mit CIT


Oder wie CIT- Gegner Larson schrieb

His memories include a vague "bounce" on the lawn allegedly recounted on "hearing other witness testimonies", the aircraft "disappearing" and large flames exploding out of the top windows.

Zufälligerweise sollte er auf dem Friedhof in Arlington eine Beerdigung halten und wurde nur Zeuge weil er sich verspätet hatte. Merkwürdigerweise verließ er nach dem Crash seine nWagen und betrat die wiese vor der Absturzstelle, um den Rettungskräften und opfern beistand zu leisten, obwohl eine Famile auf dem Friedhof auf ein anständiges Begräbnis wartete.
Middleton and his co-workers at Arlington continued to work Sept. 11 as Washington offices closed and buildings emptied. The cemetery crew had no choice. Funerals were scheduled and burials had to be completed, chaos and all.


Dave Winslow

Winslow ist kein Einschlagszeuge
David Winslow, a reporter with AP's Broadcast News Center in Washington, was sitting in his tenth-floor apartment, looking out at the capital, when he saw a jumbo tail go by him. "I heard this enormous sound of turbulence. . .As I turned to my right, I saw a jumbo tail go by me along Route 395. It was like the rear end of the fuselage was riding on 395. I just saw the tail go whoosh right past me. In a split second, you heard this boom. A combination of a crack and a thud. It rattled my windows. I thought they were going to blow out. Then came an enormous fireball."

Last Edit: 09 Mar 2012 12:30 by stefanlebkon.
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Re: Kommentar zu Lehles Artikel(8): Video v. Jeff Hill 09 Mar 2012 12:44 #2377

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Alle von Hill zur Flugbahn befragten Zeugen geben eine nördlichere Flugbahn an. Dies ist unvereinbar mit dem Schadensbild am Pentagon und bestätigt die Arbeit von CIT.

Last Edit: 12 Mar 2012 14:19 by stefanlebkon.
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