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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:12 #2465

Witness E-F breakdown

 Eberle, Bobby

Source: Media


GOPUSA founder Bobby Eberle was heavily implicated in "Gannongate"
"The route from where I'm staying to my conference hotel runs right by the Pentagon. As we slowly crept along in traffic at about 9:30 am, we rounded a bend and had the Pentagon in our sites -- right in front of us. We continued to listen to the radio to take in the latest news on what was happening.


The aircraft was so very low -- as an aircraft would be on its final approach to an airport. However, if you have watched any aircraft come in for a landing, even though the aircraft is descending, it is angled up slightly. This aircraft was angled downward. In addition, landing gear would also be visible on a aircraft so low and so near landing. This aircraft had its landing gear retracted. Finally, an aircraft on final approach is traveling rather slowly. This aircraft sped by very loudly and very quickly.

All of this flashed in my mind as the aircraft passed from behind my left shoulder to in front of me. It was then that the other events of the morning crystallized in the realization that tragedy was about to occur. With all of these images spinning in my head, the only words that came out of my mouth were "Oh no!"

With that, the airliner crashed into the Pentagon and exploded.

I shouted to my friend whose view was partially blocked by a truck in front of us, "Oh my gosh! The jet just hit the Pentagon!" (dead link)

The official FDR/Directional damage path:

The "truck" blocked just his friend's view?

His alleged POV is unknown, but if this Bush propagandist is to be believed, he would have been on the stretch of road before the overhead sign where there is no view of the alleged impact zone. Plus the "truck" in the next lane..

Elhallan, Aziz

Source: Media

Fox News

His contradictory claims are exposed here:

The photo in which he was captured and exposed:

This image was released along with multiple images en bloq and was quickly removed by the DOD. It was downloaded purely by luck. Why remove such an apparently innocuous image?

He doesn't mention the plane's approach nor where his car allegedly was when the plane "flew over".
He isn't to be seen in any of the Ingersol images that were taken of the area minutes after the explosion around the lightpole area even though he claimed to be there for "20 minutes".

Why was he allowed to remove alleged physical evidence from the scene and parade it on FOX News? 

He claimed to be a pilot yet isn't registered.

He doesn't mention the lightpoles or Lloyd's cab.

Eiden, Steve

Source: Media
Steve Eiden, a truck driver, had picked up his cargo that Tuesday morning in Williamsburg, Va., and was en route to New York City and witnessed the aftermath. He took the Highway 95 loop in the area of the Pentagon and thought it odd to see a plane in restricted airspace, thinking to himself it was odd that it was flying so low. "You could almost see the people in the windows," he said as he watched the plane disappear behind a line of trees, followed by a tall plume of black smoke. Then he saw the Pentagon on fire, and an announcement came over the radio that the Pentagon had been hit.

Not a witness to the alleged impact.

Additional info: 

The normal route from Williamsburg to New York

Elgas, Penny

Source: Media and Jeff Hill

Discussed here:

Claims to have witnessed an "impact" but her testimony contradicts the official flightpath.

Pure disinfo used (and still is) at the "American History" site
Context: Driving on a highway adjacent to the Pentagon on the morning of September 11, Penny Elgas stopped as she saw a passenger jet descend, clip a light pole near her, and then crash into the Pentagon. Arriving home, Elgas found this plane fragment in the back seat of her car (she theorizes that it dropped through the open sunroof). Feeling that it was her patriotic duty to preserve the fragment as a relic, she crafted a special box and lined it with red, white, and blue material.

Please read earlier link.

Elliott, Bruce

Source: Media
Elliott, in a phone interview Wednesday, said he had just left the Pentagon and was about to board a shuttle van in a south parking lot when he saw the plane approach and slam into the west side of the structure. "I looked to my left and saw the plane coming in," said Elliott, who watched it for several seconds. "It was banking and garnering speed. I felt it was headed for the Pentagon." (...) "It was like a kamikaze pilot. I felt it was going to ram the Pentagon," he said. He said the craft clipped a utility pole guide wire, which may have slowed it down a bit before it crashed into the building and burst into flames. (...) Elliott said the rubble was still smoldering Wednesday morning.

There is no view of the alleged impact zone from the south parking lot of the Pentagon.

"It was banking and garnering speed. I felt it was headed for the Pentagon." (...) "It was like a kamikaze pilot. I felt it was going to ram the Pentagon,"

Could not physically see the alleged impact and his words testify to this.

England, Lloyd

Source: Media/NBC/Survivor Fund/CIT/Jeff Hill

Survivor Fund:

Interviewed by CIT

Discussed here:

General discussion here:

This is the taxi cab driver who's cab (and himself) were photographed on the bridge and whose full story needs to be viewed in the video and links above.

Basically he claims that a lightpole speared his windshield (a physical mystery in itself) but that he "wasn't on the bridge" where the alleged lightpoles on the official path are situated on the side of the road he was allegedly driving on. And that he didn't see the alleged impact.

Detractor arguments addressed here:

Jeff Hill contacted Lloyd England and he repeated exactly the same story as he told CIT:
England: You know what? I know where the cab was and I know where they wanted it to be, but I can prove where the car was. There's a permanent picture of the fire and the cab is the only cab in the world involved in 9/11...and I know where the car was. And they are trying to put the car somewhere else, for what reason, I don't know because they weren't there.

Hill : So they were trying to use some sort of distorted picture..

England: The pictures were made to be in one place when I was somewhere car is not there at the bridge at Columbia  Pike. They got it wrong, and I don't know why they have it wrong.

Not a witness to the alleged impact and his contradictory story makes him a highly dubious witness. Nobody corroborates his story. 

Maybe this is why?

Either way he has totally discredited himself as an honest witness.

Evey, Lee

Source: Media

This guy is repeatedly described as an "impact witness"
Whether you describe it as an explosion or not, people I talk to who were there, some called it an explosion. Others called it a large fire. I'm not sure. I wasn't there, sir. It's just a guess on my part.

He wasn't there at the time of the event.

Faram, Mark

Source: Media
"When the explosion happened I ran down the hill to the site and arrived there approximately 10 minutes after the explosion."

Did not see the flightpath of the aircraft or alleged impact. Claims to have "heard" the explosion.

Contradicts Stephen McGraw's stated claim that he was on the lawn "within a minute" of the explosion.

Flyler, Kim

Source: Media

"Kim Flyler was trying to sneak into a parking space near to the building when she saw the plane: "At that moment I heard a plane and then a loud cracking noise.... Right before the plane hit the building, you could see the silhouettes of people in the back two rows. You couldn't see if they were male or female, but you could tell there was a human being in there."

"Silhouettes". She "heard" the plane and caught a glimpse "right before" the explosion.

She places herself "near the building" in the south parking lot. She could not physically see the alleged impact zone.

Ford, Ken

Source: Media
One eyewitness, State Department employee Ken Ford, said he watched from the 15th floor of the State Department Annex, just across the Potomac River from the Pentagon. "We were watching the airport through binoculars," Ford said, referring to Reagan National Airport, a short distance away. "The plane was a two-engine turbo prop that flew up the river from National. Then it turned back toward the Pentagon. We thought it had been waved off and then it hit the building. "

Another alleged witness (an alleged employee of the state department) who contradicts the official path. The aircraft was nowhere near the Potomac river (around the airport area) according to the official story.

He was in downtown Washington DC and couldn't physically see the aircraft's path within the basin. Nor could he have seen the alleged "impact".

His POV needs to be established.

And why did a "State Department employee" have a pair of binoculaurs handy?

 Fortunato, Don
"Traffic was at a standstill, so I parked on the shoulder, not far from the scene and ran to the site. Next to me was a cab from D.C., its windshield smashed out by pieces of lampposts. There were pieces of the plane all over the highway, pieces of wing, I think. (...) "There were a lot of people with severe burns, severe contusions, severe lacerations, in shock and emotional distress"

Fortunato wasn't there at the time of the explosion. He was at the police station.

Not a witness to aircraft nor alleged impact.

Foust, Barry (Arlington po)

Source: Media (NBC) and radio transmission

"They saw"

Plane disappeared behind "treeline". Could only see the smoke afterwards above said treeline. Could not physically see final section of approach.

Couldn't physically see alleged impact.

Fowler, Charles

Source: Media
Navy Capt. Charles Fowler : Navy Capt. Charles Fowler, assigned to the Joint Chiefs, was working on a speech for Gen. Henry Shelton, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, when he heard the explosion. "You could feel the building shake," said Fowler. "You knew it was a major explosion. I grabbed all my gear and grabbed the laptop and headed out." "The interesting part was we didn't hear the alarm go off, but word got around very fast. It was an orderly evacuation" Fowler's office, on the river side, appeared to be on the opposite side from the explosion, he said. "Tons of smoke was coming up from the wedge-lots of black and gray smoke."

Inside the building. "Heard explosion".

Fraunfelter, Dan

Source: Media
After the meeting, just before 9:30 a.m., the young engineer grabbed a subcontractor to help him repair a damaged ceiling grid on the third floor of the Pentagon's E-Ring. The two were in the middle of the job when a strange sound ripped through the room. It lasted just a split second, says Fraunfelter, "A strange sucking, whirring sound, like a loud vacuum cleaner." Then the sound stopped, the building shook violently, and the lights went out.

Inside the building. Not a witness to the aircraft or alleged impact.

Frost, Stephen S.

Source: Media (military)
Captain Stephen S. Frost, Medical Corps : We saw many blast injuries

Wasn't there. 

Breakdown A:

There are 15 alleged witnesses.

- inside Pentagon at time of event 

- 2

- not there 

- 4

= 9

- could not physically see Pentagon 

- 2

- Foust
- Eiden

= 7

- stated that they didn't see alleged impact 

- 1

- England

= 6

- allegedly in area, could not see facade and exact POV not known 

- 2

- Elliott
- Flyler

= 4

- claimed to be watching from a window in Washington 

- 1

- Ford

= 3

= 3 who claimed to witness alleged impact

- Eberle
- El Hallan
- Elgas

Breakdown B:

15 of which are media sourced.

2 of which were called by Jeff Hill.

- Elgas
- England

1 of which was interviewed (in person) by CIT.

- England

1 of which contradicts the official "loop" west of the Potomac River/Washington

- Ford

2 of which there is photographic evidence that contradicts their testimonies.

- England
- El Hallan

1 of which whose accounts were twisted by the media

- Elgas

2 of the 4 who weren't there at the time of the event are labelled "impact witnesses"

- Evey
- Fortunato

Breakdown C:

1 of which whose entire description of allegedly seeing the aircraft is expanded around a single quoted line of  "You could almost see the people in the windows"

- Eiden

1 of which who was claimed to have seen a lightpole being struck and that debris had fallen through her sunroof and who has since categorically denied both

- Elgas

1 of which who the media has claimed, and not directly quoted, that he saw the aircraft "slam into...the structure" and that "the craft clipped a utility pole guide wire, which may have slowed it down a bit before it crashed into the building"

- Elliott

1 of which is a second hand account claiming that the person saw the aircrft "flying dangerously low overhead" when in fact when interviewed, claimed not to see anything.

- England

Breakdown D:

Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government


- 3

- Eberle (GOPUSA founder)
- Ford ("State Department employee")
- Elgas (FDIC on Banking Committee)


- 2

- Elliott (Col.)
- Flyler (Navy contractor)
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:13 #2466

Witness G-H breakdown

Gaines, Kat

Source: Media
Kat Gaines, heading south on Route 110, approached the parking lots, saw a low-flying jetliner strike the top of nearby telephone poles.  

Unverified second hand media quote. 

Technician Kat Gaines
Fairfax County Fire & Rescue
Certificate of Valor

Gaines was on her way to a part-time job at Reagan National Airport the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, after working a 24-hour shift at Fire Station 16 in Clifton.
Her commute to the airport took her south on Route 110, in front of the parking lots of the Pentagon. As she approached the parking lots, she saw a low-flying jetliner strike the top of nearby telephone poles. She then heard the plane power up and plunge into the Pentagon.

Again, more second hand reporting.

It's impossible to see lightpoles from along that stretch of road.

Route 110 which runs past the east of the Pentagon (opposite alleged impact zone - Route 27 is also highlighted to the west)

Ramp road on Route 110 leading into parking on east of building:

There follows a bridge and then another stretch of road.

Ridiculous. No view.

Gaskins, Fred

Source: Media

"(The plane) was flying fast and low and the Pentagon was the obvious target," said Fred Gaskins, who was driving to his job as a national editor at USA TODAY near the Pentagon when the plane passed about 150 feet overhead. "It was flying very smoothly and calmly, without any hint that anything was wrong."

Very vague account which infers that he did not witness the alleged impact.

Gerard, Steven

Source: Media


Describes a "20 passenger jet" that he saw out of the "corner of his eye".

However he is first reported as saying :
at work at the Justice Department

"Out of the corner of my eye, I saw this plane coming down. I was talking on my cell phone to my wife about how close I was to the airport and then I saw the fireball."

Allegedly at work in the Justice Department over 3km away in Washington

He saw the fireball as opposed to the plane "striking" the building. Assumption.

It's also interesting to see how certain testimonies "evolve" to fill obvious gaps or discrepancies from initial statements.

Gerson, Mike

Source: Media

"I got on Interstate 395 and saw the plane come in. I didn't see the actual impact, but 395 curves around the Pentagon, and I saw that plane coming in and said to myself, 'That plane is too low; it's going to crash.' "

George Bush speechwriter. Claims that he "didn't see the actual impact".

Goff, Dr

Source: Medical journal
Dr Goff :"We used every aspect of our medical training that day to treat victims suffering from injuries ranging from inhalation and blast injuries to all levels of burns to emotional trauma,"

Wasn't there. After the fact.

Goldsmith, Gilah

Source: Media
Personnel attorney at the Pentagon. When she got to her office sometime around 9, she phoned her daughter and heard "an incredible whomp noise." It didn't seem so unusual since her office is situated near a narrow area where trucks sometimes come by and hit the wall. Goldsmith was told to evacuate. "We saw a huge black cloud of smoke," she said, saying it smelled like cordite, or gun smoke.

Inside the building. Saw neither aircraft nor alleged impact but remembered smelling "cordite, or gun smoke"

Hagos, Afework

Source: Media
a computer programmer, was on his way to work but stuck in a traffic jam near the Pentagon when the plane flew over. "There was a huge screaming noise and I got out of the car as the plane came over. Everybody was running away in different directions. It was tilting its wings up and down like it was trying to balance. It hit some lampposts on the way in."


Asework Hagos, 26, of Arlington, was driving on Columbia Pike on his way to work as a consultant for Nextel. He saw a plane flying very low and close to nearby buildings. "I thought something was coming down on me. I know this plane is going to crash. I've never seen a plane like this so low." He said he looked at it and saw American Airline insignia and when it made impact with the Pentagon initially he saw smoke, then flames.

He claims to have gotten out of his car and that people were "running away in different directions" - all within what, 2-3 seconds (official time of descent)?

Not quoted once as saying that he saw alleged impact nor did he say that he actually saw the lightpoles being struck. 

Needs further investigation.

Hammond, Cheryl

Source: Media


VIP: See Joe Harrington testimony
Cheryl Hammond was the person who called Harrington and his crew out into the parking lot. "I thought they'd put out an alert or something," Hammond said. "We saw the big American Airlines plane and started running."

"Started running". Did not see alleged impact.

Hahr, Matt

Source: Media
According to Matt Hahr, Kirlin's senior project manager at the Pentagon, the employee "was thrown about 80 ft down the hall through the air. As he was traveling through the air, he says the ceiling was coming down from the concussion. He got thrown into a closet, the door slammed shut and the fireball went past him," recounts Hahr. "Jet fuel was on him and it irritated his eyes, but he didn't get burned. . . ." 
"Saving the Pentagon, Part 1: Damage Control - Pentagon Shifts Into Higher Gear," by Victoria L. Tanner, Design·Build Web Magazine, October 2001

Third hand testimony allegedly within the building. Did not witness aircraft or alleged impact.

Harrington, Joe

Source: Media
Harrington was working on the installation of new furniture in Wedge One, when he was called out to the parking lot to talk about security with his customer moments before the crash. "About two minutes later one of my guys pointed to an American Airlines airplane 20 feet high over Washington Blvd.," Harrington said. "It seemed like it made impact just before the wedge. It was like a Hollywood movie or something. "

Sketchy testimony. "It seemed like"? What did he actually see? And whereabouts in the south parking lot was he?

Cheryl Hammond (see above) was the alleged "customer" and she stated that they all "started running".

Haubold, Art

Source: Media
At about 9:20 a.m., Lt. Col. Art Haubold, a public affairs officer with air force, was in his office on the opposite side of the complex when the plane struck. "We were sitting there watching the reports on the World Trade Center. All of a sudden, the windows blew in," he said. "We could see a fireball out our window."

Inside building. Saw neither aircraft nor alleged impact.

Hemphill, Albert

Source: Media/CIT/Jeff Hill

New information regarding this guy's testimony. He had been labelled the "best SOC witness" until CIT phoned him:

Breakdown and attempted manipulation of his testimony by Jeff Hill here:

He is an NOC witness.

Henson, Jerry

Source: Media
Pinned in his chair and wrapped in a shroud of thick smoke and darkness, Jerry Henson had almost given up hope. He could feel all his limbs, but they wouldn't move. It was as if he were frozen at his desk by forces he couldn't battle.

Inside the Pengagon. Did not witness aircraft.

Hernandez, Eugenio

Source: Media

driving northbound on I-395

"I was in my Jeep Cherokee, driving on Route 395 toward DC and listening to NPR. I saw the plane coming down."
The Washingtonian (Lexis-Nexis)

Doesn't mention anything other than seeing the aircraft.

Hey, Fred

Source: Media

Congressional staff attorney Fred Hey was driving by on Route 50 at that moment. "I can't believe it! This plane is going down into the Pentagon!" he shouted into his cellphone. On the other end of the line was his boss, Rep. Bob Ney ® of Ohio. Representative Ney immediately phoned the news to House Sergeant-At-Arms Bill Livingood, who ordered an immediate evacuation of the Capitol itself.

Here's Route 50:

He had no view of the Pentagon. Not a witness to the alleged impact.

Holland, Nicholas

Source: Media

an engineer with AMEC Construction Management of Bethesda, Md., had spent the last two years working to reinforce the walls. Two summers ago, a blast wall of reinforced steel and concrete was installed right where the plane hit. It stood for 25 minutes after it was hit before collapsing, long enough for people to escape, Holland said.

Wasn't there.

Hovis, Tom

Source: Media

Being a former transport type (60's era) I cannot understand how that plane hit where it did giving the direction the aircraft was taking at the time. As most know, the Pentagon lies at the bottom of two hills from the west with the east side being next to the river at 14th street bridge. One hill is at the Navy Annex and the other is Arlington Cemetery. The plane came up I-395 also known as Shirley Hwy. (most likely used as a reference point.) The plane had been seen making a lazy pattern in the no fly zone over the White House and US Cap. Why the plane did not hit incoming traffic coming down the river from the north to Reagan Nat'l. is beyond me . Strangely, no one at the Reagan Tower noticed the aircraft. Andrews AFB radar should have also picked up the aircraft I would think. Nevertheless, the aircarft went southwest near Springfield and then veered left over Arlington and then put the nose down coming over Ft Myer picking off trees and light poles near the helicopter pad next to building. It was as if he leveled out at the last minute and put it square into the building. The wings came off as if it went through an arch way leaving a hole in the side of the building it seems a little larger than the wide body of the aircraft.

He wasn't there. He was in his office "8 miles away" when the attack occurred and was relaying what others had told him.

This was deliberately ommitted from his original e-mail by Hoffman and the source he quoted.

Date: 9/14/2001 5:50:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (tom hovis)

On this day of prayer I went to the Pentagon and prayed for those Americans that died at the hands of those evil monsters.

My office is 8 miles from the site. The recovery teams working 18 hour shifts are just now getting to the body of the aircraft that went right through the outer ring at full power according to eyewitnesses.. Being a former transport type (60's era) I cannot understand how that plane hit where it did given the direction the aircraft was taking at the time.

 Hudson, Ed

Source: Media/FOX News
"I didn't actually see the impact..I saw the smoke"

Claims to have been passing Fort Myer towards the Navy Annex which is to the North.

 Hunt, Bob

Source: Media
"In office when the explosion at the Pentagon occurred."
"I talked to a number of average people in route who said they saw the plane hovering over the Washington Mall Area at an altitude lower that the height of the Washington Monument" Hunt stated.

Inside Pentagon. Though his second hand accounts contradict the official path which doesn't go over Washington:

Hurst, Joe
Oval Room restaurant at Lafayette Square

"I saw it go overhead, the plane."
Boston Globe (Lexis Nexis - Brian McGrory)

Oval Room Restaurant, Lafayette Square, DC:

Needs further investigation.

Breakdown A:

There are 20 alleged witnesses.

- inside Pentagon at time of event 

- 4

- not there 

- 4

= 12

- stated that they didn't see alleged impact 

- 2

- Gerson
- Hudson

= 10

- could not physically see Pentagon 

- 1

- Hey

= 9

- second hand account

- 1

- Gaines (also impossible story from alleged vantage point)

= 8

- vague testimonies 

- 4

- Hernandez
- Hurst (saw plane overhead in Washington)
- Hagos
- Gaskins

= 4

- could not physically see alleged impact zone and whose testimony and POV need to be verified 

- 2

- Harrington
- Hammond 

*Hammond claims that she and those with her, which includes Harrington,"started running"

= 2 alleged impact witnesses

- Gerard (initially claimed to see fireball)
- Hemphill (NOC)

Breakdown B

20 alleged witnesses

19 of which are media sourced.

1 of which was an e-mail

2 of which were contacted by Jeff Hill

- Hemphill
- Hovis

1 of which was contacted by CIT

- Hemphill

1 of which is a verified NOC witness

- Hemphill

1 of which is an over the Navy Annex witness

- Hemphill

2 of which give second hand accounts of the aircraft being seen over Washington contradicting the official "loop" west of the Potomac River/Washington.

- Hovis
- Hunt

1 of which claims to have actually seen the aircraft over Washington.

- Hurst

2 of which described "ducking/diving/physical reaction to the blast"

- Hemphill ("I instinctively ducked at the extremely loud roar and whine of a jet engine spooling up...felt the shockwave...knocking me against the desk")

- Hammond ("We saw the big American Airlines plane and started running.")

1 of which claimed to smell "cordite/gunsmoke"

- Goldsmith

1 of which questioned the alleged crash scenario

- Hovis

Breakdown C:

1 of which whose alleged testimony is completely second hand and is not directly quoted once

- Gaines

1 of which the media insinuate that the witness actually saw the alleged impact

"He said he looked at it and saw American Airline insignia and when it made impact with the Pentagon initially he saw smoke, then flames."

- Hagos

1 is an alleged cellphone call between Fred Hey and former corrupt politician Bob Ney (who it's alleged was indirectly responsible for the evacuation of the Capitol) from an area where the Pentagon can't be seen:

"This plane is going down into the Pentagon!" 

- Hey

1 of the alleged witnesses who wasn't actually there during the event but is labelled an "impact witness" by Jeff Hill

- Hovis

Breakdown D:

Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government


- 3

- Gerard (Justice Department)
- Gerson (George Bush speechwriter)
- Hey (Congressional Staff Attorney)


- 1

- Hemphill (Missile Defence Agency Assistant Director for Agency Operations)


- 2

- Hernandez (AP video journalist)
- Gaskins (National Editor USA Today)
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:14 #2467

Witness I-J breakdown

Ingledue, Jim

Source: Media

"They Saw"
Capt. Jim Ingledue, shift safety officer of the Virginia Beach Fire Dept, said Monday he found amidst the rubble at the Pentagon, two days after 9/11, the perfectly clean and unblemished California ID card of Suzanne Calley, 42, one of the alleged victims killed aboard Flight 77.

Is not a witness.

James, Michael and Isabelle


Michael James, 37, a Navy information technician watched in horror from his car Tuesday as an airplane careened off a helicopter pad and smashed into the side of the Pentagon, where he spends about half of his day.

"I was supposed to be in the Pentagon underneath all that rubble," said James, pressed into service directing gawkers away from a road leading to the compound. "If it would have happened 10 minutes later, I would have been down there." 

He is often in the lower Corridor 4 offices of the Navy telecommucations 
center around 6 a.m., but Tuesday he was away taking a physical fitness 

"The plane came over the top of us and brushed the trees, " he said. 
"Then it looked like it hit the helicopter pad and skipped up and went right into the first and second floors." [...]

Rocky Mountain News (Lexis-Nexis - M. E. Sprengelmeyer)

Discussed here:
"we were driving down Columbia Pike and it just shrew right over us...we heard this crash and saw this huge fireball... we didn't have time to see anything plus with the trees..I didn't see any markings...the trees...the treeline (blocked our view).

Isabelle James

These people had no view or at least no clear view, from the road they were allegedly driving on according to statements made by his wife and passenger Isabelle.

Jarvis, Will

Source: Media
Jarvis, who was around the corner from the disaster, tried but failed to see the plane when he left the building. "There was just nothing left. It was incinerated. We couldn't see a tail or a wing or anything," he says. "Just a big black hole in the building with smoke pouring out of it." For someone sitting only 300 metres away from the carnage of American Airlines Flight 77, Jarvis and his officemates were surprisingly well insulated from it. "We thought the plane was a dump truck backing into the building, because there was a lot of construction going on,"

Inside building. Is not a witness to the aircraft nor the alleged impact. Questions site of an alleged aircraft impact.

Johnson, Megan

Source: Media

"They Saw"
"'Today is my worst day yet,' said Megan Johnson of Bristow, Va., yesterday. She was on Interstate 395 when the terrorist plane flew directly in front of her car into the Pentagon.

Second hand account. Media embellishment added to her alleged words - "Today is my worst day yet". Meaningless and unconfirmed.

Jones, Eric

Source: Media

"They Saw" 
was driving through nearby Arlington, Va., when he saw the plane slam into the Pentagon's northwest outer wall.

Second hand account.

In the days after the event he is alleged to have said:
"I am a volunteer firefighter who happened to be driving near the Pentagon when the plane crashed into it. I stopped the car and ran to the site."

He doesn't mention seeing the aircraft before the explosion. Nor the alleged "impact".

CROWLEY: "A volunteer firefighter and grad student at George Washington university, Eric Jones was headed to class when he saw the smoke, pulled into the Pentagon parking lot and ran into the fiery building."

The latter second hand testimony points to him seeing the "smoke" and not the aircraft or alleged impact. 

Joyce, Tom

Source: Media
Tom Joyce, a Navy captain, was reading at his desk on the fifth floor in the building's fifth wing, when the plane hit. The impact knocked him out of his chair. "The whole building shook," Captain Joyce said. "Smoke started coming into the building."

Was inside the building. Was not a witness to the aircraft nor alleged impact.

Breakdown A:

There are 7 alleged witnesses.

- inside Pentagon at time of event 

- 2

- not there 

- 1

= 4

- vague and/or second hand testimonies 

- 2

- Jones (saw "smoke")
- Johnson  ("worst day of my life" - that's it)

= 2

- inferred that they could not physically see alleged impact zone 

- 2

- Isabelle and Michael James

Breakdown B:

There are 7 alleged witnesses

7 of which are media sourced.

1 of which questions the alleged crash site

"There was just nothing left. It was incinerated. We couldn't see a tail or a wing or anything,"

- Jarvis

Breakdown C:

1 of which the media attribute the phrase "he saw the plane slam into the Pentagon's northwest outer wall" when he neither states nor infers this

- Jones

1 of which the media attribute the phrase "watched an airplane careen off a helipad and smash into the side of the Pentagon" when it was actually an assumption according to his co passenger, and wife, Isabelle James' testimony:

- James (Michael)

1 of which the phrase "the terrorist plane flew directly in front of her car into the Pentagon" is wrapped around a single phrase allegedly attributed to her which is "this is the worst day of my life"

- Johnson

Breakdown D:

Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government


- 1

- James (Navy Info Technician)
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:15 #2468

Witness K-L breakdown

Kaiser, Andrea

Source: Media

Arlington County Fire Department Fire Truck 101

"As I was driving down 95 heading towards the Pentagon, one of my members, teammates, said, 'What is that plane doing?' And by the time I looked up, the plane was moving so fast all I saw was an explosion."

ABC Good Morning America (Lexis-Nexis)

Steve McCoy, the fire captain on the same fire engine is on record as saying
 Fire Captain Steve McCoy and his crew are traveling north on Interstate 395 in ACFD Engine 101, for a training session in Crystal City. McCoy reportedly sees “a commercial airliner in steep descent, banking sharply to its right before disappearing beyond the horizon,” followed by “a tremendous explosion” and “a massive plume of smoke and fire.” He immediately radioes ECC and reports, “We got a plane down, it looks like in the Crystal City area by the 14th Street Bridge.” Being aware of the attacks on the World Trade Center, he advises that the FBI should be notified, as this is a possible terrorist attack

14th Street Bridge:

Could not physically see the alleged impact zone. Not a witness to the alleged impact.

Kean, Terrance

Source: Media
Terrance Kean, 35, who lives in a 14-story building nearby, heard the loud jet engines and glanced out his window. 

"I saw this very, very large passenger jet," said the architect, who had been packing for a move. 
"It just plowed right into the side of the Pentagon. The nose penetrated into the portico. And then it sort of disappeared, and there was fire and smoke everywhere. . . . It was very sort of surreal."

This alleged witness has never repeated this story and cannot be found for an interview (if he exists at all). 

Strange thing is that this alleged "architect" described the west face of the Pentagon as having a "portico" (in that this is where he described seeing the "nose penetrate[d]").

This is a "portico"

And the only portico is on the opposite side from where the explosion occurred:

Contradictory, basically anonymous account that needs to be confirmed.

Keglovich, James

Source: Media

She said her brother, James Keglovich, 38, a carpenter working near the Pentagon, was on break across the street from that structure when the airliner tore into the building. He and his friends witnessed the plane approaching. 

He told her they began exclaiming, "Where's he going? What's he doing?" when suddenly they saw the plane clip a taxi cab on the nearby bridge. The crash was exceptionally loud, he said. It shook the building and knocked people down who were closer to the point of impact.

Totally fabricated media piece on a third hand account!

Why has this witness never been brought forward to back up Lloyd England's story? Nobody saw the cab being speared. Nobody apart from Lloyd. 
The fact that the reporter quoted this alleged witness' sister as saying that the plane "clip[ped] a taxi cab" points to embellishment. If this were confirmed detractors and the media would have been scrambling to bring him forward as back-up to Lloyd's story.

This is his sister's alleged account of what he allegedly said, reported by a media that has been found out many times twisting the words of multiple alleged "witnesses" around the Pentagon that morning.

He allegedly "told her" that he saw the plane's approach.

The reporter makes the claim that this alleged witness saw the plane "hit".

No dice.

Kelly, Lesley

Source: E mail to media

"On Sept. 11, I was standing in a break room of an office . . . in downtown D.C., when I looked out the window to see an airplane descend into the side of the Pentagon"

Another alleged "window witness" miles away in DC. Opposite the alleged impact side. He/she couldn't physically see the Pentagon basin. He/she couldn't see the west side of the Pentagon. Maybe he/she saw the aircraft at height but until we know his/her exact POV we can't tell.

An idea of the view from DC is discussed here:

Khavkin, D. S.

Source: E mail to media
from an 8th floor high-rise: "At first, we thought it was the jets that sometimes fly overhead. However, it appeared to be a small commercial aircraft..."

This unconfirmed e-mail/media report is discussed here:

Kirk, Mark Steven

Source: Media
Rep. Mark Steven Kirk (R-Ill.), a Naval Reserve intelligence officer. ''Apparently, the fire killed everybody in there,'' said Kirk, shortly after he learned that two friends perished in the center. Kirk also went to the site. ''The first thing you smell is the burning. And then you can smell the aviation fuel. And then you can smell this sickly, rotten-meat smell,'' he said."

Wasn't there. Not a witness.

Kizildrgli, Aydan

Source: Media
Kizildrgli, while driving by the Pentagon, "saw the jetliner bank slightly"

Another example of Hoffman's site playing with the reported media snippet. What this guy is allegedly quoted as saying can be seen in its full context when the entire snippet is read.
Aydan Kizildrgli, an English language student who is a native of Turkey, saw the jetliner bank slightly then strike a western wall of the huge five-sided building that is the headquarters of the nation's military. 'There was a big boom,' he said. 'Everybody was in shock. I turned around to the car behind me and yelled "Did you see that? Nobody could believe it.'

Apart from the fact that it's an unconfirmed account, there's a disconnect between allegedly seeing the plane "bank slightly" and the "big boom".

Kopf, Peter

Source: Media/Jeff Hill
Peter Kopf, director of information technology at USA TODAY, was stalled in traffic about 9:30 a.m. when the jet hit the Pentagon, creating a 
"huge fireball."
"People (on the highway) were freaking out," he said. "People were turning around and driving the opposite way getting out of their cars, talking on cell phones, crying."

This witness doesn't decribe the path or where he was on Route 27.

10 years after his story was printed he was phoned by Jeff Hill (who has had extremely good luck in contacting these people). He uses a leading technique to reinforce what he wants them to say:

He concentrated on the "conspiracy nuts are saying that..." line and then consciously avoiding the question as to where the witness was and where they saw the aircraft. That a claim to seeing an "impact" is enough. Why? Because he has singlehandedly pointed out at least 3 more NOC witnesses in the pursuit of an "SOC (official path) witness"!

Kopf has since changed his original story from seeing a "huge fireball" into seeing the alleged impact itself. Why did his co-workers at USA Today fail to seize on it if this were the case? Why just mention the "huge fireball"?

Why is it important to ascertain where he allegedly was on the road that morning? And whether he actually saw the aircraft make contact with the facade?

When he claims to have been stuck in traffic on Route 27, he has to be between the area of lightpole 1 and the "impact area" itself to have any sort of "clear view". In fact, he has to be between lightpole 1 and lightpole 5 IF the aircraft was on the official path.

He couldn't be behind the overhead sign beside lightpole 1 because there were trees blocking the view of the Pentagon facade.

Here's a video taken the same morning from the area in question (before the overhead sign) that show 3 lanes of traffic:

Which lane was he in? 

If he was beyond the overhead sign, the aircraft would have flown right over his head. He doesn't describe that. He doesn't claim that is was a matter of feet in front of his car. So where was he and where did he see the aircraft pass over Route 27?

Details that Jeff Hill purposely avoids.

Krohn, Charles H.
One of the aircraft's engines somehow ricocheted out of the building and arched into the Pentagon's mall parking area between the main building and the new loading dock facility, said Charles H. Krohn, the Army's deputy chief of public affairs. Those fleeing the building heard a loud secondary explosion about 10 min. after the initial impact.

This "engine" has never been shown or identified. Even if it were true, how could it possibly get to the "mall parking"?

Krohn doesn't mention seeing the plane. He is not a witness to the flightpath.

Krug, Ann

Source: Media

Ann Krug's kindergarten class saw the plane crash outside the classroom's window. "I actually pointed it out and said: 'Look at this plane; look at how low it's flying,' " Krug recalled. "And then we all saw it come down."

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School:

The section of motorway adjacent to the school here:

The view from this section of motorway to garner an idea of the view from the school. The Navy Annex can be seen beside the tall three pronged sculpture (USAF Memorial)

There is no view whatsoever of the basin of land where the Pentagon is. The descent as the aircraft flew over the Navy Annex can be seen but nothing after that. The school is also just two floors in height.

The reporter embellished Ms Krug's testimony with "[the] kindergarten class saw the plane crash outside the classroom's window"

Lagasse, Sgt. William

Source: Media/CIT
...a pentagon police dog handler, the son of an aviation instructor, was filling up his patrol car at a gas station near the Pentagon when he noticed a jet fly in low. He watched as the plane plowed into the Pentagon. Initially, he thought the plane was about to drop on top of him -- it was that close. Lagasse knew something was wrong. The 757's flaps were not deployed and the landing gear was retracted.

One of the witnesses interviewed by CIT.

A clear NOC witness even though he claims that the aircraft allegedly impacted.

Before his NOC testimony was established, it was repeatedly pointed out that he (and his father) had aviation experience and is now portrayed by detractors as a "liar", even though another police officer corroborated his account from an area just behind the Citgo Gas Station (seen in the video linked to).

Le Grand, La Verne

Source: Media

"They Saw"
"It's a horrible feeling because you're afraid all the time. You're afraid to go out," said District resident La Verne Le Grand, 60, who was riding in a car on Columbia Pike on the morning of September 11 and saw the plane crash into the Pentagon. Since then, she has been admitted twice to Washington Hospital Center for treatment of severe anxiety.

"It's a horrible feeling because you're afraid all the time. You're afraid to go out." 

That's it. The reporter added the "plane crash" statement. 

Leibner, Lincoln

Source: Media/CIT

This was one of my first posts at the CIT forum (it's a bit amateurish but the info is solid)

The video interview has been 404ed (though I believe CIT have downloaded it somewhere). He was asked by the interviewer where he was and where he saw the plane. This gif shows that he is describing where he allegedly was and from what direction he allegedly saw the aircraft approach. Certainly not the official path.

"The aircraft went in between the second and third floors." 

He also originally claimed that the aircraft struck a helicopter on the helipad (which didn't happen)
Captain Liebner says the aircraft struck a helicopter on the helipad, setting fire to a fire truck.

It's second hand, but he's never denied this statement.

His story has morphed over the years. He went from describing the scenario where he saw a "helicopter" being struck, to the aircraft "enter[ing] the building like a toy into a birthday cake"

He was allegedly at the southwest corner of the Pentagon where there were a collection of tall, bushy trees on 9/11

And the scenario where he could stand there and watch the alleged impact and explosion without flinching is ridiculous.

On a side note, the official trajectory of the aircraft would have seen the entry point on to the lawn where the white trailers can be seen in the last image above. Leibner claimed to be standing at the southwest corner of the building walking towards the bridge.

And he described this flightpath:


Leonard, Robert

Source: Media/Jeff Hill
...driving northbound in the HOV lanes on I-395

His car passed the crest of the hill, at the point where Washington comes fully into view and the Pentagon is on the left
[...] "I looked in the rearview mirror to check the traffic and saw only a plane, flying very low. I followed it in my left outside mirror. I braked, looked out my left window and saw a large commercial aircraft aiming for the Pentagon." "The aircraft, so close to the ground, was banked skillfully to the right, leveled off perpendicular to the Pentagon's southwest side, then went full throttle directly toward the building. The plane vanished, absorbed by the building, and there was a slight pause. Then a huge fireball rose into the sky."

-The Washington Post
•  Robert Leonard: “I … saw a large commercial aircraft aiming for the Pentagon.”

This alleged witness was contacted by Jeff Hill just after he had stopped asking witnesses which flightpath the aircraft took as he was finding the same pattern that CIT consistently found. That nobody was describing the official path. This one slipped through the net:

ROBERT LEONARD:  I saw it in my rear-view mirror of my car and then I saw it out the left uh driver's side window.  And um, it had gone over the interstate 395 that I was on, and um went, um to the area just kind of near where the Air Force Memorial is now, a little bit lower down the hill and um banked to the right, and um it put its engines at full throttle and then went, it was uh, it was, would be directly perpendicular to the wall of the Pentagon and um it just went full speed right into the Pentagon.

JEFF HILL:  So like the Air Force Memorial that's like, so it would have went over the Navy Annex I guess?

ROBERT LEONARD:  No it didn't go that far up um as the Navy Annex, it was like, it was below actually where the Air Force Memorial is.

HILL:   Uh huh.  And so like, and you seen it like...

LEONARD:  There used to be like, some kind of a gas station there, it went to that point.

HILL: Yeah yeah yeah that Citgo gas station so it would have flew over that or?

LEONARD:  It was over that when it um, banked sharply to the right.

HILL: And did you happen to see it hit those light poles?

LEONARD:  Um no I didn't see that, I think the, you see I didn't read about the incident, it's only what I witnessed, but um the light poles I think were on 395 because the plane was just um, just behind my car almost over it.

HILL:   Mhm and did you see that taxi cab at all that was hit by a light pole?

LEONARD:  No that would have been behind me.

HILL:  Oh yeah yeah? So it was like uh, where that, where that memorial is now in front of the Navy Annex.  It would have, I'm trying to understand what you mean when...

LEONARD:  Just the memorial would have been below what the path of the plane.

HILL: So like, I don't, what do you mean like below?

LEONARD:  When the plane banked to the right say over to the Citgo station and then headed toward the Pentagon, the um memorial, which I haven't visited, um would have been below the plane's route.

HILL:   So like below, meaning the plane was over it or?

LEONARD:  Yeah the plane was over it.
LEONARD:  It banked, you see it banked and because I was seeing it in slow motion it appeared as if it stopped over the Citgo gas station as it was making like almost a right angle turn, and um that's when it revved its engines up to full speed and like started its charge towards the Pentagon.

He doesn't describe seeing, nor can he physically see, the alleged impact zone.
In both his media and Hill's account, he's describing a sharp right bank (and mentions the Citgo gas station in Hill's phonecall) which contradicts the necessary level flightpath to line up with the directional damage.

Lyman, Mary

Source: Media


"I was driving northbound to work in the District on I-395 when the Pentagon was hit. I actually saw the plane in front of me, coming in at a very steep angle toward the ground and going fast -- I think I actually heard it accelerate -- and then it disappeared and a cloud of smoke started billowing.
Traffic stopped dead, of course; I was within sight of the first Washington Boulevard exit at that point. We sat there for about 45 minutes, pulling over to the side so emergency vehicles could get through. Most of us got out of our cars, walked around and talked to each other, comparing notes on what we'd heard and trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to reach people on our cellphones.
Police eventually made us get back in our cars and turn around, going back the wrong way down the highway. I got off at the Glebe Road exit (moving down the up ramp)...
The Washington Post, September 16 2001

Earlier, Mary Lyman, 47, of Alexandria, had been driving on the same highway, passing the Pentagon on her way to her job as a lobbyist in Washington. She witnessed the crash.
"I saw a plane coming what I thought was toward National Airport, which is very close. You see that all the time," said Lyman, an Andover native. "But this one looked different. It was at a very steep angle, and going very fast.
"I had been hearing about the World Trade Center before I left, and wondered, is this part of that? Then the plane disappeared, smoke started coming up, and traffic came to a complete stop," Lyman said. "We all got out of our cars. We heard another couple of explosions, and I ran and got back in my car."
"The police came and had us drive back the wrong way on the highway."
The Boston Globe, September 12 2001

States that she didn't and couldn't see alleged impact.

Breakdown A:

There are 15 alleged witnesses.

- not there 

- 2

= 13

- vague and/or second hand 

- 2

- Kizildrgli
- Laverne (doesn't mention anything at all about event)

- second hand account 

- 1

- Keglovich (third hand - not quoted once)

= 10

- could not see Pentagon 

- 2

- Kaiser
- Krug

= 8

- in area, could not see alleged impact area from stated position 

- 2

- Leonard
- Khavkin

= 6

- stated that they didn't/couldn't see alleged impact 

- 1

- Lyman

= 5

- alleged "window witness" in Washington 

- 1

- Kelly

= 4 alleged impact witnesses

- Lagasse
- Kean
- Kopf
- Leibner

2 of which changed their initial story

- Liebner
- Kopf

Breakdown B:

15 alleged witnesses.

13 of which are media sourced.

2 of which are e mails.

3 of which have been phoned by Jeff Hill.

- Kopf
- Leibner (possible NOC)
- Leonard (NOC)

1 of which has been interviewed in person by CIT.

- Lagasse (NOC)

2 of which are confirmed NOC

- Lagasse
- Leonard

1 of which is possible NOC

- Liebner

1 of which describes a sharp right bank

- Leonard ("right angle")

Breakdown C:

1 of which is completely third hand and the reporter attributes the phrase "they saw the plane clip a taxi cab" to somebody that isn't quoted once.

- Keglovich

1 of which is media disinfo/embellishment adding the phrase "saw the jetliner bank slightly then strike a western wall of the huge five-sided building"

- Kizildrgli

1 of which is media disinfo adding the second hand phrase "Ann Krug's kindergarten class saw the plane crash outside the classroom's window"

- Krug

1 of which is media disinfo/embellishment claiming that the witness described seeing  "the plane crash into the Pentagon" when all that they are quoted as saying is "It's a horrible feeling because you're afraid all the time. You're afraid to go out" 

- La Verne

1 of which is a completely second hand account claiming that the witness saw
"one of the aircraft's engines somehow ricocheted out of the building and arched into the Pentagon's mall parking area"

- Krohn

1 of which the media embellishes the testimony refarding the alleged impact.
"She witnessed the crash"

- Lyman

Breakdown D:

Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government


- 2

- Kelly (Retired Commander US Navy)
- Liebner (Executive Support Officer for Donald Rumsfeld)


- 1

- Kopf (Director of Information Technology, USA Today)


- 2

- Lyman (lobbyist)
- Lagasse (DPS - Pentagon Police)
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:15 #2469

Witness M-N breakdown

 M. K.

Source: anonymous E mail

Anonymous and unconfirmed (another anonymous e mail to BBC - why the BBC if the alleged witness lives in Pentagon City?)

M., Rick

Source: Message board


Anonymous and unconfirmed. 


Source: Message board


Anonymous and unconfirmed. If CIT pulled these alleged witnesses out of the woodwork they would be laughed at. How can anonymous testimony be compared to recorded one on one interviews that CIT have carried out? It can't.

 Marra, David

Source: Media

David Marra, 23, an information-technology specialist, had turned his BMW off an I-395 exit to the highway just west of the Pentagon when he saw an American Airlines jet swooping in, its wings wobbly, looking like it was going to slam right into the Pentagon: 

"It was 50 ft. off the deck when he came in. It sounded like the pilot had the throttle completely floored. The plane rolled left and then rolled right. Then he caught an edge of his wing on the ground." 

There is a helicopter pad right in front of the side of the Pentagon. The wing touched there, then the plane cartwheeled into the building.,8...74655-4,00.html

This guy's exact POV has never been found. The aircraft did not "cartwheel" and the Pentagon lawn was not marked by the "wing".

In fact the "cartwheel" statement isn't made by Marra but added by the journalist.

Martinez, Oscar

Source: Media
"I saw a big jet flying close to the building coming at full speed. There was a big noise when it hit the building,'' said Oscar Martinez, who witnessed the attack.

What "building"? Martinez describes hearing the explosion. That's it. Not a witness based on yet another ambiguous (and basically anonymous) media quote.

Mason, Don

Source: ASCE Report

Discussed here:

Not once is this guy directly quoted. It was a second hand account penned by the ASCE report.
The link above compares his alleged testimony compared to another ASCE "witness account". That of Frank Probst, who describes anything but an "SOC approach"

McAdams, Daniel and Cynthia

Source: Media
Two other witnesses, Daniel McAdams and his wife, Cynthia, said they were sitting in their kitchen drinking coffee in their third-floor condominium in Arlington, Va., just two miles from the Pentagon when they heard a plane fly directly overhead around 9:45 a.m. It was unusually loud and low. Seconds later, they heard a big boom and felt the doors and windows of their three-story building shake. From their window, they could see a plume of black smoke coming from the Pentagon..

Not witnesses to aircraft or alleged impact.

McClain, Tom

Source: E mail
Lt Col (ret) Tom McClain :"I saw the remains of the engines in the North parking lot of the Pentagon as well as melted aluminum and other debris left from the aircraft. "

Did not witness flight of aircraft. Again with the unidentified parts and alleged engine in North Parking.

McClellan, Kenneth

Source: Media
The C-130 pilot 'followed the aircraft and reported it was heading into the Pentagon,' he said. 'He saw it crash into the building. He saw the fireball.

McClellan is a Pentagon spokesman and is not a witness. What he reported is actually false as well:
"I distinctly remember having a difficult time keeping the AA flight in sight after we turned back to the east to follow it per a request from Wash. Departure Control.   When I saw the initial explosion I was not able to see exactly where or what it had impacted, but remember trying to approximate a position to give to ATC.  It was then that I was able to see the sun reflecting off the Potomac and the runway at Wash. Nat'l and thought to myself that the AA flight must have had some sort of IFE (in flight emergency) and was trying to make it back to National Airport."
-C-130 Pilot Lt Col Steve O'Brien via email to Pilots for 9/11 Truth

McCoy, Steve

Source: Media

 fire captain on fire engine 101

Fire Captain Steve McCoy and his crew are traveling north on Interstate 395 in ACFD Engine 101, for a training session in Crystal City. McCoy reportedly sees “a commercial airliner in steep descent, banking sharply to its right before disappearing beyond the horizon,” followed by “a tremendous explosion” and “a massive plume of smoke and fire.” He immediately radioes ECC and reports, “We got a plane down, it looks like in the Crystal City area by the 14th Street Bridge.” Being aware of the attacks on the World Trade Center, he advises that the FBI should be notified, as this is a possible terrorist attack

14th Street Bridge:

Could not physically see the alleged impact zone. Not a witness to the alleged impact.

McCusker, Elaine

Source: Media
"Traffic is normally slow right around the Pentagon as the road winds and we line up to cross the 14th Street bridge heading into the District of Columbia. I don't know what made me look up, but I did and I saw a very low-flying American Airlines plane that seemed to be accelerating. My first thought was just 'No, no, no, no,' because it was obvious the plane was not heading to nearby Reagan National Airport. It was going to crash."

Elaine McCusker: co-chair of the Coalition for National Security Research

14th Street Bridge:

Where was she? If she saw the aircraft, she couldn't have been beyond Route 27 on the I-395 motorway that runs past the Pentagon towards the 14th Street Bridge.

In the extended media piece she says
Fire trucks started to appear so I and others on the road tried to move out of the way.

Were there firetrucks arriving along this section of motorway?

Her alleged POV needs to be established but her "it was going to crash" statement indicates that she had no view.

These are the views from the passenger seat along that stretch of highway

Remember, and this is crucial (and usually ignored by detractors), she is on record, as are multiple witnesses in this area, as saying that there was heavy traffic. the images above are of a virtually clear road.

Either way, her testimony is ambiguous and is most certainly open to bias.

McGraw, Stephen

Source: Media/CIT/Jeff Hill
"I was in the left hand lane with my windows closed. I did not hear anything at all until the plane was just right above our cars." McGraw estimates that the plane passed about 20 feet over his car, as he waited in the left hand lane of the road, on the side closest to the Pentagon. "The plane clipped the top of a light pole just before it got to us, injuring a taxi driver, whose taxi was just a few feet away from my car. "I saw it crash into the building," he said. "My only memories really were that it looked like a plane coming in for a landing. I mean in the sense that it was controlled and sort of straight. That was my impression," he said. "There was an explosion and a loud noise and I felt the impact. I remember seeing a fireball come out of two windows (of the Pentagon). I saw an explosion of fire billowing through those two windows.

On closer inspection, this guy's testimony isn't as clear cut as what was printed.

Discussed here:

Transcript of McGraw to Aldo

He was initially labelled a "lightpole witness" until asked for details. His description of where he allegedly was on Route 27 place him on the NOC entry point on to the road. The official speed would have the event over in less than half a second.

McNair, Phil

Source: Media
Crawling, McNair turned toward the E Ring. The heat grew even fiercer, and as he neared the door to the corridor he saw bright orange through the crack along its bottom. He reversed course, yelling, "We've got to get out the other way.''

Inside the Pentagon. Did not witness flight of aircraft.

Mencl, Peggy

Source: Media
Inside a courtyard deep inside the Pentagon, program analyst Peggy Mencl (cq) heard the blast. "The doors blew out and debris just came flying out from the doors," Mencl said. "It blew me 10 feet." She was uninjured but still had debris in her hair.

Inside the building. Not a witness to the aircraft or alleged impact.

Middleton Sr, William

Source: CMH interview/CIT
The worker, William Middleton Sr., was running his street sweeper through the cemetery when he heard a harsh whistling sound overhead. Middleton looked up and spotted a commercial jet whose pilot seemed to be fighting with his own craft. Middleton said the plane was no higher than the tops of telephone poles as it lurched toward the Pentagon. The jet accelerated in the final few hundred yards before it tore into the building.

William Middleton is an NOC witness interviewed by CIT

Discussed here:

@36mins onwards
A: In between the cemetery, and the Naval Annex.

Q2: There's that road, you know, that goes up to Fort Meyer, that other entrance.


Q: Wait, let me ask you for that. You said you saw it circling. Like, where was it circling?

A: Right about here. Right over...

Q: Like halfway up?

A: Right here. It wasn't that high up.

Q: Ok.

A: And it was going around.

Q: Going around.

A: Right. Like it was coming around through the pattering, to go over to National Airport.

Q: How long, how long did you see it circling for? Like, estimate.

A: Um, 'bout five minutes. It took about five minutes for it to go around.

Q: Oh, so it was a few minutes. You saw it--- Oh, ok.


A: He kicked the throttle. When I looked, went straight into the building.


A: On the north side of the Navy Annex. It was coming straight down the middle of the street. I don't know what was goin' on. And as it come past me, it was dropping. And you could...


A: That's--- It came right over the parking lot.

The path he drew:

And (his would-be view of the official path):

Middleton not only describes the NOC flightpath, but the East of Potomac (Washington) flightpath that contradicts the official loop that doesn't cross the river:

Discussed here:

He mentions the aircraft going "straight into the building" but he had a very limited view of the alleged impact area:

An obvious and perfectly natural assumption

Milburn, Kirk

Source: Media

"I was right underneath the plane," said Kirk Milburn, a construction supervisor for Atlantis Co., who was on the Arlington National Cemetery exit of Interstate 395 when he said he saw the plane heading for the Pentagon. "I heard a plane. I saw it. I saw debris flying. I guess it was hitting light poles," said Milburn. "It was like a WHOOOSH whoosh, then there was fire and smoke, then I heard a second explosion." - (Washington Post, September 11, 2001) - 

Witnessed aircraft but couldn't physically see nor did he describe seeing, the alleged impact.

Along the stretch of road beyond where Milburn described:

Mitchell, Terry

Source: Media
"This is a hole in -- there was a punch-out. They suspect that this was where a part of the aircraft came through this hole, although I didn't see any evidence of the aircraft down there. (...) This pile here is all Pentagon metal. None of that is aircraft whatsoever. As you can see, they've punched a hole in here. This was punched by the rescue workers to clean it out. You can see this is the -- some of the unrenovated areas where the windows have blown out. "
I didn't see any evidence of the aircraft down there

Wasn't there. Not a witness. 

Mitchell, Mitch

Source: Media


Discussed here:

Aside from his contradictory testimony, he claims solely to have "heard" and "felt" the explosion but not to have actually seen the alleged impact.

Moody, Sheila

Source: Media
Sheila Moody, in Room 472, heard a whoosh and a whistle and she wondered where all this air was coming from. Then a blast of fire that left as fast as it came

Inside the building. Is not a witness to aurcraft or alleged impact.

Morin, Terry

Source: Media/CIT

"I could now only see the tail of the aircraft. I believe I saw the tail dip slightly to the right indicating a minor turn in that direction. The tail was barely visible when I saw the flash and subsequent fireball rise approximately 200 feet above the Pentagon. There was a large explosion noise and the low frequency sound echo that comes with this type of sound. Associated with that was the increase in air pressure, momentarily, like a small gust of wind. For those formerly in the military, it sounded like a 2000lb bomb going off roughly 1/2 mile in front of you.

CIT interviewed Terry Morin:

He's unquestionably an "over the Navy Annex" witness.

The significance of which is discussed here:

His testimony is discussed here:

He couldn't physically see the alleged impact area.

Mosley, James

Source: University online board
James Mosley, four stories up on a scaffold at the Navy Annex, " ... I looked over and saw this big silver plane run into the side of the Pentagon"

This report definitely needs to be confirmed. An alleged witness with an alleged view "four stories up on a scaffold at the Navy Annex" and the media post these few words??

Where was the "scaffold"?

Just after explosion @09:45am:

These images run the length of the Navy Annex at @10:20am that morning:

Munsey, Christopher

Source: Media
"A silver, twin-engine American Airlines jetliner gliding almost noiselessly over the Navy Annex, fast, low and straight toward the Pentagon, just hundreds of yards away. It was a nightmare coming to life. The plane, with red and blue markings, hurtled by and within moments exploded in a ground-shaking "whoomp" as it appeared to hit the side of the Pentagon. A huge flash of orange flame and black smoke poured into the sky. Smoke seemed to change from black to white, forming a billowing column in the sky."

From his description of events ("hurtled by"), he has passed the Pentagon on the I-395 motorway that runs along beside the south parking lot to the bottom of the following overhead image:

Given that he claims that the aircraft "appear[ed] to hit the side of the Pentagon" and lack of description we can deduce that he is not a witness to an alleged impact.

Murphy, Peter

Source: Media
At that instant, a tremendous explosion with what Mr. Murphy said was a noise "louder than any noise he had ever heard" shook the room. Mr. Murphy, who had been standing with his back to the window, was knocked entirely across the room

Inside the Pentagon. Not a witness.

Myers, Richard

Source: Media
General Richard Myers, vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that before the crash into the Pentagon, military officials had been notified that another hijacked plane had been heading from the New York area to Washington.

Not a witness

Narayanan, Vin

Source: Media/CIT
"The plane exploded after it hit, the tail came off and it began burning immediately. Within five minutes, police and emergency vehicles began arriving," said Vin Narayanan, a reporter at USA, who was driving near the Pentagon when the plane hit.

He also said this:
"At 9:35 a.m., I pulled alongside the Pentagon. With traffic at a standstill, my eyes wandered around the road, looking for the cause of the traffic jam. Then I looked up to my left and saw an American Airlines jet flying right at me. The jet roared over my head, clearing my car by about 25 feet. The tail of the plane clipped the overhanging exit sign above me as it headed straight at the Pentagon.

"The windows were dark on American Airlines Flight 77 as it streaked toward its target, only 50 yards away."

"The hijacked jet slammed into the Pentagon at a ferocious speed. But the Pentagon's wall held up like a champ. It barely budged as the nose of the plane curled upwards and crumpled before exploding into a massive fireball..... I think I saw the bodies of passengers burning. But I'm not sure. It could have been Pentagon workers. It could have been my mind playing tricks on me."

And this:
Vin: Actually, that huge fireball exploded right toward me. I was on the road right next to where the American Airlines jet hit Pentagon wall. That wall is about 50 yards from the road. I was listening to the WTC coverage as well when I looked up to the left and saw a plane flying at my car. At first, I thought it was heading toward National just to get out of the air. But the closer it got, the more it looked like it was going to hit my car. The tail of the jet clipped an overhanging exit sign above me on it's way down. Then it slammed into the Pentagon wall.

There is a recurring theme throughout the witness pool (allegedly) within the Pentagon basin. They describe everything bar the official path. Specifically those who found themselves on Route 27 (the road the runs in front of the alleged impact side)

Aldo Marquis phoned Vin Narayanan (@27:50mins)
27:50 :

ALDO: So you were under an overhead sign. Correct?

NARANYAN: ..I was under an exit sign, basically..I was just before the exit sign..the exit sign was on the approach.

ALDO: And you say the tail actually hit the sign?

NARANYAN: It clipped it..


ALDO: So did you see it clip any lightpoles?

NARANYAN : No, it didn't clip any lightpoles or anything like that.. it didn't clip any lightpoles, just the exit sign.

So where was he and how does his description fit in with the official path and impact?

Was he referring to the exit sign that is just before the poles on the official path?

He saw no lightpoles being struck. He was adamant (even indignant) about that.
He also claimed that there were no trees obstructing his view.

These are the trees Aldo was referring to with the exit sign he is supposedly referring to

And the best idea of the view:

The relevance of these details? Look at this overhead. He places himself supposedly before the first exit sign where the trees are.

The official flightpath has the aircraft arriving from behind his perspective and not looking to his left (the official speed would have it covering this area between the Navy Annex and Route 27 in 2 seconds!). The trees would most definitely have been at least within his line of view. And how would the fireball explode "right toward" him?

He had to be further up the road where the NOC witnesses drew their paths.

His description of the nose "curling up", the "tail" falling off, and seeing "passengers burning", like his story, is journalistic embellishment.

Navy Admiral, unnamed

Source: Media


Neri, Michael

Excerpts from an interview with Captain Michael J. Neri, Jr., who was Special Assistant to the Assistant Surgeon General for Force Protection.

"Colonel Fruendt, our secretary Doreen, and myself were in there. I looked at Colonel Fruendt and said, “I’m surprised we haven’t heard an announcement about increased levels of THREATCON here at the Pentagon.

Did not see aircraft. Was inside the building.

Breakdown A:

There are 28 alleged witnesses

- inside the Pentagon during event 

- 5

- not there 

- 4

= 19

- anonymous 

- 4

= 15

- could not physically see Pentagon 

- 3

- Cynthia and Daniel McAdams
- McCoy

= 12

- vague testimonies 

- 2

- McCusker
- Martinez

- second hand account

- 1

- Mason (not quoted once)

= 9

- in area, could not see alleged impact area and/or "heard/felt" 
alleged impact 

- 4

- Milburn
- Mitch Mitchell
- Munsey
- Morin

= 5 alleged witnesses to alleged impact

- Marra
- McGraw
- Mosley
- Naranyan
- Middleton

Breakdown B:

28 alleged witnesses

21 of which are sourced by the media

3 of which appeared on online message boards.

2 of which are E mails

1 of which came from a CMH interview.

1 of which appeared in the ASCE Report.

4 of which were interviewed by CIT (3 in person)

- Middleton
- Morin
- McGraw
- Naranyan

1 of which was phoned by Jeff Hill.

- McGraw

2 of which is confirmed NOC.

- Middleton
- Morin

2 of which describe possible NOC vantage points on Route 27

- Naranyan
- McGraw

1 of which describes the Washington flightpath and contradicts the official "loop" west of the Potomac River/Washington

- Middleton

3 of which are "over the Navy Annex" witnesses.

- Middleton
- Morin
- Munsey (possible)

2 of which contradict the official speed.

- Middleton
- Morin

2 of which describe a significant bank.

- McCoy
- Middleton

1 of which questioned the site of an alleged plane crash:

"I didn't see any evidence of the aircraft down there. (...) This pile here is all Pentagon metal. None of that is aircraft whatsoever."

- Terry Mitchell

1 of which, there is visual proof that the story is suspect or at least needs verified

- Mosely

1 of which would have had the aircraft in sight for less than half a second at the official speed.

- McGraw

6 of which it's claimed described ducking/diving/physical reaction to the blast:

- Mitch Mitchell ("We felt the intense heat of the fireball and felt the car shudder as we heard the thud of the impact.")

- Morin ("For those formerly in the military, it sounded like a 2000lb bomb going off roughly 1/2 mile in front of you.")

- McGraw ("There was an explosion and a loud noise and I felt the impact.")

- McAdams couple (second hand) ("they heard a big boom and felt the doors and windows of their three-story building shake")

- Munsey ("a ground shaking whomp")

Breakdown C:

1 of which is not quoted once.

- Mason

1 of which whose alleged description of the alleged impact is added by the journalist:

"There is a helicopter pad right in front of the side of the Pentagon. The wing touched there, then the plane cartwheeled into the building."

- Marra

1 of which whose alleged description of the aircraft altitude is added by the journalist:

"McGraw estimates that the plane passed about 20 feet over his car, as he waited in the left hand lane of the road, on the side closest to the Pentagon."

- McGraw

1 alleged witness who insinuated that he saw the lightpole and cab scenario until asked specifics by Aldo Marquis and has since retracted:

"The plane clipped the top of a light pole just before it got to us, injuring a taxi driver"

- McGraw

1 of which was a second hand account attributed to the C130 pilot witnessing the alleged impact that the witness in question (O'Brien) contradicted when contacted

"He saw it crash into the building."

- McClellan

Breakdown D:

Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government


- 3

- McCusker (co-chair of the Coalition for National Security Research)
- Mason (military contractor/Ex USAF)
- Morin (Ex USMC Aviator)


- 3

- Mitch  Mitchell (CBS Military Consultant/Army Colonel)
- Munsey (Navy Times reporter)
- Narayanan (USA Today)
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Pentagon Witness List 09 Sep 2012 14:17 #2470

Witness O-P breakdown

O'Brien, Steve (C130 pilot)

Source: Media/Rob Balsamo

WTC7Lies (links to video interview):

E mail from O'Brien to Rob Balsamo
"I distinctly remember having a difficult time keeping the AA flight in sight after we turned back to the east to follow it per a request from Wash. Departure Control.   When I saw the initial explosion I was not able to see exactly where or what it had impacted, but remember trying to approximate a position to give to ATC.  It was then that I was able to see the sun reflecting off the Potomac and the runway at Wash. Nat'l and thought to myself that the AA flight must have had some sort of IFE (in flight emergency) and was trying to make it back to National Airport."
-C-130 Pilot Lt Col Steve O'Brien via email to Pilots for 9/11 Truth

Did not see alleged impact even though he's constantly labelled as an "impact witness".

Additional info discussed here:

O'Keefe, John

Source: Media
"There was a burst of orange flame that shot out that I could see through the highway overpass. Then it was just black. Just black thick smoke. The eeriest thing about it, was that it was like you were watching a movie. There was no huge explosion, no huge rumbling on ground, it just went 'pfff'. It wasn't what I would have expected for a plane that was not much more than a football field away from me.

This is the stretch of road he's presumably referring to:

Remember that there allegedly was heavy traffic on these lanes, that the Streetview camera is 1 meter above the car and that the POV in the image is from the entrance to the Pentagon parking lot, so he'd have to be in the next lanes over.

Could not physically see alleged impact and his description reinforces this.

Owens, Mary Ann

Source: Media
"Gripping the steering wheel of my vibrating car, I involuntarily ducked as the wobbling plane thundered over my head. Once it passed, I raised slightly and grimaced as the left wing dipped and scraped the helicopter area just before the nose crashed into the southwest wall of the Pentagon. Still gripping the wheel, I could feel both the car and my heart jolt at the moment of impact."

She originally said
Gannett News Service employee Mary Ann Owens was stopped in traffic on the road that runs past the Pentagon, listening on the radio to the news of the World Trade Center attacks, when she heard a loud roar overhead and looked up as the plane barely cleared the highway. "Instantly I knew what was happening, and I involuntarily ducked as the plane passed perhaps 50 to 75 feet above the roof of my car at great speed," Owens said. "The plane slammed into the west wall of the Pentagon. The impact was deafening. The fuselage hit the ground and blew up."

According to the official story the aircraft took 1.3 seconds from Route 27 to the facade. 0.4 seconds to cross the lawn. At what point did she duck within this timeframe? And where was she on the road?

Paik, Ed

Source: CIT

Not mentioned on any media quotemine site.

Discussed here:

Could not physically see the alleged impact site and repeatedly describes a trajectory over the Navy Annex.

Pak, Zinovy

Source: Media

Russian Munitions Agency director was on his way to the Pentagon for negotiations over U.S. funding for a southern Urals chemical weapons destruction facility.

"saw a plane crash into the building."

That's it. Another unconfirmed second hand media one-liner allegedly from an arms dealer go-between..

Patterson, Steve

Source: Media

Steve Patterson, who lives in Pentagon City,..a commuter jet swooped over Arlington National Cemetery and headed for the Pentagon...The plane was about 150 yards away, approaching from the west about 20 feet off the ground, Patterson said.

He said the plane, which sounded like the high-pitched squeal of a fighter jet, flew over Arlington cemetary so low that he thought it was going to land on I-395. He said it was flying so fast that he couldn't read any writing on the side. The plane, which appeared to hold about eight to 12 people,

Another second hand truncated account from somebody that CIT can't find to interview. His alleged testimony is bizarre.

First, "flew over Arlington Cemetery" which is NOC. 
Thing is, this guy also describes a commuter jet flying "20 feet agl...150 yards" from his apartment in Pentagon City. Many of the "small plane" witnesses were either viewing from a distance or were misquoted by the media (Campos), so what's this guy's excuse if it allegedly flew close by (depending on how you take the testimony!)?

I've placed his alleged POV at the building closest to I-395 (and I've taken his description literally)

The witnessed path (esp. Boger and Middleton) vs the official path:

Patterson's second hand account then continues..
Then, he said, he saw the Pentagon "envelope" the plane and bright orange flames shoot out the back of the building.

The "back"? 

An interesting story about this alleged witness. 

It was originally posted at 5pm on September 11th by the Washington Post by Barbara Vobejda. On asking her for contact details:

"Joel Skousen of  'World Affairs Brief' reported that: "I have, so far, been unable to locate a Steven Patterson in the Pentagon City area of Arlington, Va. None of the graphic design firms in the area that I called have heard of him.
Barbara Vobejda told me she didn't have a contact number for him
and that his testimony was received by "one of the dozens of "stringers" they had out in the field that day interviewing people on the ground."

A reporter or photographer can "string" for a news organization in a number of different capacities and with varying degrees of regularity, so that the relationship between the organization and the stringer is typically very loose. When it is difficult for a staff reporter or photographer to reach a location quickly for breaking news stories, larger news organizations often rely on local stringers to provide rapid scene descriptions, quotations or photos. In this capacity, stringers are used heavily by most television news organizations and some print publications for video footage, photos, and interviews.

Link to Joel Skousen's page:

Unconfirmed and to all extents and purposes, anonymous, contradictory testimony on every level.

 Perkal, Don

Source: Media
"My colleagues felt the impact, which reminded them of an earthquake. People shouted in the corridor outside that a bomb had gone off upstairs on the main concourse in the building. No alarms sounded. I walked to my office, shut down my computer, and headed out. Even before stepping outside I could smell the cordite. Then I knew explosives had been set off somewhere. I looked to my right and saw a raging fire and smoke careening off the facade to the sky. (...) Two explosions, a few minutes apart, prompted me to start walking. "

He was inside the building. Not a witness.
Interestingly he is a "cordite" and "bomb" witness.

Perry, Scott

Source: Media

Scott Perry of Spotsylvania County heard a plane's engines rumbling above the Navy Annex building where he works, so he looked out his window, which faces the Pentagon

"[The plane] was coming straight into the wedge," Perry said. "I saw it crash. There was about five seconds of disbelief, and the next thing I heard was, down the hallway, a friend of mine screaming."

Another alleged "over the Annex" audio witness.

Albert Hemphill claims to have been in an office at the Navy Annex facing the Pentagon:

He is also adamant that he saw an "impact" but he was just as adamant that the aircraft "flew right over the top"of the Navy Annex. He was also adamant that the aircraft flew "closer to Arlington Cemetery". Even when Jeffrey Hill sabotaged CIT's contact with this person, he still insisted that the aircraft flew "over the top" of Citgo.

Hill and his friends claimed that it was a "perspective issue" but this is impossible when looked at from an aeriel perspective:

At what point would the aircraft have appeared to have been over the Citgo gas station along the official path?

He corroborates Boger who was sitting opposite his POV in the heliport.

Perry's (second hand) claim that the aircraft went over the Annex certainly doesn't contradict NOC but a more detailed interview would be interesting. 

Needs further investigation. 

Peterson, Christine

Source: Media
"I was at a complete stop on the road in front of the helipad at the Pentagon; what I had thought would be a shortcut was as slow as the other routes I had taken that morning. I looked idly out my window to the left -- and saw a plane flying so low I said, "holy cow, that plane is going to hit my car" (not my actual words). The car shook as the plane flew over. It was so close that I could read the numbers under the wing. And then the plane crashed. My mind could not comprehend what had happened. Where did the plane go? For some reason I expected it to bounce off the Pentagon wall in pieces. But there was no plane visible,"

Christine Peterson places herself "on the road in front of the helipad". What needs confirmed is whether she was referring to that stretch of road or directly in front of the helipad itself

As stated before, the terms "looking (idly) to the left" and "coming straight at" a witness from Route 27, don't tally with the official flightpath. One rule of thumb that I use for motorists allegedly on this stretch of motorway is to use the image above and try to place them on the road using their testimony.

Her testimony points to her seeing the aircraft approach looking through her driver side window, that it flew relatively close to her car, and in front of her.

Further investigation needed.

Petitt, Mark

Source: Media

"I was actually sitting in traffic on route 110 on my way to work ..and it was an AA plane that came in and hit the Pentagon..I saw the plane actually come up the I-395..and it went over the horizon and then 
just came back in front of a bridge where I was sitting and I knew it was going to hit...and the next thing there was a huge explosion, black smoke everywhere..

Here is Route 110 which runs behind the Pentagon (to the right of the image):

There are the only two bridges on Route 110 within which the Navy Annex and Route 27 may be seen (at a distance). The North face of the Pentagon is in the foreground. The South face and most of South Parking is out of view until the driver is beyond the mound on the left. Remember the Streetview Cam is 1 metre above the car roof.

What is strange is that he says "it went over the horizon and then just came back". It went out of his view? How so if the plane followed the official path?

Here's the aeriel view of this area from January 2002:


Screencap of above:

The mound was there. And so were a few trees lining the road.

The only other vantage point of the area is here (which has the same mounds leading up to the bridge - look at the cars to garner an idea of the POV from this area):

The additional problem with both?

He claimed to work "across the street" and that he had nearly arrived. Both views above are from northbound lanes which go by the Potomac River over a bridge towards Washington and there are no offices along those lanes.

He'd have to be driving southbond towards Crystal City away from the Pentagon and towards the office buildings seen along the bottom of the following image (south to Crystal City):

Either way, he couldn't physically see the alleged impact zone. And his confusing description ("horizon..came back in..") demonstrates why detailed interviews are necessary before drawing any conclusions.

 Pfeilstucker, Daniel C. Jr

Source: Media
Daniel C. Pfeilstucker Jr., caught in the flying debris, didn't know if he was going to make it out alive. The Pentagon was on fire.

Inside the building. Not a witness to the aircraft.

Plaisted, Linda

Source: Media

in office at home in Arlington less than one mile from the Pentagon

"I was unaware at this time that the World Trade center had been attacked so I thought this was "just" a troubled plane en route to the airport. I started to run toward my front door but the plane was going so fast at this point that it only took 4 or 5 seconds before I heard a tremendously loud crash and books on my shelves started tumbling to the floor.

Could not physically see the Pentagon. Not a witness to the alleged impact.

Powell, Reginald

Source: Medical Journal

Sergeant Reginald Powell, a radiologist at the DiLorenzo Tricare Health Clinic, will say: “I was in awe that I saw no plane, nothing left from the plane. It was like it disintegrated as it went into the building.” [OFFICE OF MEDICAL HISTORY, 9/2004, PP. 119]

Not a witness to the aircraft. In fact he is listed among witnesses who queried the lack of debris.

Prather, Darius

Source: CIT

Interviewed by CIT
 I noticed the, um, airplane (nice size plane) was coming in. And it was like--- It may have been about no more than three feet about the Navy Annex, when it was coming across from that. And from my understanding, I heard that the airplane was heading down from Columbia Pike. Used that route. When the plane was coming across the, uh, the Navy Annex, it was actually like in between where the monument... the US Air Force Memorial? It's like in between that and where you see like the litttle tower thing that's stickin' up from the other side there. It was only about three feet above that.

Edit: image of area he's describing:


A: And, um, as it was angling, it was looking like it was coming over here for the buildings where we are over here.

Q: So it was right on top of the Navy Annex.

A: It was on top of the Navy Annex.

Q: And it looked like it was headed towards...

A: It looked like it was headed towards this way. Towards Arlington Cemetery. We were thinking it was gonna-- 'Ah, man, it's on it's way towards this way.' And it looked like--- And the way the plane was comin'...

Q: Here, use this model plane...

Edit: gifs of what he described:


A: We didn't get to see the plane go into the building, but, if you put it about--- This is 2008, that was 2001. Seven years ago, those trees were a little smaller than that. So you could see a little bit more in between there, and what was going on. But, nobody was really looking. At the time it was heading there, nobody was really trying to look see if it actually was goin' hit the bujilding or not hit the building. So everybody was running in the opposite direction for their lives. Then, when I heard that... that loud boom, I was like, man. I was, well, what next was goin' happen, and then when I got up, came on back out.

Flightpath he drew:

Additional info:

Flightpath of C130 he described:

Official C130 flightpath vs witnessed flightpath:

Prather is not a witness to the alleged impact. He describes the NOC flightpath and completely contradicts the C130 flightpath

Probst, Frank

Source: Media/ASCE Report
"I was standing on the sidewalk (parallel to the site of impact)...and I saw this plane coming right at me at what seemed like 300 miles an hour. I dove towards the ground and watched this great big engine from this beautiful airplane just vaporize," said Frank Probst, a member of the Pentagon renovations crew commented. "It looked like a huge fireball, pieces were flying out everywhere."

Discussed here:

Qawly, Sabre

Source: Media

"They Saw"
Qawiy Sabre, a data processor working in the outer E-ring of the Pentagon.
"when saw the plane coming in" (sic) he ducked to the floor and flames passed over him.
"The whole building shook. We heard a loud bang, and wall of fire came at us." 
The Washington Times / September 12, 2001 (Lexis Nexis)
(text mirror) Stephen Dinan / THE WASHINGTON TIMES / Sept. 12th 2001

Inside the Pentagon. He ducked to the floor before the plane reached the building. 

Breakdown A:

There are 16 alleged witnesses.

- inside Pentagon during event

 - 3

- not there 

- 1

= 12

- could not physically see Pentagon 

- 2

- Paik
- Plaisted

= 10

- stated that they did not see alleged impact 

- 2

- O'Brien
- Prather

= 8

- second hand testimony (not quoted once) 

- 2

- Pak
- Patterson (whose existence hasn't been verified)

= 6

- in area, could not see alleged impact area and/or inferred 
that was the case 

- 2

- O'Keefe
- Petitt

= 4 alleged impact witnesses

- Probst
- Perry
- Owens
- Peterson

Breakdown B:

11 of which are media sourced.

1 of which appeared in a medical journal.

1 of which is quoted in the ASCE Report.

- Probst

2 of which were interviewed by CIT.

- Prather
- Paik

1 of which was contacted by Rob Balsamo.

- O'Brien

2 of which are confirmed NOC witnesses.

- Prather
- Paik

2 of which are confirmed "over the Navy Annex" witnesses.

- Prather
- Paik

1 of which is a possible over the Navy Annex witness

- Perry

2 of which contradict the C130 RADES flightpath.

- O'Brien (C130 pilot)
- Prather

1 of which describes a right bank.

- Prather

1 of which described smelling "cordite"

- Perkal

1 of which questioned the alleged crash site

- Powell

“I was in awe that I saw no plane, nothing left from the plane."

5 of which it's claimed described ducking/diving/physical reaction to the blast:

"I involuntarily ducked as the wobbling plane thundered over my head....Still gripping the wheel, I could feel both the car and my heart jolt at the moment of impact." 

- Owens

"The car shook as the plane flew over"

- Peterson

"I dove towards the ground"

- Probst

"Books on my shelves started tumbling to the floor"

- Plaisted

"windows shook"

- Perry

2 of which would have had the aircraft in sight for less than half a second as it crossed the lawn at the official speed.

- Probst
- Owens

Breakdown D:

Of those who actually claimed to witness the aircraft with connections to military/media or government


- 2

- O'Keefe (Managing Editor American Lawyer Media)
- Owens (Gannett News Service)


- 2

- Probst (Military Contractor/Ex Army Lieutenant Colonel)
- O'Brien (USAF)


- 2

- Pak (Russian Munitions Agency Director)
- Perry (?)
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