Es ist merkwürdig, dass Jim Hoffman nur den Teil des Interviews mit Roberts zitiert, der seine Erklärung ("C-130 that flew over the area, diving and low enough to scare people on the ground into thinking it was a second attack")stützt.
In dem Teil, dern Hoffman weglässt, sagt Roberts, dass die MAschine Turbinen gehabt habe und ein Passagierflugzeug gewesen sei.
ab 3:17
Es befand sich tatsächlich eine C130 in der Nähe, die aber zum Zeitpunkt des Crashs zu weit entfernt war, um sich nur wenige Sekunden nach dem "Crash" über dem Südparkplatz zu fliegen. Der Pilot der C-130 sagt selbst:
"I distinctly remember having a difficult time keeping the AA flight in sight after we turned back to the east to follow it per a request from Wash. Departure Control.
When I saw the initial explosion I was not able to see exactly where or what it had impacted, but remember trying to approximate a position to give to ATC.
It was as he was leaving the Pentagon that the world Roseborough knew changed forever. "I got out into the parking lot, just walking along, and all of a sudden, I hear what I would describe as a 'lion's roar' above my head," Roseborough said.
Dewitt Roseborough befand sich auch auf dem Südparkplatz und erzählt das Gleiche wie Roberts:
"It caught my attention, and as I looked up, I heard another roar and I saw this airplane flying low. I thought, 'Oh, my God, this thing is really low.' "I thought it was going to crash onto the highway," recalled Roseborough.