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Aw: JFK Assassination 22 Oct 2009 17:26 #383

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Secret Service Agents who believed there was a conspiracy

02 Mar 1998
Vincent M. Palamara


The following agents believed that there was a conspiracy involved in JFK's death (I use past tense only because most of them are now deceased):

1) Samuel A. Kinney- Sam told me this three times (he also stated that he found the notion of conspiracy "plausible" to the HSCA, based off the recently-released contact reports available thru the ARRB/ Archives). He thought Oswald was the lone shooter, although he stated emphatically that there were no missed shots (!)- he spoke to Connally about this and THE GOVERNOR AGREED WITH SAM! Sam also told me that the "right rear" of JFK's head was missing[he later recovered THE piece of the president's head on the C-130], and that his windshield (of the follow-up car) and left arm were splattered with blood and brain matter. Finally, whether hyperbole or not, Sam said "He had no brains left". Sam passed away 7/21/97 while vacationing in Iowa. His wife Hazel told me she regretted that Sam is now forever unable to tell more...;

2) Roy H. Kellerman- According to his widow June, Roy "accepted that there was a conspiracy"- this was based on June overhearing Roy's telephone conversation with someone from the HSCA in approx. 1977 or 1978. As we all know, Roy stated to the WC that "there has to be more than three shots, gentleman" and that a "flurry of shells" came into the car. Like Bill Greer, Roy is often added to the list of those witnesses who reported that the right rear of JFK's head was blasted. The above information was reported to author Anthony Summers for the Dec. 1994 "VANITY FAIR", p. 88 [uncredited]; you'll also find it in my book. Finally, Kellerman's daughter told Harold Weisberg in the 1970's that "I hope the day will come when these men [Kellerman and Greer*]will be able to say what they've told their families";

3) Abraham W. Bolden, Sr,- Abe is a firm believer in a conspiracy AND in Secret Service negligence. Also, Abe is adamant that there was a plot to kill JFK in Chicago in early November, 1963. I spoke to Bolden twice and corresponded at length with him between 1993 and the present. Bolden is currently working on his own book with his wife:);

4) Maurice G. Martineau- Abe's boss in the Chicago office, Martineau was equally adamant to me that a conspiracy took the life of President Kennedy. He also told me he finds the work of the HSCA much more valid than that of the WC. However, when it comes to info. on the Chicago plot, Martineau is afraid to give me details to this day...;

5) John Norris- a member of the uniformed division of the Secret Service, Norris is a fervent believer in a conspiracy, although one gets the impression this is more based on his beliefs than actual knowledge, but I could be mistaken. Still, his views and beliefs are important for obvious reasons;

6) *Bill Greer- despite many suspicions I have about Greer's conduct on 11/22-11/23/63, he is a "default" addition to this list. In addition to Kellerman's daughter's comments mentioned above, he is also among those witnesses who, at least indirectly, gave testimony that the right rear of JFK's head was missing. Also, to the HSCA, he had much misgivings about the "Single Bullet Theory". Still, this could just be guilty conscience- he expressed much guilt to Jackie Kennedy concerning his awful performance on Elm Street (which he would later deny to the FBI and the WC; even Greer's son Richard was adamant to me that his father had absolutely no survivor's guilt, despite these documented, very early guilt feelings. Even Dave Powers and Ken O'Donnell document Greer's early remorse ["Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye'; see also Powers interview by Charles Kuralt, 11/22/88 on video];

Also, Paul E. Landis, Jr., an agent in the follow-up car who, like agent Hill, was assigned to Jackie, stated twice that shots came from the front [18H755; 18H759];

In addition, agent Thomas "Lem" Johns, who rode in the V.P. follow-up car, told the HSCA that "the first two [shots] sounded like they were on the side of me towards the grassy knoll" [RIF 180-10074-10079]; Finally, SAIC of the Dallas office, Forrest V. Sorrels, riding in the lead car, believed the shots came from the front [Mark Lane's "Rush to Judgement" film- interview with Orville Nix, a good friend of Sorrels' who worked in the Dallas office as a maintenance worker]. I spoke very briefly to Sorrels on two occasions in 1992, a year before he died- he would not clarify anything...

Col. George J. McNally was the first commanding officer of the White
House Army Signal Agency, and its successor, the White House
Communications Agency (WHCA) from 1941 until his retirement in 1965.
Before that, McNally was an agent of the United States Secret Service
(1935-1941). McNally was in the midst of finishing a book when he died
of a heart attack on 8/11/70 (he is interred in Arlington National

The name of McNally's book, not released until 1982 (with the help of
his widow and the 1600 Communications Assoc.), is "A Million Miles of

Among countless other trips (Truman-Johnson), McNally was on the Texas
trip, working closely with Chief Warrant Officer Arthur W. Bales, Jr.
and Ira Gearhart, a.k.a. The Bagman (these two men rode near the end of
the motorcade in the White House Signal Corps car). For his part,
McNally stayed behind at the Love Field terminal to have lunch and to
check on the upcoming Austin part of the trip to see if the
communication lines were working. [McNally was interviewed 4 times for
Manchester's "The Death of a President" and appears on one page of
Bishop's "The Day Kennedy Was Shot." In addition, McNally's name appears
several times during agent Robert Bouck's JFK Library Oral History, as
McNally played a critical role in the White House taping system.
Finally, McNally was one of the original members of founder Floyd
Boring's Association of Former Secret Service Agents in 1969].

There is much of value in McNally's book, for a variety of reasons. For
one thing, an agent DID die in late 1963...but BEFORE the Texas trip.

from page 211:

"One of the President's drivers, Tom Shipman, died suddenly"

In the chronology of McNally's narrative, after discussing the death of
baby Patrick (Aug. 1963) and the 10-state "Conservation Tour"
(9/24/63-10/63), this would seem to indicate a time period of around
Sept. 1963 for Shipman's death (McNally also mentions the death of
Administrative Officer Frank Sanderson when , who died in May 1963 as
verified by an internet search at Ancestry.Com. Strangely, no death for
a "Tom" or "Thomas" Shipman is listed for 1963.).

However, SA Tom Shipman was ON the "Conservation Tour", as Office -of-
the- Naval- Aide records for this trip (obtained by Bill Adams) reveal.
In fact, Shipman rode on Helicopter #2 from the South Lawn of the White
House on the way to Andrews Air Force Base on 9/24/63 with Ken
O'Donnell, SA Gerald Blaine, SA Paul Burns, and SA William Greer
(Previously, Shipman had been on at least one other trip, JFK's 3/23/63
trip to Chicago, IL, driving the follow-up car [RIF#154-10003-10012].).

If that wasn't enough, it appears that there were two new additions to
the regular White House Garage (chauffeur) detail in Oct./ Nov. 1963, in
addition to veterans SA Samuel A. Kinney, SA George W. Hickey, SA
William R. Greer, Special Officer (SO/ Uniformed Division)William C.
Davis, WH Policeman James M. Carter, and SAIC Morgan L. Gies: SA Henry
J. Rybka (attending Treasury School from 11/1/63 to 11/8/63 ) and SA
Andrew M. Hutch (who doesn't join the detail until 11/18/63) [Secret
Service Shift Reports for November 1963, inc. 11/1/ 63:RIF#
1541000110180; 11//2/63: RIF#1541000110173;11/3/63: RIF#1541000110167;
11/4/63: RIF# 1541000110160; 11/5/63: RIF# 1541000110153; 11/6/63: RIF#
1541000110146; 11/7/63: RIF# 1541000110139; 11/8/63: RIF#1541000110132;
11/18/63: RIF#1541000110062; 11/22/63: RIF# 1541000110034].

>From the record, then, it appears Shipman died suddenly sometime between
October 3 and 11/1/63. it would be nice to have the travel logs for this
time period, but the Secret Service destroyed them in January 1995:

>From Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board, p. 149:

"However, in January 1995, the Secret Service destroyed presidential
protection survey reports for some of
President Kennedy's trips in the fall of 1963. The Review Board
learned of the destruction approximately one
week after the Secret Service destroyed them, when the Board was
drafting its request for additional information.
The Board believed that the Secret Service files on the President's
travel in the weeks preceding his murder would
be relevant.

The Review Board requested the Secret Service to explain the
circumstances surrounding the destruction, after
passage of the JFK Act. The Secret Service formally explained the
circumstances of this destruction in
correspondence and an oral briefing to the Review Board."

WHY the destruction? HOW did Shipman die suddenly? WHERE is Shipman's
death certificate?

SA Tom Shipman died in late 1963, before the Texas trip.

So far, that's all we know.

Vince Palamara
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Aw: JFK Assassination 22 Oct 2009 22:10 #386

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Aw: JFK Assassination 22 Oct 2009 22:21 #387

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Confession of Howard Hunt

Confession of Howard Hunt

Legendary CIA spy and convicted Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt.Before his death in January 2007, CIA master spy and convicted Watergate conspirator Howard Hunt confessed to being peripherally involved in the assassination of President Kennedy, and named several other participants.

In notes and conversations with his son Saint John, and in an audiotape he created in 2004 to be played after his death, Hunt described being invited into the "big event" at a Miami safehouse in 1963. Others named in the plot:

Frank Sturgis, an anti-Castro paramilitary closely associated with Hunt. Sturgis was one of the Watergate burglars.
David Morales, Chief of Operations at the CIA's JMWAVE station in Miami. Morales himself told a few close associates of his involvement.
David Phillips, CIA propaganda specialist and later Chief of Western Hemisphere Division. Phillips was assigned to Mexico City during the mysterious trip of Lee Harvey Oswald, or someone using his name, to that city in the fall of 1963.
Antonio Veciana, Cuban exile leader of Alpha 66. Veciana told the HSCA that a "Maurice Bishop," thought by many to be Phillips, pointed out Lee Harvey Oswald to him.
William Harvey, a CIA officer who ran the ZR/RIFLE "executive action" program. Harvey fell out of favor with the Kennedys when he sent sabotage teams into Cuba during the 1962 Missile Crisis.
Cord Meyer, a high-level CIA officer whose ex-wife Mary Meyer was having an affair with JFK.
French Gunman Grassy Knoll. Hunt's chart included an unnamed French hit man on the infamous grassy knoll.
Lyndon Johnson, Vice-President.
Hunt says he declined active participation but did have a "benchwarmer" role in the plot. In the tape excerpt made available so far, Hunt made no claims which would prove his allegations. However, the people he names have all been suspects in the assassination for some time, and many of them worked closely together in anti-Castro operations.

In the "smoking gun" tape which helped drive him from office, President Richard Nixon said this of Hunt: "You open that scab there's a hell of a lot of things..." He then instructed Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman to take a message to CIA Director Richard Helms, asking Helms to intervene in the FBI's early Watergate investigation because "the President believes that it is going to open the whole Bay of Pigs thing up again." In his book The Ends of Power, Haldeman described Helms' reaction: "Turmoil in the room. Helms gripping the arms of his chair leaning forward and shouting, 'The Bay of Pigs had nothing to do with this. I have no concern about the Bay of Pigs'." Haldeman came to believe that the "Bay of Pigs" referred to the Kennedy assassination.

Some will accept Hunt's confession as the truth. For others, Hunt's naming of LBJ at the top of the plot will be seen as a bit of "spin" to present the assassination as a "rogue operation," deflecting attention from higher-level sponsors within the government. For that matter, Hunt was not necessarily in a position to know the ultimate authors of the conspiracy.

For others, the confession will be dismissed, seen as a parting gift to a ne'er-do-well son or perhaps a "last laugh" on America.

Still, it is striking how this confession from such a famous person is not considered newsworthy by the New York Times, Washington Post, or other major news deciders. "Someone would have talked," goes the old refrain. This presumes that there is someone listening.

Hunt´s confessio video:
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Aw: JFK Assassination 22 Oct 2009 22:35 #388

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George Herbert Walker Bush, CIA ,Cuba and JFK:

George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin

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Aw: JFK Assassination 24 Oct 2009 01:10 #391

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Intersting discussion with additional information on George H. W. bush´s connections to people related to JFK murder:
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Aw: JFK Assassination 19 Nov 2009 02:38 #407

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The Medical Cover Up

interview with Douglas Horne,

On Douglas Horne:

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The Mary Ferrell Foundation Announces the Release of My Book

November 15th, 22:01 Tonight the Mary Ferrell Foundation announced, on its Main Page, the impending release of my book, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government's Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK.

The five volumes will be sold individually at a price of $ 25.00 each on, and at a discount of $100.00 overall, by the Mary Ferrell Foundation (which amounts to getting one volume for free, if you order the entire set from the MFF).

The book is about the U.S. government's coverup of the JFK medical evidence in 1963, and the failure of the Warren Commission and HSCA to expose the medical coverup. It also tackles the ongoing debate about the Zapruder film's authenticity head-on, and discusses, in depth, the context of the assassination: the Cold War between America, and the Soviet Union and its proxy states---and the profound distortion that conflict had upon domestic politics in the United States. The domestic conspiracy responsible for JFK's death had its roots in the profound dissatisfaction of the national security establishment with JFK's Cold War foreign policy.

For the latest revelations about Lyndon Baines Johnson and his motivation to participate in the plot, see my journal entry dated November 11th.

Douglas Horne
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RFK Was Working with LIFE magazine to "Take Down" LBJ in November of 1963

November 11th, 9:07
A former editor of LIFE magazine has just provided explosive information, in November of 2009, that indicates the Attorney General of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy, was working with LIFE in November of 1963 to bring down Vice President Lyndon Johnson and ruin his political career, so that his brother, President Kennedy, could replace LBJ as his running mate in 1964. I include this information in my blog because it confirms a central thesis of my book, which is that LBJ willingly participated in a large domestic conspiracy to assassinate JFK in order to avoid his own political ruin. I do not view LBJ as the mastermind of any assassination plot, but I do view him as a crucial "enabler," whose cooperation was essential to both covering up the assassination, and to enacting the policy changes desired by the assassination cabal within the national security establishment.

Earlier this month, James Wagenvoord (who in 1963 was the 27 year old Editorial business manager and an assistant to LIFE magazine's Executive Editor) contacted John Simkin, who runs the website Education Forum, with the following revelation. According to Wagenvoord, "Beginning in late summer 1963 the magazine, based upon information fed from Bobby Kennedy and the Justice Department, had been developing a major newsbreak piece concerning Johnson and Bobby Baker. On publication Johnson would have been finished and off the '64 ticket (reason the material was fed to us) and would probably have been facing prison time. At the time LIFE magazine was arguably the most important general news source in the U.S. The top management of Time, Inc. was closely allied with the USA's various intelligence agencies and we were the Kennedy Justice Department as a conduit to the public...The LBJ/Baker piece was in the final editing stages and was scheduled to break in the issue of the magazine due out the week of November 24 (the magazine would have made it to the newsstands on Nov. 26th or 27th). It had been prepared in relative secrecy by a small special editorial team. On Kennedy's death research files and all numbered copies of the nearly print-ready draft were gathered up by my boss (he had been the top editor on the team) and shredded. The issue that was to expose LBJ instead featured the Zapruder film. Based upon our success in syndicating the Zapruder film I became Chief of Time/LIFE editorial services and remained in that job until 1968." [emphasis added by me]

John Simkin of the Education Forum shared this information with author Sterling Seagrove. Seagrove (who was on the Washington Post staff for four years) wrote: "It was Phil Graham [publisher of the newspaper] who persuaded JFK to ensure his victory in the election by taking LBJ as his running mate, although JFK detested LBJ as one of the most corrupt men in D.C." Seagrove explained that the newspaper "was getting a steady feed of White House leaks that enabled Larry [Stern] to do a long series of exposes on the corporations LBJ was so intimately tied to (Ling-Temko-Vought, and many others). It was my understanding that JFK hoped these astounding revelations would ultimately force LBJ to resign the vice-presidency in disgrace."

My analysis:

First, we now have an insider from LIFE who confirms the longstanding rumors that the top management of Time, Inc. [read: C.D. Jackson and Henry Luce] were closely linked to the U.S. intelligence establishment, and did their bidding from time to time. Public opinion is all too often molded and generated by the major media organs in the United States, and this proves that point.

Second, the fact that the President's brother, RFK (in his role as Attorney General), was engineering the public destruction of LBJ, provided LBJ with a strong motive to participate in an assassination plot hatched by others. [Seagrove informed Simkin that this was a poorly kept secret and that he is sure LBJ knew what was going on.]

Third, the proposed timing of the revelations (the week after JFK's Dallas trip) indicates to me how well the Kennedys were managing the news---arranging for the release of the expose on Lyndon Johnson only AFTER THE NOVEMBER 1963 TEXAS TRIP WAS OVER.

Fourth, as documented in my forthcoming book (in Chapter 14), it is clear that LIFE purchased the motion picture rights to the Zapruder film on Monday, November 25th, 1963 so that the film could be suppressed as a motion picture. After paying an additional $100,000.00 for the film on Monday (beyond the $50,000.00 for print rights that they had paid the previous Saturday), Time, Inc. never once permitted the public use of the film as a motion picture, for profit, thus confirming that the real intent of Time, Inc. in repurchasing it was suppression.

Fifth, no doubt C.D. Jackson (LIFE's publisher, and a CIA asset) and Henry B. Luce (editorial head of the Time, Inc. empire, and an avowed enemy of JFK) were involved in BOTH the decision not to run the LBJ expose after the assassination, AND to repurchase the Zapruder film for purposes of its suppression as a motion picture. Unfortunately, it seems that the Kennedy brothers' desire to delay publishing the LBJ expose until after the Texas trip was unwise, for it allowed the timing of the assassination to precede the publication of the article, thus ensuring that it would never see the light of day. So it now seems that LIFE not only suppressed the Zapruder film as a motion picture, but also prevented the ruin of LBJ by literally shredding its expose of the new President, immediately after JFK's assassination.

Sixth, it seems likely to me that because of Henry B. Luce's hatred of JFK and his policies, he (or C.D. Jackson) likely tipped off LBJ about the impending expose. Luce was undoubtedly playing both sides of the fence, with the Kennedy brothers the losers. The true story of the deep politics in America in 1963 is not an uplifting one, but we need to face it head on, if we are to understand our real history, and regain our self respect as as a people.

Seventh: Phil Graham's opinion that it was his suggestion that caused JFK to place LBJ on the ticket in1960 is erroneous, and evidence of "the illusion of centrality" exhibited by most participants in historical events. JFK's secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, made clear in a filmed interview in 1993 (aired on Frontline, in "The Secret File on J.Edgar Hoover") that it was really blackmail, using Hoover's secret documentation on Senator Kennedy's womanizing, that put LBJ on the ticket. Furthermore, the myth that JFK needed LBJ on the ticket to win the South, and would not have won without him on the ticket, was discredited long ago; JFK carried part of the South in spite of LBJ, who barely carried his own state of Texas in the 1960 election.

Eighth, and Finally: LBJ's knowledge that RFK was actively seeking his public ruin, via LIFE magazine, helps to better explain the great animus between the two men after LBJ assumed the Presidency.

So let us ask the obvious rhetorical question: why didn't we hear about this during the 1960s? The answer was provided to us hundreds of years ago.

Englishman John Harrison once said: "Treason doth never prosper. What's the reason? If it does, none dare call it treason."

Chapters 15 and 16 of my book, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, detail the corruption of Lyndon Johnson and his likely participation in the JFK assassination plot as an "enabler" necessary to its success. JFK's death was clearly a consensus decision by the national security establishment, and its operational details were conceived and carried out by individuals within the CIA, but LBJ's cooperation was essential, and this new information, courageously provided by Mr. Wagenvoord and by Mr. Seagrove, provides us with additional information on LBJ's motivation to participate in such a plot. He did it to save his own political skin, and to avoid disgrace and a jail sentence, as I explain in my book. Now we know how very, very close Lyndon Baines Johnson came to utter ruin (and the jail sentence predicted by his own grandmother). The government would not have hesitated to indict a broken LBJ, once he had been disgraced and resigned from office as Vice President. And the planned expose in LIFE---the week after the Dallas trip---would have ensured LBJ's disgrace and political ruin. Now we know how very, very close LBJ came to utter destruction in late 1963. (Article by Doug Horne) END

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"Inside the ARRB," a book 13 years in the making, should be available for sale in December of 2009.

November 8th, 21:34 My name is Douglas Horne. I worked on the staff of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) from August of 1995 through September of 1998, during the last three years of that temporary Federal agency's four year lifespan. I was hired as a Senior Analyst on the Military Records Team, and was promoted to the position of Chief Analyst for Military Records about halfway into my tour of duty there.

The ARRB was created by the JFK Records Act of 1992, which itself was a Congressional response to the controversy stirred up by Oliver Stone's 1991 film, JFK.

The JFK Act charged Federal agencies and Congress with conducting a search for any and all records related to the assassination of President Kennedy, and directed them to deposit all records (that could be opened in full) in a new collection at the National Archives, the JFK Records Collection. (That collection is located at Archives II, at College Park, Maryland.) The first open (i.e., fully declassified) records were deposited in the Archives in 1993 by the agencies which created them, before the ARRB even existed.

The JFK Act created an independent Federal Agency, the ARRB, to review and pass judgment upon those records which Federal agencies and the Congress did NOT want to release in full. It was the job of the ARRB to review the redactions in those records, and determine whether the proposed redactions would be allowed to stand, or not. The JFK Act mandated a presumption of the fullest possible disclosure for these assassination records, and the ARRB and its staff worked diligently for four years to ensure the records that they reviewed were opened to the maximum extent possible under the law. While Congress did not task or empower the ARRB to conduct a new investigation into the assassination, or to reach conclusions about the event, it did expect the Review Board and its staff to ensure that the records reviewed were declassified as much as possible, and then deposited in the National Archives, so that the American people could review them and reach their own independent conclusions about the assassination. The ARRB reviewed approximately 60,000 records which Federal agencies wished to withhold in full, or in part. Today there are over five million pages of records in NARA's JFK Records Collection.

The ARRB was comprised of five (5) VIP Board Members (who worked part time), and a full time staff of about 20-25 persons. The ARRB commenced operations in October of 1994, and ceased operations at the end of September, 1998. (The ARRB was granted a one-year extension which stretched its three year mandate into a four year lifespan.)

In addition to working on the search for, and declassification of, military assassination records, I was privileged to be one of two individuals (along with our General Counsel, Jeremy Gunn) who conducted an extensive series of in-depth depositions and interviews of persons who either treated President Kennedy at Parkland hospital in Dallas, or who participated in his autopsy at Bethesda Naval hospital more than six hours after his death in Texas.

It is my conclusion today, after more than 13 years of research and writing, that the reason the evidence in the JFK assassination "does not come together" like the evidence in a normal homicide case, is because there is massive fraud in the evidence. Planetary Astronomer Carl Sagan once said: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Fair enough; Inside the ARRB documents, in meticulous fashion, the widespread destruction of medical evidence and the insertion of fraudulent and tainted evidence into the official record. My book, a five-volume work titled: Inside the Assassination Records Review Board: The U.S. Government's Final Attempt to Reconcile the Conflicting Medical Evidence in the Assassination of JFK, has just been completed (in November of 2009), and will be for sale soon on Readers will be able to purchase one volume at a time if they so wish. Each volume will be published in an 8 x 10 inch format.

It is written for a literate audience interested in detail, an audience that will have the patience to study the full range of medical evidence, and carefully consider the many conflicts in this evidence, and what they likely tell us about the assassination of President Kennedy and the ensuing coverup. I am convinced that President Kennedy was killed by a large domestic conspiracy involving key players in the national security establishment, a conspiracy that crossed agency lines. It is clear to me that a veto was cast on JFK's life by this cabal because they despised (and feared) President Kennedy's foreign policy, and were convinced he was losing the Cold War. Unwilling to tolerate the irreversible changes that he would have instituted in World affairs in his second term, and all too aware of his near-certain reelection in 1964, the establishment decided to fire the President before he could commence a second term as President and bring the Cold War to an end. By 1963, JFK wanted to end the Cold War---not win it---and this was unacceptable to the military-intelligence complex in this country.

It is apparent to me that the massive coverup of the facts surrounding his death began immediately after his assassination, at Bethesda Naval hospital, outside Washington, D.C. My book details the size and scope of the medical coverup, and also investigates the controversy surrounding the famous Zapruder film of the assassination. It concludes with a comprehensive overview of the context in which JFK's assassination must be understood---the foreign policy milieu of the Cold War with the Soviet Union, and its proxy states.

A photograph taken of me at the ARRB in 1998 is included in this journal.
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